St. Fagans Community Council
Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Monday 11th May 2015
at 7.15pm in the St. Fagans Village Hall
Present: Councillors B. Critcher (Chairman)
J. Griffiths, J. Hughes, T. Pallier,
M. Parry & C. Price.
In Attendance: County Councillor G. Thomas
Police PCSO L. Smith & PCSO M. Jordan
Clerk D. Barnard
Apologies: Councillors S. Chedzoy & F. Lewis
286.05.01 – Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 13th April 2015
Members approved the Minutes and the Chairman signed them accordingly.
286.05.02 – Matters arising from the Minutes
Minute No. 284.04.08 d) – Plaque at railway crossing. The Clerk reported that he had spoken to Mrs Johansson and David Jakeway of Network Rail. Network Rail are prepared to fund a discreet stone vase with an inscription to be sited on the Council’s land, and have asked Mrs Johansson to look for something suitable. Members expressed satisfaction with this outcome.
Minute No. 284.04.04 c) – Village Association financial report. The Chairman reported, in response to the question raised about the loan repayments, that he had been advised by Laura Jones that they had been shown as an adjustment on the balance sheet. Noted.
Minute No. 284.04.13 c) – The Chairman reported that he had spoken to Taylor Weed Control and a local gardener regarding the treatment of weeds on the Council’s land and advised Members of the options. Members agreed that the existing arrangement was not dealing with the weed growth satisfactorily. Concern was also expressed about Japanese knotweed growing on the river bank. Members agreed to make the matter of weed control an Agenda Item for the next meeting and asked the Clerk to contact the Rivers Authority to request that they eradicate the Japanese knotweed.
Minute No. 284.04.13 a) – Cllr. Pallier reported that he had spoken to Peggy Jackson who had advised that the Church is currently looking at two projects and would submit a request for a financial contribution in due course.
286.05.03 – Police Reports & Neighbourhood Watch
PCSO Smith advised that there had only been one reported crime – a daytime burglary at a property in Crofft-y-Genau Road, about which there had been no outcome.
PCSO Smith advised that a property marking event has been arranged for Wednesday 13th May in the Village Hall from 2 – 4pm. She had informed Cllr. Lewis but wasn’t sure the extent to which it had been advertised. Members suggested that if another similar event is arranged, it could be advertised in the next Council newsletter. PCSO Smith agreed to advise the Clerk accordingly.
PCSO Jordan reported on the actions taken in relation to off-road bikes. He had spoken to Cooke & Arkwright about gaps in the trees on Michaelston Road and a barrier had been installed. The police had carried out an operation over three days last month and over the next six weeks two more operations are planned. Prevention measures are being discussed with landowners and Cardiff Council is pursuing the noise pollution issue. The Clerk had received an invitation to attend a meeting with the Council, the police and landowners on 19th May. The Chairman and Cllr. Griffiths agreed to attend. Members expressed concern that the woods next to St Fagans Drive are being ignored. Cllr. Griffiths referred to one specific incident and expressed concern that someone will do something silly that might result in injuries being sustained. Cllr. Parry concurred, adding that the patience of St Fagans’ residents is wearing thin. County Cllr. Thomas asked if the police could provide information regarding the number of complaints.
Members referred to the proposal that both police inspectors be invited to a meeting of the Council. PCSO Smith advised that there had been another change of inspector at the Fairwater station.
The Chairman referred to the Neighbourhood Watch scheme. Members advised that the Watch at Parc Rhydlafar was still believed to be operational, but the one in the Village had lapsed. The situation at Westfield Park was uncertain.
No other police-related matters were raised. The Chairman thanked both officers for their attendance, at which point they left the meeting.
At the request of County Cllr. Thomas the order of the Agenda was changed to discuss Item 5a) – Cardiff LDP.
286.05.04 – Planning: Cardiff LDP
County Cllr. Thomas reported that Cardiff Council had fully responded to all the Action Points raised at the Hearing Sessions. The Examiner is putting together a MAC Report (Matters Arising & Changes). The exact timetable is not known at this stage but there will be a six week consultation. He expressed the view that it is a very important stage, adding that the final report is expected in August. Cllr. Hughes advised that there could be another consultation on Transportation.
No other matters relating to the LDP were raised and County Cllr. Thomas left the meeting.
286.05.05 – Village Association – Proposed alterations to the Village Hall
The Chairman reported that he had contacted Building Control in relation to the proposed works. His latest estimate of the total costs is between £15,000 and £17,000. The plan is to go ahead with the works in August.
The Clerk had circulated a draft consent form from Cooke & Arkwright. Some concern was expressed that the consent implied that no works, other than replacing the wall with folding doors, could be undertaken. It was agreed that the Clerk should ask Chris Hyde to meet with Members at the Hall to explain in full what is planned.
286.05.06 – Planning
b) Redrow / Plasdwr proposals
The Clerk advised that there has been no further news on this application.
c) Museum Development Plans
Members reported on the meeting with the Museum and the contractor on 12th May. It was considered that Keir are doing a reasonable job. The main discussion had been the issues associated with visitors parking in the Village car park that is causing problems for both the Plymouth Arms and the Old Post House Restaurant. The impression gained was that the Museum was not that interested. It was agreed that the Clerk should ask Chris Hyde about the legal position in relation to the use of the car park.
Members had also emphasised the problem of coaches using Michaelston Road, but the Museum had said that there is no realistic way of controlling them. Members had suggested putting up clear signs and issuing drivers with a leaflet advising on the correct exit. The Clerk was asked to contact Bethan Lewis to endorse Members’ suggestion that all coaches (except service buses) be advised to exit via the A4232.
d) Planning Application at Clos-Y-Cwarra
Cllr. Hughes reported that he had no further news on this application.
e) Other Planning Applications
The Clerk advised that no further communication had been received in relation to the proposed broadband cabinet.
The Clerk gave details of the following planning applications:
15/00709/MNR – 8, St Fagans Drive: new porch / lobby to front & new chimney breast to side. No comments.
15/00732/MJR – 3, St Fagans Drive: single-storey rear extension. No comments.
15/00874/DCH – Ger Y Coed, Michaelston Road: Two-storey extension to side and rear, and front porch extension. No comments.
15/00909/MNR & 15/00910/MNR – Museum Development: Variation of conditions & discharge of conditions.
286.05.07 – Environmental Matters
a) Highways / Lighting / Traffic Concerns
Cllr. Price gave details of a hole that had appeared in the footpath near the cricket club that he considered was potentially dangerous. Cllr. Hughes reported that the manhole covers opposite No. 8 Clos-y-Cwarra were still loose. The Clerk confirmed that he had reported both of these problems to Cardiff Council.
b) Street Cleansing / Litter
It was understood that Cllr. Lewis was intending to arrange a litter pick around the Village in the near future.
c) Village Walkabout
Cllr. Price confirmed that he had typed the report but not yet circulated it. Most of the issues are ongoing.
d) Other environmental issues
Cllr. Griffiths referred to the Sol Horometer that he was still holding in storage. Cllr. Price advised that he was waiting to have the patio area of his premises redesigned before reinstating the instrument.
286.05.08 – Wales National History Museum / St Fagans Castle
The Clerk had circulated advance details of an ‘All Together Now’ Campaign event to be held at the Museum on 9th October.
No other matters were raised.
286.05.09 – One Voice Wales
Cllr. Hughes advised that he had been away for the latest meeting of the South Wales Area Committee and also for the joint meeting with the Vale of Glamorgan, but he would be checking the minutes of both meetings in due course.
286.05.10 – Charter with Cardiff Council
Cllr. Hughes reported that the Charter is now with Marie Rosenthal, the Council’s Monitoring Officer. She will be taking a report to Cabinet, the aim being to give her authority to agree the Charter with the community councils. It has been made clear that the Charter should have nothing to do with the Neighbourhood Partnerships. It has become obvious that what the County Council can offer will be fairly limited given the austerity measures.
286.05.11 – Correspondence and other communications
The Clerk reported on the following:
Cardiff West Neighbourhood Partnership – Weekly updates.
14/04/15 – Tidal Lagoon Cardiff – Offering to send a representative to talk to the Council about this proposal. Members expressed interest and asked the Clerk to accept the offer and arrange it 30 minutes before a future meeting of the Council.
21/04/15 – Ombudsman – Revised Guidance on the Code of Conduct. The Clerk had circulated by email the guidance for the attention of Members.
23/04/15 - OVW / WG – Local Govt. Democracy Act 2013 – Sections that come into force in May 2015. The Clerk reported that the Council is now required to have certain information available on its website. Most of this, such as details of how to contact the Council, dates and times of Meetings, Minutes, etc. are already shown, but some other information is now required. Examples include whether Council Members are elected or co-opted, whether any Members stand as an affiliated member of a political party, and declarations of financial interests. The Clerk would be arranging to add this information to the website as soon as possible.
27/04/2015 - WG – Consultation on taxes in Wales. The Clerk had circulated details of the proposals for Stamp Duty and Landfill Tax. No comments were made about the Stamp Duty proposals but Cllr. Griffiths had commented in detail about the proposals for Landfill Tax in Wales. Members concurred with Cllr. Griffiths’ comments and agreed that the Clerk should respond on that basis.
06/05/2015 – OVW/WG: Community Asset Transfer. Setting out details of what Councils should know before, during and after it successfully acquires ownership of land or a building offered for rent or sale by a public body.
286.05.12 – Finance
a) Requests for Financial Assistance
The Clerk advised that no requests had been received.
b) Monthly Report / Payment Approvals / Investment
The Clerk had circulated the monthly finance report (as annexed hereto), which was approved by the Council. The Clerk advised that the following items were now due for payment:
Cllr. T. Pallier Chairman’s allowance 300.00
SLCC Enterprises Seminar fee (J. Hughes) 82.80
Broker Network Ltd. Council insurances 876.68
Members approved these payments and cheques were signed accordingly.
c) Final accounts for 2014/15, Governance Statement and Annual Return.
The Clerk had circulated the Receipts & Payments Account for 2014/15. He confirmed that the accounts had been audited by the internal auditor, were an accurate record of the transactions for the year and had signed them accordingly. Members formally approved the accounts and Cllr. Pallier, as Chairman for that year, duly signed them.
The Clerk had circulated the Annual Governance Statement regarding the system of internal control. Members confirmed that the Council had complied with the eight measures referred to in the Statement and the Clerk and Chairman signed the Annual Return accordingly.
d) Report of the internal auditor.
The Clerk advised that although the audit had been completed, he had only just collected the papers and would circulate the auditor’s report for the next meeting.
e) Statistics
The schedule of Members’ attendance and web site statistics was noted. Members discussed the continued absence of Cllr. Pugh and the possible resignation of Cllr. Lewis. The Clerk explained the process for filling vacancies. Members accepted the reasons for Cllr. Pugh’s continued absence and agreed to informally sound out expressions of interest from persons who might be interested in joining the Council, should vacancies arise.
The Clerk pointed out that both Cllr. Pugh and Cllr. Lewis are both signatories to the Council’s bank account. It was agreed to consider this issue at the next meeting.
286.05.13 – Other Business
i) The Clerk had circulated a draft newsletter to residents, the main topic being the problems with off-road bikes. A few changes were suggested and agreed and the Clerk was asked to redraft the newsletter accordingly. It was agreed that the Chairman would arrange for the newsletters to be printed.