Application Form
Infrastructure Resources Coordinator
The first two pages will not be used as part of the short-listing process
Please feel free to re-create this form on your word processor, making sure that you provide the same information requested and in similar sized spaces.
Postcode Email
Tel home:May we call you on this no? Yes No
Mobile:May we call you on this no? Yes No
Tel work:May we call you on this no? Yes No
Please provide the details of two referees who can comment on your suitability for the post. One should be your current or most recent employer if you have one. If you have not been previously employed give the name of a responsible person who knows you well but is not a relative. References will only be taken up after interview and with your knowledge.
Please say in what capacity you know this person and for how long
Please say in what capacity you know this person and for how long
Data Protection Act:
As part of the recruitment procedure we may collect and store sensitive data about you. We are required by law to obtain your consent to such data being recorded. It is our policy to store data relating to recruitment procedures for 12 months for unsuccessful candidates and during the life of employment plus one additional year for successful candidates after the date on which it is submitted, for internal auditing purposes. Any information of this nature will be treated confidentially.
Sensitive data is defined as information relating to any of the following – racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious belief, trade union membership, health, sexuality or sex life, offences and/or convictions. For the purposes of the Act the Data Controller is Voluntary Action Wakefield District
I declare that the information given on this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and acknowledge that by signing this form I give my consent to sensitive personal information being recorded and stored.
Please provide details of your education from high/secondary school
starting with the most recent:
Please continue on an additional sheet if required.
Training and professional development:
Please provide details of training you have undertaken starting with the most recent:
Details of training provider / Dates / Details of training undertakenPlease continue on an additional sheet if required
Employment Experience:
Please provide details of your employment experience starting with the most recent.
Datesfrom / to / Name of organisation / Post held and brief description of responsibilities / Reason for leaving
Please continue on an additional sheet if required
Length of notice or date you could start:
Community and voluntary work experience:
Please tell us about any voluntary work experience you have gained, or about your involvement in community and voluntary groups, which is not given on previous pages.
DatesFrom / to / Name of organisation / Details of your work / activities / responsibilities
Your relevant skills, experiences, knowledge and personal attributes in relation to the Person Specification:
Use this space to demonstrate how you meet the requirements of the person specification (Use up to 2 more additional sheets if necessary)
Please do not staple to your application form.
Voluntary Action Wakefield District endeavours to be an Equal Opportunities Employer. The following information is requested in line with this policy. It will not be used for selection purposes.
1. Ethnic Origin
I would describe my ethnic origin as:White:
Any other White background (please specify)
Black or Black British:
Any other Black background (please specify)
Asian or Asian British:
Any other Asian background (please specify)
Mixed Heritage:
White and Black Caribbean White and Black African White and Asian
Any other Mixed background (please specify)
Other ethnic background (please specify)
Prefer not to say
2. Do you consider yourself to have a disability?
Yes No Prefer not to say
3. Do you have any caring responsibilities?
YesNo Prefer not to say
4. Are you:
MaleFemale Prefer not to say
5. Do you consider yourself to be a gay man, lesbian, transgender or bisexual?
YesNo Prefer not to say
Please state where you saw this post advertised:
If you have any comments, suggestions or ideas that you feel would improve our written recruitment materials or process please let us know on the back of this form. Thank you.