Water Resources Planning and Management
in Pennsylvania
Friday, October 21, 2005
Iacocca Hall
Mountain Top Campus
Lehigh University
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Hosted by
The Pennsylvania State Section
American Water Resources Association
Conference Purpose --The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is currently embarked on an ambitious project – updating its State Water Plan. This activity is mandated by Act 220, the Water Resources Planning Act, enacted in 2002. Ongoing work is led by Pennsylvania’s Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), and involves stakeholders that participate in six regional committees. This year’s conference will focus on both ongoing and forthcoming efforts under Act 220. Presenters will discuss not only plans and activities of the DEP, but also those of partner agencies and other stakeholders. Topics of discussion will include the planning process adopted, and major projects underway to gather water use data, forecast water demand, and assess available water resources at various scales and level of detail.
Who Should Attend?
- Water Resource Professionals
- Engineers & Consultants
- Faculty, Researchers & Students
- Natural Resource Managers & Planners
- Representatives of Water Users
- Environmental & Conservation Organizations
- Watershed Groups & Concerned Citizens
Conference Registration Information
To register for the Conference, please complete the attached registration form, include a check, money order, or completed voucher for $55.00 (includes coffee and refreshment breaks, lunch, as well as membership in the PA-AWRA for 2006) made payable to PA-AWRA, and mail to:
Attn: Dale Glatfelter - PA-AWRA
Gannett Fleming, Inc.
PO Box 67100
Harrisburg, PA17106-7100
To register via email, send the necessary information to , and bring payment to the conference. The student registration fee is $25.
Conference Registrations are due by
October 14. Late and walk-in registration is $60.00.
8:00 AMRegistration
8:45 AMWelcome and Theme Development, Jan Phillips, President,PA-AWRA
9:00 AMKEYNOTE ADDRESS: “Act 220 – The Water Resources Planning Act”
John Hines,Executive Director, Water Planning Office
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PaDEP)
9:45 AMData Requirements for the State Water Plan
Susan Weaver, Special Projects Manager, Water Planning Office, PaDEP
10:15 AMRefreshment Break
10:30 AMUSGS Water Availability Screening Tool
Marla Stuckey, Hydrologist,U.S. Geological Survey
11:00 AMSix Ways to Develop a State Water Plan: Act 220 Regional Planning Effort
Leslie Sarvis,Special Projects Coordinator, Water Planning office,PaDEP
11:30 AMEnvironmental Indicators: Evaluating the Conditions of
Water Resources in the Commonwealth
Lori Mohr, Special Projects Coordinator, Water Planning office,PaDEP
12:00 PMPA-AWRA Annual Business Meeting
12:15 PMLunch
1:15 PMWater Use Projections for Act 220
Ken Najjar, Head,Planning and Implementation Branch,
Delaware River Basin Commission
1:45 PMGround-Water Availability
Ron Sloto, Hydrologist, U.S. Geological Survey
2:15 PMLinking to Local Planning Efforts
Janet Bowers, Executive Director, Chester County Water Resources Authority
2:45 PMDefining Environmental Flow Requirements
Andy Warner, Senior AdvisorFor Water Management, The Nature Conservancy
3:15 PMClosing Comments, Hernán Quinodoz, Vice President,PA-AWRA
3:30 PMAdjourn