WHS ANP Meeting
June 12, 20137:30pm WHS Cafeteria
In attendance:
Renee Fluhler, Suzannah Coelho, Dawn Postiglione, Christine Barillaro, Liz Geraghy, Corrinne Knack, Meg Warren, Aggie Milani, Patti Spaulding.
Greetings and introductions
Old Business:
- Last meeting, we discussed what an ANP is. Reviewed info.for those who were new to the group tonight.
- Date for next year’s party. ** Dawn P. added via FB that Graduation is June 26, 2014.
- Alternate locations- for now plan for party at WHS until further info is collected.
- Alternate locations discussion and vote- tabled until further information is gathered.
Cost of ANP- Discussion:
- $100 is about as low as we can go. $140 is the current rate, but we would like to have more graduates participate and do more fundraising to get the price down.
- Prizes at end of the party discussed- rather than a few getting big prizes, everyone getting a smaller gift; ie., Visa Gift Card
- Prizes from 2 years ago- $5000 in Visa cards, TV’s, Ipads, Ipods, etc.
- $140 is too much for some.
- $120 was discussed and proposed.
- Payment plan option- 3 payments possible, other classes ANP plans (2015)
- Money can be collected as of now, but no fundraising until after July 1.
- Kids don’t tend to register until late- May and June. Incentive for those who register early/on time- less cost. This helps in planning.
- Possible deadine: March 1. Absolute deadline: June 1?
Vote: Cost of 2014 All Night Party to Attendees $120. Passed.
- $120 settled. All agreed on this price. Late fee as of March 1, $20 more.
- Installments are an option x3 Sept. 1, Nov. 1, Feb. 1
- 200 kids have been to the last two years’ parties. We can most likely count on this many, but would like more to attend.
- Checks should be sent to DawnPostiglione at home: 20 Woodcock Mtn Rd. Washingtonville, NY 10992
- Most need a chairperson.
- Several people signed up for committees and volunteered to seek information from outside sources. More help is needed. Try to talk with friends and get others involved.
- Renee: List had to be submitted for fundraising plans- waiting on approval.
- Coin drop cans- in businesses around town. Can go in stores July 1. Can we get the cans used from this year? Will collect from them every 2 weeks and sign over $$ to Dawn P. for deposit.
Ideas for Fundraising Events:
- Rockland Boulders Baseball or Renegades Baseball- we make a profit from every ticket sold. Communication will be necessary over summer to parents to make this successful.
- Sam’s Club Burger Burn- Coin drop, sell hot dogs and burgers- Sam’s supplies the food free of cost, we keep the profits. No cost to us. Renee can get a date.
- Lunch at Ramblers Rest on the first day of school. We would get a portion of the proceeds.
- Golf Outing in May- Christine B- will be added bonus $ because it happens late and can’t be counted on as income.
- Drive for your School- A car dealership brings a fleet of cars to a location that we provide. We advertise a free test drive,the company will donate $20 for every test drive.
- Buffalo Wild Wings, Applebees- dining out night. We get a percentage of every guest check (only guests from our organization- usually people that we give a flyer to- friends, family, etc) during the specified time frame. Pancake breakfasts must be booked too far in advance- unlikely that we could get a date at this time.
- Poinsettias at Christmas- sell for profit. Some risk if we buy more than we can sell, unless we do preorder. Aggie M. will look into how Cornwall manages this fundraiser.
- Longerberger or Basket Bingo- win themed baskets full of stuff.
- Basket Bonanza- penny social/basket raffle (no bingo involved). People buy tickets and drop them into the baskets that they would like to win. Winners determined by drawing tickets from the baskets.
- Mr. WHS- usually happens in May, so too late to count on for funding but money raised can be used for gifts/goodie bags.
- Zumba night- instructors donate their time, people pay to participate. Renee has contacts that would be willing to donate instruction time to make this event possible.
- Bake sale- Renee will look into an available date.
- Donna Cella- ideas
- Ladies Night out- vendors bring in products, we advertise event (entrance fee?) we get a portion of proceeds (?) Craft fair, garage sale- sell tables
- Square dance, talent show
- Patti Spalding- ideas
- Barnes and Noble giftwrap
- Discount cards- to local businesses around town. (Meg W.? will investigate)
- Fashion Show- companies supply the clothes, we supply runway/location, music, MC. Students model clothing from tuxedo and dress shops. Make it like a real show with cameras,cheese and crackers. Makeup, hair? Do it before prom. Price for admission. Patti will investigate.
- Stop and Shop will make large donations. Price Chopper, Hannafords- Renee will check.
- Basket Bonanza - ANP made big profit with this fundraiser.
- Keep thinking of more ideas- Renee and I will collect and inform the group.
- Patti will make posters with tear off to hang around school and advertise the party- get kids thinking about it.
Theme Ideas
- Under the Sea
- Candyland (negative response by students at another school)
- Circus
- Hollywood
- Vegas/Casino
- Jungle
- Cruise Ship
- Winter wonderland
- Any Excuse for a Party- They providedifferent activities to do at the party. We can customize the activities/pick from a list.
- K-104 coming in for music/DJ
Communication/Letter for Parents:
- Info. About meeting days and times- once per month, will switch off the meetings to different days of the week to hopefully involve more parents.
- June 2014- all assisting will need to meet weekly
- Spread the word-email contacts, FB
- Mail Monkey for email- more private
For the Good of the Order:
- Sat. 22 of June is the 2013 party
- Guests- most feel that it shouldn’t be an issue, there are only a few each year and they are generally not a problem. They pay to come, don’t get prizes.
- Food- Does Dept. of Health need to be involved?
Meeting Adjourned 8:54pm