
Standards of Learning

Grade Four

The fourth-grade student will communicate orally in large- and

small-group settings. Students will read classics and contemporary

literature by a variety of authors. A significant percentage of

reading material will relate to the study of math, science, and

history and social science. The student will use text organizers,

summarize information, and draw conclusions to demonstrate reading

comprehension. Reading, writing, and reporting skills support an

increased emphasis on content-area learning and on utilizing the

resources of the media center, especially to locate and read

primary sources of information (speeches and other historical

documents) related to the study of Virginia. Students will plan,

write, revise, and edit narratives and explanations. The student

will routinely use information resources and word references while


Oral Language

4.1 The student will use effective oral communication skills in a

variety of settings.

* Present accurate directions to individuals and small


* Contribute to group discussions.

* Seek the ideas and opinions of others.

* Begin to use evidence to support opinions.

4.2 The student will make and listen to oral presentations and


* Use subject-related information and vocabulary.

* Listen to and record information.

* Organize information for clarity.


4.3 The student will read and learn the meanings of unfamiliar


* Use knowledge of word origins; synonyms, antonyms, and

homonyms; and multiple meanings of words.

* Use word-reference materials including the glossary,

dictionary, and thesaurus.

4.4 The student will read fiction and nonfiction, including

biographies and historical fiction.

* Explain the author's purpose.

* Describe how the choice of language, setting, and

information contributes to the author's purpose.

* Compare the use of fact and fantasy in historical fiction

with other forms of literature.

* Explain how knowledge of the lives and experiences of

individuals in history can relate to individuals who have

similar goals or face similar challenges.

4.5 The student will demonstrate comprehension of a variety of

literary forms.

* Use text organizers such as type, headings, and graphics

to predict and categorize information.

* Formulate questions that might be answered in the


* Make inferences using information from texts.

* Paraphrase content of selection, identifying important

ideas and providing details for each important idea.

* Describe relationship between content and previously

learned concepts or skills.

* Write about what is read.

4.6 The student will read a variety of poetry.

* Describe the rhyme scheme (approximate, end, and


* Identify the sensory words used and their effect on the


* Write rhymed, unrhymed, and patterned poetry.


4.7 The student will write effective narratives and explanations.

* Focus on one aspect of a topic.

* Develop a plan for writing.

* Organize writing to convey a central idea.

* Write several related paragraphs on the same topic.

* Utilize elements of style, including word choice, tone,

voice, and sentence variation.

* Edit final copies for grammar, capitalization,

punctuation, and spelling.

* Use available technology.

4.8 The student will edit final copies of writings.

* Use subject-verb agreement.

* Avoid double negatives.

* Use pronoun "I" correctly in compound subjects.

* Use commas in series, dates, and addresses.


4.9 The student will use information resources to research a


* Construct questions about a topic.

* Collect information, using the resources of the media


* Evaluate and synthesize information for use in writing.

* Use available technology.