International Studies Alumni Survey
Q1 Welcome to the Kenyon International Studies Alumni survey. We appreciate your willingness to participate. This 15 minute survey is designed to understand the impact of the Kenyon International Studies program and identify its successes and areas for improvement.Your participation is completely voluntary, and there are no penalties if you decide not to participate or if you choose to skip any questions. All of your responses are strictly confidential. At no time will your responses be publicly linked with your name or any other identifying information. If you have any questions regarding this survey or the Classics department, please contact professor Stephen Volzat . If you have any questions regarding the survey results or your participation in this survey, please contact Erika Farfan, Director of Institutional Research, 740-427-5571, .
Q2 In what year did you start your education at Kenyon?
Q3 In what year did you graduate from Kenyon?
Q4 Which of the following best describes your current primary activity? (Choose one).
Employed, full-time, part-time or in multiple jobs (1)
Attending graduate or professional school, full- or part-time (2)
Public or international/national service (e.g. Peace Corp, Teach for America, MATCH Corps) (3)
Actively looking for employment (4)
Starting a business/self-employed (5)
Traveling (6)
Attending undergraduate school, full- or part-time (7)
Staying at home to be with or start a family (8)
Serving in the armed forces (9)
Retired (10)
Something else not listed here (11) ______
Q5 What is the name of the primary organization with which you're currently employed?(name of company, business, or other employer)
Q6 What is your current job title or position at this employer?
Q7 What other degrees are you currently pursuing, have started, or completed since leaving Kenyon College? (check all that apply)
Do not plan to pursue (1) / Degree received (2) / Currently enrolled or working towards (3) / Degree you hope to attain in the future (4)B.A./B.S. (other than your Kenyon degree) (1) / / / /
Master's degree (2) / / / /
A medical degree (3) / / / /
A law degree (4) / / / /
Doctoral degree (5) / / / /
Other (6) / / / /
Answer If What other degrees are you currently pursuing, have start... - Currently enrolled or working towards Is Selected
Q8 At what school(s) are you working toward the degree(s) you listed?
Answer If What other degrees are you currently pursuing, have start... - Degree received Is Selected
Q9 At what school(s) did you receive the degree(s) you listed?
Q10 Please tell us about any other education programs you have attended including the field, school, and enrollment dates.
Q11 How much did your International Studies education contribute to your development of the following skills?
Not at all (1) / Somewhat (2) / Very Much (3)Oral communication (1) / / /
Written communication (2) / / /
Analysis and interpretation of data (3) / / /
Analysis and interpretation of visual images and media (4) / / /
Critical reading (5) / / /
Critical thinking (6) / / /
Creative thinking (7) / / /
Integration of ideas (8) / / /
Integration of diverse perspectives (9) / / /
Research skills (10) / / /
Problem solving (11) / / /
Ethical reasoning (12) / / /
Collaboration (13) / / /
Q12 How useful have the following skills been in your career since Kenyon?
Not at all useful (1) / Somewhat useful (2) / Useful (3) / Very Useful (4)Oral communication (1) / / / /
Written communication (2) / / / /
Analysis and interpretation of data (3) / / / /
Analysis and interpretation of visual images and media (4) / / / /
Critical reading (5) / / / /
Critical thinking (6) / / / /
Creative thinking (7) / / / /
Integration of ideas (8) / / / /
Intergration of diverse perspectives (9) / / / /
Research skills (10) / / / /
Problem solving (11) / / / /
Ethical reasoning (12) / / / /
Collaboration (13) / / / /
Q13 What skill(s) do you wish you had learned or acquired from the International Studies program?
Q14 To what extent has your understanding of international affairs been useful to you in the following activities?
Very little (1) / Somewhat (2) / Moderately (3) / Significantly (4) / Not applicable (5)Graduate or professional school (1) / / / / /
Current career (2) / / / / /
Interpersonal relationships and family living (3) / / / / /
Responsibilities of post-graduate life (4) / / / / /
Continued learning on my own or outside of a new degree (5) / / / / /
Answer If In what year did you start your education at Kenyon? 1997 Is Selected Or In what year did you start your education at Kenyon? 1998 Is Selected Or In what year did you start your education at Kenyon? 1999 Is Selected Or In what year did you start your education at Kenyon? 2000 Is Selected Or In what year did you start your education at Kenyon? 2001 Is Selected Or In what year did you start your education at Kenyon? 2002 Is Selected Or In what year did you start your education at Kenyon? 2003 Is Selected Or In what year did you start your education at Kenyon? 2004 Is Selected Or In what year did you start your education at Kenyon? 2005 Is Selected Or In what year did you start your education at Kenyon? 2006 Is Selected Or In what year did you start your education at Kenyon? 2007 Is Selected
Q15 In what discipline did you focus for your International Studies major?
Answer If In what year did you start your education at Kenyon? 2008 Is Selected Or In what year did you start your education at Kenyon? 2009 Is Selected Or In what year did you start your education at Kenyon? 2010 Is Selected Or In what year did you start your education at Kenyon? 2011 Is Selected Or In what year did you start your education at Kenyon? 2012 Is Selected
Q16 In what thematic track did you focus for your International Studies major?
Q17 In what geographic or cultural region did you focus for your International Studies major?
Sub-Saharan Africa (1)
The Middle East and North Africa (2)
The Islamic World (3)
Latin America and the Caribbean (4)
East Asia (5)
South Asia (6)
Central Asia (7)
Eastern Europe (8)
Western Europe (9)
Q18 What study abroad program did you participate in for your International Studies major?
Q19 How useful do you think the study abroad experience was in your overall International Studies experience?
Not useful at all (1)
Somewhat useful (2)
Moderately useful (3)
Highly useful (4)
Invaluable (5)
Q20 Please comment on the role of the study abroad experience in your International Studies major.
Q21 What initially drew you to the International Studies program?
Q22 What were the most beneficial or most memorable aspects of your experience with the International Studies program at Kenyon?
Q23 Based on your memories of Kenyon College and your experiences after graduation, what changes might you recommend making to the International Studies program?
Q24 How happy or unhappy are you with your decision to studyInternational Studies?
Very happy (1)
Happy (2)
Somewhat Happy (3)
Somewhat Unhappy (4)
Unhappy (5)
Very Unhappy (6)
Q25 In general, how effective was Kenyon at preparing you for graduate school?
Very Ineffective (1)
Ineffective (2)
Neither Effective nor Ineffective (3)
Effective (4)
Very Effective (5)
Not applicable (6)
Q26 In general, how effective was yourInternational Studieseducation at preparing you for graduate school?
Very Ineffective (1)
Ineffective (2)
Neither Effective nor Ineffective (3)
Effective (4)
Very Effective (5)
Not applicable (6)
Q27 In general, how effective was Kenyon at preparing you for employment?
Very Ineffective (1)
Ineffective (2)
Neither Effective nor Ineffective (3)
Effective (4)
Very Effective (5)
Not applicable (6)
Q28 In general, how effective was your International Studies education at preparing you for employment?
Very Ineffective (1)
Ineffective (2)
Neither Effective nor Ineffective (3)
Effective (4)
Very Effective (5)
Not applicable (6)
Answer If Which of the following best describes your current primar... Employed, full-time, part-time or in multiple jobs Is Selected Or Which of the following best describes your current primar... Public or international/national service (e.g. Peace Corp, Teach for America, MATCH Corps) Is Selected Or Which of the following best describes your current primar... Starting a business/self-employed Is Selected Or Which of the following best describes your current primar... Attending undergraduate school, full- or part-time Is Selected Or Which of the following best describes your current primar... Serving in the armed forces Is Selected
Q29 Please indicate whether each of the following descriptions applies to your current job. (Check all that apply)
It uses important skills I gained as an undergraduate. (1)
It is related to my desired career path. (2)
It is work I find meaningful. (3)
It allows me to continue to grow and learn. (4)
It pays enough to support my desired lifestyle. (5)
It pays health insurance. (6)
It is likely to continue until I wish to leave. (7)
Overall, is a satisfying job. (8)
I am not currently employed. (9)
Q30 Please use this space to elaborate on any of your responses on this survey or on any aspect of your undergraduate experience.
Q31 This is the final page of the survey. By submitting this page you are submitting your responses to this survey.