Curriculum Map Year 1 2017-18

Year 1 / Term 1 / Term 2 / Term 3 / Term 4 / Term 5 / Term 6
Dino Dig / The Dark / A Toy’s Story / Home Sweet Home / Let’s go on Safari / Oh I do like to be beside the Seaside
School Trips / Archaeological Dig / Brighton Toy Museum / Local walk / Beach / RNLI
Quality Texts / Dinosaurs and all that Rubbish – Michael Foreman
The Lonely Beast – Chris Judge / A Dark Dark Tale – Ruth Brown
The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark – Jill Tomlinson
The Dark - Lemony Snicket / Traction Man is here – Mini Grey
Naughty Bus – Jan Oke / The Three Little Pigs
Handa’s Surprise – Eileen Browne / Meerkat Mail – Emily Gravett
Where the Wild Things are – Maurice Sendak / The Rainbow Fish – Marcus Pfister
The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch – Ronda/David Armitage
Commotion in the Ocean (poetry) – Giles Andreae
Maths / Maths Mastery Programme
(Sciencebug) / Changing Seasons
Weather and day length across the four seasons. / Types of Animals
Identify and name a variety of common animals including fish amphibians etc. / Identifying Materials
Distinguish between an object and materials from which it is made. Identify and name common materials and classify. / Comparing Materials
Describe physical properties of everyday materials.
. / Plants
Common wild and garden plants and trees. The basic structure of flowering plants, including trees / Parts of Animals
Identify and draw parts of the human body and common animals and say which part is associated with the sense.
Geography / The Four Seasons (Planbee)
Seasonal and daily weather patterns in the UK. / Local area study -Where do I live?
(Linked to the history of Hastings Old Town)
Use basic geographical vocabulary to refer to local and familiar features / Let’s go on Safari (Planbee)
Comparing an contrastingUK to a non-European country
Name and locate the four countries an capital cities of the UK using atlas and globes
Use the four compass directions and simple vocabulary
History / Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot
Lives of Significant historical figures including those from different periods
Key events – Gunpowder Plot / Toys past and present
Changes within living memory / Significant local people – linked to geography topic / Seaside holidays in the past
Changes within Living Memory – comparing seaside holidays past and present
Computing / Computer Science Instructions 1
Simple instructions to set and follow simple routes or series of events.
Links to Year 1 maths curriculum / Digital Literacy
Digital Literacy
Technology in our lives.
What dowe use the internet for? How to find information, technology in our homes, how do we use technology to communicate? / Information Technology- Handling Data
Collect and present, data simple pictograms and graphs. / Computer Science Instructions 2
Solving problems using programmable toys. / Information Technology- Presenting Ideas
Using text, images, sound, video, animation, music-throughout year / Information Technology- modelling
Exploring real and imaginary situations.
Art / Earth Art
Use drawing, painting and sculpture / Patterns – African art
Use a range of materials
Develop techniques of colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space / Sculpture – Andy Golsworthy (beach)
Use drawing, painting and sculpture
Learn about a range of artists, craftsmen and designers
DT / Homes for Birds (Planbee)
Use a range of tools and materials to complete practical tasks
Evaluate existing products and own ideas
Build and improve structure and mechanisms / Creating Paper Toys
Scissor skills
Use a range of tools and materials to complete practical tasks
Generate, model and communicate ideas / Playgrounds
Design purposeful, functional and appealing products
Use a range of tools and materials to complete practical tasks
Evaluate existing products and own ideas
Music / Pulse and Rhythm
Counting beats, maintaining pulse, exploring rhythm. / Singing
Singing songs, speaking chants and rhymes and simple action songs.
Linked to Christmas Concert / Pitch
Developing pitch awareness in voices, tuned and un-tuned instruments. / Using ICT
Record and playback sounds and music.
Use icons to create sounds. / Composing
Exploring sounds, simple picture notation, sound effects.
RE / Our wonderful world
(Planbee) / Why do Christians give gifts at Christmas?
(Planbee) / Special books
(Planbee) / What did jesus teach us?
(Planbee) / What do Hindus celebrate?
(Planbee) / What do muslims celebrate?
PSHE / Transition
feelings and emotions / Healthy Lifestyles / Growing and Changing
Keeping Safe / Growing and Changing / Relationships / Living in the Wider World
PE / Team games / Gymnastics / Dance / Gymnastics / Games / Team games
Athletics (running jumping throwing catching)