Teaching Learning Committee
November 28, 2016
To: Distribution
From: Bonnie Jaros, Chair, Teaching Learning Committee
Mission: The mission of the Rancho Santiago Community College District is to provide quality educational programs and services that address the needs of our diverse students and communities.
The mission of Santa Ana College is to be a leader and partner in meeting the intellectual, cultural, technological and workforce development needs of our diverse community. Santa Ana College provides access and equity in a dynamic learning environment that prepares students for transfer, careers and lifelong intellectual pursuits in a global community.
Vision Themes of Santa Ana College:I.Student Achievement; II. Use of Technology; III. Innovation; IV. Community; V. Workforce Development; VI. Emerging American Community
Institutional Learning Outcomes: Communication Skills; Thinking and Reasoning; Information Management; Diversity; Civic Responsibility; Life Skills; Careers
Members Present: Becky Ettinger, Suzanne Freeman, Mary Huebsch, Bonnie Jaros, Jorge Lopez, Melanie Mowrer, Carrie Patton, Irene Soriano, George Sweeney
- Public Comments—There were no public comments.
- Approval of Minutes of November 14, 2016—The minutes of November 14, 2016 were approved as written.
- Program Review Update
- Quadrennial Reports (calendar)—The following reports have been received (Reports will take place between March 6 and April 24, 2017. A Signup Genius will be sent to the chairs to select presentation dates; the schedulewill subsequently be sent to TLC members.):
Manufacturing Technology:
Learning Center:
Occupational Therapy Assistant
Political Science:
Bonnie has called the chairs of the following departments to request their reports by the end of the week: Anthropology/Sociology/Women’s Studies; Chemistry; Kinesiology (Intercollegiate Athletics); Computer Science; Occupational Therapy Assistant (received—see above). In addition, a “SignUp Genius schedule” has been sent to the chairs for the spring presentations. (Schedule as of 12-07-16: March 6, 2017, 1:15—Learning Center; March 6, 2017, 1:45—OTA; March 6, 2017, 2:15—Music; March 20, 2017, 1:15—Counseling; April 3, 1:15--Kinesiology)
- Four-Year Data Trend Chart Presentation—Jorge demonstrated how he combines data from prior years in each Annual Report in a chart so that the Quadrennial Report Capstone has all data from all four years in one place. Equity data and overall student success data are some of the elements selected.
- Accreditation Oversight Committee Update—The AOC will meet December 9, 2016. The projected completion for the draft and review by committees and constituency groups is the end of March 2017.(Please see
a.College: Mission Statement Review (Please see November 14, 2016 Minutes)—Bonnie will share the input from the participatory governance committees with Dr. Rose next week in preparation for a Mission Statement Retreat to take place early spring. This will then be juxtaposed to the development of the EMP.
- Educational Master Plan Update—There will be a meeting on December 8, 2016 to discuss the Integrated Planning Design Manual.
- Research and Equity Update—George reported that the research department tools have been utilized quite a bit. The research and Equity Office is now looking at student persistence rates and investigating the issue of “unproductive units.” The more guided a student is, the more chance there is that the student will reach transfer/degree/certificate attainment. Pathways and ADTs are important avenues. George also reported that the transfer tool is being worked on.
- Professional Development Update— Mary reported:
a.The Automated Flex Tool will be piloted by the Business Division spring 2017.
b.The Flex schedule is almost completed.
c.She is working with administration to form a Professional Development Committee with one representative from each division.
Melanie reported that she and Susan Gaer presented “Best Practices for Developing College Readiness” at CATESOL in San Diego. Congratulations! Please see the attachment!!
- Book-of-the-Year:Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates—Melanie reported that she and Kathy Walczak are in the process of transcribing the panel discussion. When this is completed, it will be placed on the H Drive.
- Other—The December 12, 2016 is cancelled. The next meeting will be February 21, 2017 at 1:00pm in A-112. Please note this is a Tuesday, and we will meet in A-101.
Fall 2016—9/19; 10/3; 10/17; 10/ 31(cancelled);11/14;11/28; 12/12 (cancelled)
Spring 2017—2/21; 3/7; 3/20; 4/3; 4/24; 5/8; 5/22
Teaching Learning Committee
February 21, 2017; 1:00-3:00pm; A-112
To: Distribution
From: Bonnie Jaros, Chair, Teaching Learning Committee
Mission: The mission of the Rancho Santiago Community College District is to provide quality educational programs and services that address the needs of our diverse students and communities.
The mission of Santa Ana College is to be a leader and partner in meeting the intellectual, cultural, technological and workforce development needs of our diverse community. Santa Ana College provides access and equity in a dynamic learning environment that prepares students for transfer, careers and lifelong intellectual pursuits in a global community.
Vision Themes of Santa Ana College:I.Student Achievement; II. Use of Technology; III. Innovation; IV. Community; V. Workforce Development; VI. Emerging American Community
Institutional Learning Outcomes: Communication Skills; Thinking and Reasoning; Information Management; Diversity; Civic Responsibility; Life Skills; Careers
- Public Comments
- Approval of Minutes of November 28, 2016
- Program Review Update
- Quadrennial Reports
- Accreditation Oversight Committee Update (Please see
- College: Mission Statement Review
- Educational Master Plan Update
- Research News
- Equity Update—George
- New Program Review Dashboard— Janice Love & Yan Ma
- Professional Development Update (Mary)
- Book-of-the-Year:Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates (Yolanda)
- Other
Becky Ettinger
Suzanne Freeman
Susan Gaer
Yolanda Garcia
Sue Garnett
Glen Harding
Mary Huebsch
Shelly Jaffray
Jarek Janio
Bonnie Jaros
Eve Kikawa
Cherylee Kushida
Jorge Lopez
Yan Ma
Jane Mathis
Melanie Mowrer
Carrie Patton
Kris Ross
Irene Soriano
Brian Sos
George Sweeney / cc:
Susan Beers
Micki Bryant
Dennis Gilmour
Gina Giroux
Madeline Grant
Bart Hoffman
Elliott Jones
Jim Kennedy
Carlos Lopez
Janice Love
Sara Lundquist
Monica Porter
Nga Pham
Michelle Priest
Julia Vercelli
bnj/11-29-16//rev 01-31-17