Respite Information and Development in the East
Strategic Operational Plan
July 2012 – June 2013
Mission and Vision:
Our VisionA fair go for all people with disabilities
Our Mission
To actively support people with disabilities, their families and carers, in all their diversity, to live the life they choose / Our Values
We leave no stone unturned to ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed in achieving the outcomes they desire.
We are knowledgeable, agile and innovative, thriving on partnerships to create positive change
We speak up, face challenges, act with integrity and create possibilities.
The RIDE program exists:
¨ To continuously develop and maintain knowledge regarding respite for people with a disability ages 6-64 within the Eastern Metropolitan Region (EMR).
¨ Provide accurate and relevant information to people with a disability, carers, service providers and the wider community about funded and community based respite options.
¨ To take a lead role in the development of partnerships with and between regional service providers, funding bodies and local communities.
¨ To enhance collaboration across the respite sector.
¨ To identify trends within service delivery - advise the development of innovative respite initiatives that operate within person centered and individualized funding guidelines.
Summary of 2011:
The RIDE program under went a number of changes and developments throughout 2011.
The program continues to be based at 2/587 Canterbury Road Surrey Hills.
The program sits within the Information, Planning and Case Management Eastern team (IP&C). IP&C teams are operational within all of our funded regions.
The Eastern IP&C team comprises of the following programs:
Respite Service Coordination (RSC)
Support for Older Carers (SOC)
Facilitation of - Individualised Support Packages (ISPs)
Service operates from Monday – Friday and follows the usual business hours of 9am – 5pm.
The 2011 structure of the IP&C program:
After several recruitment drives it became evident that the skills required to successfully fulfill the roles of the Project officer and the Intake and Information officer positions were unavailable in the existing market. Agency staff were utilised during this period. A specific focus was to engage members who specialize in IT and systems work from December 2010 through to August 2011. Focus was centered on analytic data, web management, the Eastern Respite Resource Guide 2011 and maintaining a presence at the network meetings.
With successful recruitment to permanent positions the RIDE program is now staffed by:
Project Officer: Tasha Hunt - has over 15 years of experience working within the disability sector. Having worked in the UK over the last 10 years, she brings a breath of experience from project management, research skills and international knowledge across a broad range of issues within the disability sector.
Intake and Information Officer: Linda Gibson having worked within the IP&C since April 2011 has established a good understanding of Yooralla. Linda was permanently employed as the Intake and Information officer at the end of September 2011. Linda brings with her a wealth of knowledge from various backgrounds including, Events and People Management, Human Resources, Accountancy and Psychology. Linda has strong project management and analytical skills, networking and sharing of best practice ideals.
Key Achievements for 2011:
· The Disability Expo 2011: Held at Brandon Park on the 15th September was a huge success this year, with positive feedback received from a wide range of stakeholders. A major goal achieved was a 100% increase in attendance from carers, service providers and a significant increase in participants with a disability. (click on link below to view document)
· EMR Respite Resource guide 2011 publication: A working group with membership from a selection of professionals across the sector was involved in the updating and re-launch of the respite resource guide 2011. Print dated: July 2011 Available in hard copy and downloadable version. (click on link below to view document)
· Project Work: Two projects that have been tabled over the last few years -both areas have been raised as important issues within network groups and have generated a lot of discussion over an extensive period of time:
The FBR Transport project: The Project Officer has developed and completed the project brief with research focusing service providers for under 18’s initially. A survey has been distributed with results expected at the end of January 2012. Feedback received from the surveys will dictate the future development of the project.
The Medication project: The Intake and Information officer has re-established a relationship with the Medication working party. Some significant developments have occurred over the last 18 month and RIDE will be supporting the group to write up the project brief and outcome report. This project originally commenced in June 2010 and has grown and altered – this will be detailed in the project report.
· Hosting of:
EMR RESPITE Network: Quarterly meetings were held during the year at the Maroondah Federation Estate Ringwood. Meetings were well attended. An annual evaluation and feedback session occurred at the December meeting resulting in some positive feedback for future development from those present.
FACILITY BASED RESPITE working group: Quarterly meetings continued in 2011. Respite houses were utilised as meeting facilities – enabling members to better understand how other services operate. The primary focus is on networking and sharing – robust discussions have led to new project ideas being tabled for further work in 2012
Respite East Website: An agreement of collaboration was finalised across the statewide managers to improve access to information about respite for carers and people with a disability to meet AA standards. Utilization of Google analytics has enabled us to better understand our web users, their browsing habits and numbers.
· Membership and attendance at Network meetings across the region. The RIDE program continued to attend all relevant regional networks. These meetings provide opportunity for promotion, gather / impart information, research and development as well as opportunities for further partnership work across the region.
· Boroondara Disability Network
· Outer Eastern Community inclusion alliance: (OECIA)
· Leisure and Disability network (LAD)
· Monash Access and inclusion Network (MAIN)
· Aged and disability support Network (Manningham)
· EMR ABI Service Providers Network
· EMR Respite Network
· FBR Network
Summary of RIDE Functions
RIDE has a number of tasks that it undertakes as its core business across the year.
· Operation of the RIDE Information Line (1300 886 798), provides up to date information on:
-Respite services in the region
-Carer support services in the region
- Respite funding opportunities
-Services to assist carers to navigate the respite system
· Hosting of the Respite East website,
· Weekly updates of News and Events.
· Compliance with the DHS Respite On Line project.
· Compliance statewide AA guidelines.
· Updating of the EMR Respite Resource Guide (printed) every 18 months (minimum requirement) and an electronic (downloadable) version every 6 months.
· Hosting the annual Disability Respite Information Expo (previously :Carers Forum)
· RIDE Advisory Committee to ensure sector involvement in the ongoing direction of the RIDE Program.
· Regular presentations and education sessions to individuals, carers, community and other service providers in relation to respite.
· To foster an active role within the region to identify, explore and promote opportunities for capacity building.
· Attendance at all relevant Network meetings across the region.
· Coordination and facilitation of the EMR Respite Network meetings - quarterly.
· Coordination and facilitation of the Facility Based Respite Network meetings.
· Identify service gaps and implement opportunities for collaboration and partnership to address some of these gaps.
· Take a lead role in project work, research and development, in relation to respite within the EMR.
· Coordination of Special Projects (ref 1.2.5 DHS service agreement)
· Liase with key stakeholders as a means of maintaining accurate service provision data (ref 1.2.4 DHS service agreement)
· To show clear evidence of continuous consultation and feedback from a range of stakeholders across all areas of the program.
· Meet regularly with DHS to provide information on current respite trends, experiences (from individuals, supporters and service providers) and goals gathered from individuals, networks and during consultations within the region:
The 2011 staffing structure of the RIDE program:
Service Improvement/future planning
Short Term (annual)
Goal 1: Take a active role in project work, research and development within EMR RespiteStatement / Actions / Planning / Measures / Timelines / Person/s Responsible
RIDE will lead, participate and be active in at least 2 projects over a 12 month period. / Transport project:
RIDE is taking the lead role on this project and will work in partnership with key disability funded respite service providers to develop an understanding of the current transport needs and whether this is having an impact on individuals and their families / carers accessing FBR. / · Development of the under 18’s Transport surveys to be sent out to families and carers.
· Survey results to be gathered and an evaluation report to be written which will gain an understanding of how transport affects individuals accessing FBR.
· Based on the evaluation report outcome, a decision will be made about the future development of the overall Transport project.
· Information will be made available for people with a disability, families and carers and service providers at the EMR meetings and the Website. / · Complete a research report for the EMR Respite sector.
· Information to be published on website and made available at EMR meeting. / February 2012
Under 18’s survey evaluation report completed
March 2012
Evaluation report shared and discussed with the FBR Network group
May 2012
Ongoing research to be discussed and future dates set / Project Officer
Medication Project:
RIDE is actively participating and providing the key administrative support for the Standardised Medication Authority Forms project.
The purpose of this project is to bring in line a number of separate medication forms across several independent but like service agencies to deliver one medication authority form.
The benefit of this project is to relieve the burden on families to deliver to service agencies several different medication authority forms for the same purpose. / · To assist with the development of forms,
· To assist with the marketing and roll out of new forms across the 3 business partners of Yooralla, Scope and Villa Maria.
· To assist with the evaluation of how the forms have been received and adjust/ review forms if required.
· To assist in the project brief write up, creating a timeline using a gant chart of where the project began and the scope of work that has been undertaken to date.
· Complete a research report for the EMR Respite sector on the development of the One Medication Authority form for the one person across several service agencies. / · Project timeline completed.
· Medication research report completed. / Due to the growth of the project over the18 month period the scheduled end date for the project has been extended
The working party consisting of:
Villa Maria
Scope will set a new completion date.
Work dates to be confirmed by the working group. / Intake and Information Officer
1) We will provide service providers with relevant and current information on innovative service models and respite options that are occurring locally, statewide, nationally and internationally that may assist with shaping the future direction of respite options in the EMR. / Provide opportunities for sharing of best practice and innovative service models within the EMR, statewide, nationally and internationally. / · Continue to provide appropriate forums for sharing of information, to assist in the discussion, relationship and partnership building with service providers across the Eastern region,
· Cascade best practice information to FBR and EMR Respite Network meetings, website and education sessions where appropriate.
· Ensure we are providing accessible information to people with a disability, families and carers. / · Keep records of where the information has been presented and gain feedback where practicable / Dec 2012 / Project Officer
Intake and Information Officer
Goal 2: Networking and Collaboration
Statement / Actions / Planning / Measures / Timelines / Person/s Responsible
1) We will increase participation of people with disabilities and carers across all areas of our program delivery. / Disability Expo
For the Disability Expo to be recognised as the lead annual event on respite services in the eastern region.
For the expo to be progressive and inclusive with an increase of participation from carers and people with a disability
To specifically target individuals who have not attended the expo before. / · To increase the marketing of the expo and advertise in a diverse range of venues e.g. local newspapers, schools, community houses, carer groups, Health providers and Day services across the eastern region.
· Generate income with the aim of becoming a cost neutral event by introducing sponsorship and increasing registration fee for providers.
· Undertaking formal feedback sessions for families and carer for the initiation of self directed planning and development of the expo. / · Maintain accurate Expo registration and attendance record.
· To capture new participant information within the registration data.
· Document marketing strategies.
· Refer to consultation schedule 2012.
· Based on census statistics we will produce expo marketing information in the top 4 CALD languages. / Sep 2012 / Project Officer and Intake and Information Officer
Carer information sessions
Facilitate and coordinate 2 information sessions in eastern region for carers. / · Schedule 2 meetings throughout the year specifically with the focus for people with a disability and carers to attend. / · 30 people with a disability and families /carers to attend.
· To partner with 2 other Service providers.
· Write a report regarding session feedback to use as a base for future planning. / December 2012 / Project Officer
2) RIDE will maintain ongoing attendance and representation at the Network meetings across the Eastern Region, welcoming opportunity for partnership work, relationship building and obtaining information about respite services and initiatives. / RIDE will be represented at the following network meetings across the region throughout the year: