5thAnnualMiami Dade County Council for the Social Studies

John Doyle Student of the Year Award

MDCSS is proud to present our 5thannualscholarship/award competition.


This scholarship is open to all Miami Dade County Public School Seniors


Students applying must:

  1. Have taken at least four years of social studies courses and must have nothing lower than a “B” in those courses
  2. Have at least a 3.0 overall GPA (unweighted)
  3. Have been active in either a social studies organization at their school (Examples: Social Studies Honors Society, Amnesty International, Student Government)and/or social studies Competitions (Examples: History Bee, African American History Brain Bowl, Model UN, Mock, Trial, Euro Challenge)
  4. Participated in community service that is social studies in nature(Example: feeding the homeless, clothing drives, Habitat for Humanity, working for an election campaign).


There will betwo$500 scholarship awarded. The winner will be notified by March 20th, 2014. The winning students will be invited to the MDCSS Annual Teacher of the Year dinner, where they will be presented with their check.

Application Process:

All completed applications must include:

  1. Completed Student Application Sheet (must be typed)
  2. One unofficial transcript- must show at least four social studies courses as well as your GPA
  3. One letter of recommendation from a social studies teacher.
  4. One letter of recommendation from an outside community organization related to your community service.
  5. One 500 word Essay on the following topic:

How has your work with the social studies prepared you to be a better citizen in society?

(All essays must be typed, using 12pt., New Times Roman font)

Make sure that your essay has your name, ID number and school name on it.

All completed application packets must be mailed and received by February17th, 2015to:

Daniel Vinat

Felix Varela Senior High School

15255 SW 96 Street, Miami, Fl. 33196

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at .

Miami Dade County Council for the Social Studies John Doyle Student of the Year Award

Student Application Form

Name: ______ID: ______

School Name: ______Principal’s Name: ______

Student’s Mailing Address: ______

Student’s e-mail: ______Student’s Phone Number: ______

Student’s Parent/Guardian Name: ______

List all Social Studies Organizations you have been and/or are currently part of**

Organization / Years involved / Office Position Held

List all Social Studies Competitions you have been and/or are currently taking part in**

Competition / Years of Participation / Placing/Ranking/Special Recognitions

List all Social Studies related Community Service Projects you have been and/or are currently involved in**

Community Service/Community Organization / Years involved / Description of Activities/Services completed

** Please attach another sheet if needed