Dear Parents/Guardians and Student,

My name is Kay Mueller, and I am excited to be your student’s Developmental Psychology of Children teacher. I have included class information and expectations in this letter. Please sign and date the attached form and return it with your student by ______. If you need to contact me, please call me at 951-894-5750 ext. 6516, or you can email me at . I will be available after school for tutorial and make up exams/assignments. I look forward to working with your child this semester.

Developmental Psychology of Children is designed to provide students with an understanding of physical, intellectual, emotional, social and moral development from conception through the adolescence. Students will identify effective activities, skills and resources for helping children reach their full potential. Students will evaluate the skills needed for, and the opportunities in careers related to child development and education.

Semester 1 Units of Study
·  Children, Parenting and You
·  Pregnancy and Childbirth
·  The Baby’s First Year
·  The Child from One to Three / Semester 2 Units of Study
·  The Child from Four to Six
·  The Child from Seven to Twelve
·  Early childhood Education
·  Education Internship

Grades will be based on the following scale:

100% - 90% = A / 69% - 60% = D
89% - 80% = B / 59% - Below = F
79% - 70% = C

*Grades will be based on the total number of points received divided by the total amount possible. Grades will regularly be posted in class. Students will identify their grades by a number that has been assigned to them; names will not be posted to ensure privacy.

Material Fee

A $20.00 material fee contribution will be collected to cover the cost of extra materials consumed in the class. Students will also need 4 C Batteries for their “Baby Think it Over” weekend project.


Assignments will be given weekly and are due at the beginning of the class, unless stated otherwise. If the student has an excused absence, one additional day for each day missed is given to complete the assignment. It is the responsibility of the student to find out what was missed during their absence.


Students will need to keep their journals, notes and assignments in a notebook and bring this notebook to class daily. All work will be turned in for credit.

Quizzes/Notebook checks

Quizzes & Notebook checks will be given periodically, points will vary.

Chapter/Unit Exams/Final

Tests will be given after each unit is covered. Exams will be announced at least a week in advance. The point values will vary. If the student has an excused absence on the day of the exam, two additional days will be given to make up the test.

Group Work/Group Assignments

All group work will be done in small groups of two to six people. Details about the assignments will be specific to the topic and announced along with directions. Each student will be responsible for contributing to their group.

Research Papers, Projects and Presentations

Students will be required to provide materials needed to successfully complete assigned projects and presentations.

Baby Think It Over

During the year, students will be given the assignment of taking an infant simulator home for a weekend to practice proper childcare techniques and responsibility. It is the student’s sole responsibility to care for the infant. Any improper care or abuse will result in a 5 page written assignment on child abuse. Students will be asked to bring in 4 C batteries before taking the infant home. Responsibility in class must be demonstrated before the baby is allowed to go home; so students must have a C or better. Students who do not have a C or better will be assigned an alternative assignment.


Participation is necessary and encouraged in this class. Students must be on time every day and in their seats when the bell rings. Students must be prepared to learn everyday, with necessary assignments, paper in their notebook and a pen or pencil.

UC Approved Elective & MSJC Articulation

This course is an approved UC Elective in the A-G requirements for admission into a UC university. This course is also articulated with Mount San Jacinto College such that students who receive a B or better in this class and complete 12 units at MSJC can earn 3 college units for completing the class. Students who are interested in these programs will need to complete the necessary requirements.

Classroom Expectations and Consequences


Come to class on TIME and prepared to LEARN.

Be KIND with your WORDS and ACTIONS.

Treat others with DIGNITY and RESPECT.

Use TIME WISELY and perform at your HIGHEST level.

RELAX, have FUN and think POSITIVE.

Follow ALL school-wide policies and regulations.



Alternative Seating.

Teacher/Student conference.

Written Action Plan.

Teacher/parent conference (phone, email or in person).

Administrative Referral.

Please sign and return this form:

We have read and understand the expectations and consequences as stated in this letter. We agree to work in partnership with Mrs. Mueller to create a productive learning experience.

Print student name / ______
Student Signature
Print parent/guardian name / ______
Parent/guardian Signature

Teacher’s Records

Date Incident/offense Action Taken