Brethren Christian High SchoolAlgebra 2
School year: 2015-16Instructor: Mr. D
Required equipment:
1.Textbook: Alegebra 2, McDougal Littell. ISBN-13: 978-0-618-25020-2
2. Pencils, erasers, blue pens, ruler, and lots of paper, including graph paper.
(Disposable mechanical pencils will save you from needing a pencil sharpener.)
3.A TI-30 scientific calculator to be used only when specifically instructed to do so. Anhp Prime graphing calculator is recommended for those planning to go on in math.
(Calculators will not be permitted on much of the work.)
Classroom rules:
1. When the bell rings, you should be quietly sitting in your seat waiting for instructions, not just finishing up a conversation or walking through the doorway. Leaving the classroom to get materials or use the restroom constitutes a tardy.
2. Bring the following items to class every day: Textbook, notebook, pencils, eraser, blue pens, and calculator.
3.Absolutely no food or drinks are permitted in the classroom.
Bottled water is fine, but anything else will be disposed of on sight.
4.Cell phones must be turned off before entering the classroom. If a cell phone rings during class time, I will confiscate it and return it to your parent. This goes for any other electronic device I see in class.
5.Always show respect for the teacher, the other members of the class, and yourself.
Socializing is over the moment the bell rings.
Grading Policy:
Your grades are based on points. Homework will be assigned every day (10 points each), unless we had a chapter test that day. Homework will be done in pencil, and corrected in blue pen. Late homework will receive no credit, unless there was a legitimate excuse for turning it in late. Make-up work will be handled according to the policy in the handbook.
There will be periodic announced and unannounced quizzes covering the material from the homework (10 points each). At the end of each chapter, we will have a test covering everything in the chapter (100 points each). At the end of each semester, we will have a comprehensive final examination (100 points). There will be occasional extra-credit opportunities, but do not count on extra credit points to make up for laziness.
Your test scores will comprise 60% of your quarter grade, your homework will be 25%, and your quizzes will be 15%. Then the average of your two quarter grades will comprise 80% of your semester grade, and the final exam will make up the remaining 20%.
Your quarterly citizenship grade is also based on a point system. Each act of disobedience will result in a mark. O (0-5 marks), S (6-10 marks), N (11-15 marks),
U (16 or more marks).
Tips for success:
1. Pay close attention in class, and write everything in your notes that I give you.
2.Do your homework to the best of your ability every evening. Learning math is accomplished primarily by practice, so at least make a strong effort on every single
exercise. If you cannot figure out how to solve a given problem, write everything you know about it, and never leave a problem blank. The assignments will entail a mixture of even and odd numbered exercises. The odd numbered exercises, which have the answers in the back of the book, will be graded according to effort; whereas the even numbered exercises will be graded according to correctness.
3. If you establish a regular habit of having your parents look over your class notes and your homework each evening, you will avoid the temptation to skip it, to copy the answers out of the back of the book, or to copy the assignment from a friend the next day. If your parents do not understand the work, explain it to them. One of the best ways to learn something is to teach it to someone else. Also, many times when you get stuck on your homework, just getting to talk it out with another person frees you from the jam, even when that other person doesn’t have the slightest idea what you’re talking about.
4.If you are struggling, and you just are not getting it, please come in and see me either after school or at lunchtime. Just a few minutes one-on-one with me may be all it will take to shine the light on the problem and clear the way. The key is to address the problem as soon as possible. Do not just set it aside, hoping that the next section will be easier.
5. Get a good night sleep every night and eat a good breakfast every morning; especially on days you have a test.
6.Keep all of your returned homework and quizzes in a binder to study for tests and final exams, as well as to keep a record of your work.
7. Most importantly, submit everything you do to the Lord. Colossians 3:23 tells us, “And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.” In other words, always strive for maximum juice!
I am looking forward to working with you again throughout this coming year. If you need to contact me outside of school, my home phone number is (714) 444-1836.
God bless you!
In Christ,
Tom Destefano