University of Rome “Tor Vergata”

Facolty of Economics

Trading Simulation

"StockTrak 2016-17"

Final report


Team members:

- Surname, Name, "matricola", Program (e.g. CLEMIF, Msc Finance and Banking, etc.) e-mail

- Surname, Name, "matricola", Program (e.g. CLEMIF, Msc Finance and Banking, etc.) e-mail

- Surname, Name, "matricola", Program (e.g. CLEMIF, Msc Finance and Banking, etc.) e-mail

- ....

Academic Year 2016/2017

The trading strategy

Explanation of the criteria used to take the trading decisions.
How did you choose the assets (stocks, bonds, derivatives, etc.)? How did you choose the markets? how did you choose the specific security (e.g. why "Microsoft stocks"? why "future on S&P500?"...)
How long was your time horizon? did you hold your assets for weeks? or did you buy and sell in the same day?
What kind of information did you use to take your investment decisions? (Newspapers, technical analysis, blogs, etc.)

The portfolio composition

Description of the composition of your portfolio.
Which assets did you trade? did you diversify your portfolio or did you focus on a specific kind of investments? did you changed your investment preferences during the competition or did you traded always on the same products/assets?

The performance

Description of the evolution of your performance.
What made you take profit? What made you loose money? Did your performance evolution was stable or did you have some "lucky days" or "black days" that made the difference?

Working as a team

Explain how did you organize the management of the portfolio in your group.
Did you divided the competence or did you split the portfolio giving the responsibility of 1/n of the 1,000,000€ to each of the n team members?
Did you shared the management between members following a time frame approach? (e.g. "you take care of the whole portfolio for this week, I will do it the next week, he/she will do after me, etc.")
Did you divided the competence? (e.g. "you search for investment opportunities by reading newspapers, I will take care to choose the single securities following your market info, he/she will take care of buy/sell filling the order in the platform...")
What did you learn from the work in team? what was your experience in working in a team and working as a team?

The market and the platform

What was your experience with the platform? Did the platform increase your knowledge and confidence about the functioning of the financial markets? Which are the main things you learned from being part of the competition?


Summarize in few words your personal feeling about the StockTrak competition as a learning tool (e.g. What did you learn? Do you think the time you invested in the competition was rewarded by an increase of knowledge and skills about financial markets?...)
1) The report is about the team. You do NOT need to send a different report for each team member.
2) The report can be written in English or Italian (as you prefer)
3) The report can include pictures/graph/tables
4) The report should be made by a total number of words between 750 and 2,000 words
5) The report has to be submitted only in one of the following format: .doc, .doc, .pdf