Greater Avalon Community Association


Re: Meeting of March 7, 2017

Location: François Dupuis Recreation Centre, Provence Room

Time: 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

In attendance: Regrets: Absent:

Danick LaFrance Valérie Assoi Brendon Walker

André Arsenault Rachelle Lecours Nadia Elajjouri

Alain Bourgeois Margarita Iraheta

Jason Coulas (Councillor Blais)

Manon Beaulieu (OCCRC)

1.  Welcome

The President welcomed everyone.

2.  Approval of the agenda

Added Item 6. Update from MPP Marie-France Lalonde

3.  Reading and Approval of the minutes of the last meeting

There were no concerns with the minutes from last meeting, but given there was no quorum the approval will be postponed until next meeting.

4.  Update from City Hall (Jason Coulas)

An open house was held for the Trans Orleans Pathway. The roundabout at Strasbourg and Brian Coburn is expected to be completed this year. The fire station at Portobello is on track. Brian Coburn extension is supposed to be open by end of 2017.

5. Orléans-Cumberland Community Resource Centre (Manon Beaulieu, Community Developer)

Manon is new at the centre and is doing outreach with community associations to raise awareness of the programs offered. They have many programs to help the community and they are currently starting their 5 year planning cycle and are looking for our input into what type of programs should be offered. It was suggested that the centre be invited to GACA large events to help residents know of services.

6. Update from MPP Marie France Lalonde

A letter was distributed by Danick from Lalonde’s office that spoke of: The Ontario’s Fair Hydro Plan, Parents Reaching Out Grants, Ontario Reducing Electricity Costs for Families and Businesses, Shingles Vaccine, Family Health Hub, and Light rail Train

7.  Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer reported a current balance of $1,848.93. However it was noted that two cheques were outstanding, $1,200 to Sand Road and $30 to Danick. Leaving a total balance of $619.93

8.  Family Day – post mortem

Brief discussion took place, overall it was felt that the event had been among the most successful held by the organization. The community paper estimated that there were about 600 people who attended. The weather certainly contributed to people’s tolerance to wait in line for the taffy and horse, but no one seemed to mind. Aquaview Community Centre seemed to be a good choice for location, being able to anchor off of the building. It was noted that Facebook, bus shelters, and community papers seemed to be how people heard about the event. Perhaps the next time the organization is looking to get signs it would be worth investing in some larger signs to make it easier to see when driving.

9.  Music in the Park

GACA received an invitation to merge our events with Music in the Park, the recommendation is not to.

Action Item: The President will send an email to board members asking them to ratify the unanimous recommendation.

GACA was also offered a table at the event, which we will discuss later.

10.  Zoning

André gets information from the city for zoning and will inform the board when there are relevant items to share. Alain will look to post items of interest on Facebook.

11.  BBQ Planning

a.  Update on Enbridge Application

Danick has sent an email to a new contact and completed necessary form. Awaiting response

b.  Update on Aquaview Community Centre reservation

Reservation has been confirmed for Sept. 9, 2017, need to complete paperwork

c.  Identify new partners

Postponed to next meeting

d.  Navandale Farms update

Rachelle has reached out to reserve horses for BBQ, waiting on response. Members agreed it was a worthwhile attraction

e.  Set up committee to review membership levels, specifically “Exclusivity criteria

Postponed to next meeting

12.  Other Business – Future meeting regarding Hydro One with MPP Lalonde and Councilor Blair

Danick to reach out to elected officials office to see if they can join us at a meeting to formerly discuss actions that can take place re: hydro one hydro Ottawa. Jason Coulas to see if the new provincial changes will affect both hydro customers.

13.  Round Table

No new item was brought forward.

14.  Date of next meeting – April 11, 2017

15.  Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 9:22 pm.