CACC-11 16 September 2008

CIRCULAR 0708-004

Basic Non-Commissioned Officer Course (BNOC)
Advanced Non-Commissioned Officer Course (ANOC)
Officer Candidate School (OCS)

1.  GENERAL. The Headquarters of the 11th Brigade, California Cadet Corps will conduct BNOC, ANOC, and OCS during the period 24-26 October 2008. The event will take place at Camp Tahquitz, 41700 State Highway 38, Angelus Oaks, CA 92305.

2.  COST. The cost for this event is $20 per cadet which covers part of the cost of foodstuffs for the event. There is no cost for chaperons. Cadets unable to pay due to financial constraints will be given full or partial scholarships to defray costs. Cash is the preferred method of payment.

3.  PRE-REQUISITES/TRAINING CONCEPT. Cadets who attend must meet the following prerequisites:

a.  BNOC: Cadets must have attained the rank of C/CPL or higher, be in good standing with their home unit and school, and be willing to participate in the rigors of the BNOC program. The BNOC program is designed to train cadets for service as Squad Leaders and Platoon Sergeants. Cadets must bring a printed transcript from the 2007-2008 school year showing a 2.0 or Higher GPA in all core classes. Cadet must pass a multiple choice test consisting of questions from the RCT, CFC and C/CPL promotion test upon arrival.

b.  ANOC: Cadets must have attained the rank of C/SGT or higher, meet the academic eligibility requirements noted in CR 1-5, have demonstrated leadership potential, and must have evidence (score card) that they have passed the Fitnessgram within the previous two semesters (as defined in CR 1-5). The ANOC program is designed to train cadets for service as First Sergeants and Sergeants Major. Cadets must bring a printed transcript from the 2007-2008 school showing a 2.0 or Higher GPA in all core classes. Cadet must pass a multiple choice test consisting of questions from the RCT, CFC, C/CPL and C/SGT promotion test upon arrival.

c.  OCS: Cadets generally should have attained the rank of C/MSG, but cadets with strong leadership potential at the rank of C/SSG or higher may attend by approval of the Brigade Advisor. Cadets must currently be at least in the 8th grade or higher. In addition, they must meet academic eligibility requirements noted in CR 1-5, have evidence (score card) that they have passed the Fitnessgram during the previous two semesters as defined in CR 1-5, have the recommendation of their commandant and school administration, and be otherwise eligible for commission to C/2LT or C/WO1 as defined in CR 1-5. The OCS program is designed to train cadets for service as Platoon Leaders and Company Staff Officers. Cadets must bring a printed transcript from the 2007-2008 school showing a 2.0 or Higher GPA in all core classes as well a current progress report signed by all teachers showing a 2.0 or higher GPA. Cadet must pass a multiple choice test consisting of questions from the RCT, to C/MSG promotion test upon arrival. A completed application package with all required documents completed must be hand delivered by the cadet to OCS. Cadets must have successful passed the OCS pre-test at the previous basic leadership school. Failure to complete any of these requirements will result in disqualification form attending this course

d.  Eligible “Billets”: Commandants are reminded to consider the “billet” or position into which successful BNOC/ANOC/OCS graduates will enter upon completion. Should a cadet be deemed eligible for promotion as a result of completion of this training, and assuming the cadet has completed all the necessary prerequisites for promotion (including promotion tests and boards), the cadet must hold a position commensurate with the rank to which s/he is being promoted.

4.  CHAPERONS. Commandants are reminded to comply with local school district requirements for the number of chaperons attending the event (1 adult per 10 cadets). Chaperons are responsible for the direct supervision of the cadets from their school(s) during all non-instructional time periods.

a.  Such periods include:

i.  While enroute to/from Camp Tahquitz

ii. During overnight hours 2200-0600 nightly

iii.  Periods during which the training schedule indicates the person responsible is “Chaperons.”

b.  In addition, chaperons are responsible for the proper conduct of the cadets under their charge, and chaperons will be expected to arrange for the transport home of any ill, injured, or uncooperative cadet.

5.  QUOTAS AND REQUIRED SUBMISSIONS. There are only 68 openings for all 3 courses. Commandants may bring as many cadets as they wish provided the cadet’s meet all of the prerequisites and all of the following are submitted so they are RECEIVED AT THIS HEADQUARTERS not later than close of business on Friday, 3 October 2008. Absolutely no submissions will be allowed after that deadline. The application and selection process is designed to be rigorous and will by design, will make most cadets ineligible to attend. Due to the requirements a majority of the billets will be filled by High School Cadets

a.  A roster of cadets with

i.  Last Name

ii. First Name

iii.  Rank

iv.  Gender

v. School

vi.  Anticipated position to be held upon completion of the training

vii.  Adult t-shirt size

viii.  Medication information

ix.  Special dietary needs

x. Waiver(s) requested

b.  A roster of school district-approved chaperons who will attend the event with

i.  Last Name

ii. First Name

iii.  Rank, If Any

iv.  School affiliation

c.  If a cadet fails to meet one or more of the prerequisites for participation in OCS, but the Commandant would like a waiver for that cadet, each waiver must be in official memo format as stated in CR 1. Grade level or academic performance cannot be waived.

6.  PERMISSION SLIPS AND MEDICAL FORMS. Commandants must have fully completed individual permission slips in compliance with local school district policies upon arrival at the camp. In addition, all cadets’ parents/guardians must complete a CACC Form 203, Report of Medical History, which will be turned in to the S-1 at the time of event registration.

7.  SCHEDULE. Cadets and chaperons should arrive at the site not earlier than 1300 and not later than1630 hours on 24 October 2008. Departure from the site is anticipated to be 1415 hours on 26 October 2008. An outline of the training schedule follows:

a.  Friday

i.  Arrival and in-processing 1300-1630

ii. Evening meal 1700-1800

iii.  Orientation 1830-1930

iv.  Instruction 1930-2200

v. Personal hygiene 2200-2230

vi.  Taps 2230

b.  Saturday

i.  Reveille 0530

ii. PT 0545-0630

iii.  Personal hygiene 0630-0700

iv.  Breakfast 0700-0800

v. Classes 0800-1200

vi.  Noon meal 1200-1300

vii.  Classes 1300-1700

viii.  Evening meal 1700-1800

ix.  Classes 1800-2100

x. Testing/Boards 2100-2230

xi.  Personal hygiene 2230-2300

xii.  Taps 2300

c.  Sunday

i.  Reveille 0530

ii. PT 0545-0630

iii.  Personal hygiene 0630-0700

iv.  Breakfast 0700-0800

v. Testing/Boards/OC/Post Clearing 0800-1100

vi.  Awards Ceremony 1100-1200

vii.  Noon meal 1200-1300

viii.  Departure 1300-1400


a.  The 11th Brigade participants will be transported by Laidlaw or Charter bus at District expense, departing school sites after lunch NLT 1300, on Friday 24 October and return to SBCUSD on Sunday 26 October at approximately 4:00 p.m.

9.  FOOD SERVICE. Cadets and chaperons will eat in the K-Lodge Dining Facility for all of the following meals: evening meal Friday, three meals Saturday, and morning and noon meal Sunday. All meals will be prepared on-site. No other meals will be provided for cadet participants or chaperons.

10.  STANDARD UNIFORM. All cadets participating in the ANOC/BNOC/OCS must bring their already prepared Class B uniform ON A HANGAR. They will wear their Class B Uniform on Sunday 26 October 2008. Cadets will wear their CACC Class C uniforms on Friday and Saturday. Cadets are to ride the bus to the camp in their class C uniform.

11.  PARENT CONTACT. Commandants are asked to remind parents NOT to call cadets while at the event. In an emergency, parents may phone their commandants or chaperons. Commandants are asked to remind parents NOT to call cadets while at the leadership school. In an emergency, parents may phone 909-880-6767, the SBCUSD Cadet Corps, and leave a message. This line will be checked for messages twice per day in the morning and evening. In addition, in the event departure is delayed on Sunday, an outgoing message will be placed on the former answering machine, informing parents of any revised ETA’s to schools.

12.  PROHIBITED ITEMS. The following items may NOT be brought to Camp Tahquitz: knives, firearms, weapons of any kind, explosives, cell phones, radios, CD/DVD players, electronic devices of any kind, televisions, PDAs, drugs, alcohol, or tobacco. In general, anything not permitted at school is not permitted at Camp Tahquitz.

13.  SUPPLY LIST. Cadets should bring the following items. Failure to bring any of the items on this list will result in disciplinary action, up to and including, but not limited to: assignment to a lower level of training, disqualification from awards and return to home.

·  Bath Towel – 1 ea

·  Black socks – 3 pr

·  Blanket, twin size or larger, white preferred – 1 ea

·  Blousing bands (rubber bands or other blousing device) – 1 pr

·  Bottle, water – 1 ea (to be refilled at water fountains as needed)

·  Cadet Corps windbreaker – 1 ea

·  Chapstick – 1 tube

·  Class B dress shoes (if owned) – 1 pr

·  Class C boot (if owned) – 1 pr

·  Complete Class B uniform on a hangar (already prepared), including:

o  Headgear

o  Pants

o  Shirt

o  Awards and decorations

o  Insignia (CAL, CORPS, rank, DUI)

o  Belt and buckle (brass)

·  Complete Class C uniform (to be worn to the camp on Friday), including:

o  Headgear

o  Pants

o  Belt and buckle (black)

o  Insignia (CAL, CORPS, rank)

·  Deodorant – 1 ea

·  Feminine hygiene products, as needed

·  Flashlight – 1 ea

·  Medication – as needed

·  Notebook with paper – 1 ea

·  Other necessary personal hygiene items

·  Pen, black – 2 ea

·  Pencil – 2 ea

·  Physical Training shirt – 1 ea

·  Physical Training shorts – 1 pr

·  Physical Training Sweatsuit 1 pr

·  Pillow – 1 ea

·  Pillowcase – 1 ea

·  Service Record, copy of the cadet’s own – 1 ea

·  Shampoo – 1 btl

·  Shaving cream and razor (if needed) – 1 ea

·  Sheet, flat Twin size or larger) – 2 ea

·  Soap - 1 bar

·  Sun block – 1 tube

·  Tennis shoes – 1 pr

·  Toothbrush – 1ea

·  Toothpaste – 1 tube

·  T-shirts, plain white – 3 ea

·  Undergarments – 3 pr/ea

·  Warm jacket or sweatshirt – 1 ea

·  Washcloth – 1 ea

·  White socks – 3 pr

·  Wristwatch – 1 ea

·  Cadets must also bring their own materials to make a twin size bed or larger, 2 flat sheets, one pillowcase, one pillow, and a blanket. There are no color requirements for sheets or blankets. NO SLEEPING BAGS are permitted.

14.  MEDICATION AND FIRST AID. If a cadet requires prescription medication, please send the medication with a notation on the CACC Form 203 explaining the purpose and directions for administration of the medication. Commandants and/or chaperons will collect these medicines and administer them IAW parent directives. Cadets requiring inhalers, “epi-pens”, or other emergency medications must keep these items on their person at all times. They should NOT be turned in to the commandant or chaperon. Written records will be kept of all first aid and medication administrations and copies furnished to parents upon request. PLEASE NOTE: Cadets with serious medical problems that would limit their ability to march, hike, perform strenuous physical activity, withstand emotional stress, and/or be in a field setting should NOT attend. Cadets and parents of cadets who have had medical difficulties at previous Cadet Corps events should be cautioned before participating in this event.

15.  ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS: The following additional instructions are in place for this event.

a.  Haircuts: Since participation in this event is entirely optional, cadets in attendance must adhere to the haircut and grooming standards of the United States Army, to include males with hair no longer than 2 inches and off the collar and ears, and females with hair neatly pinned up off the collar and ears.

b.  Beds: Cadets will bring bedding for a twin-size bed and will be taught how to make that bed properly.

c.  Pretesting: Upon arrival at Camp Tahquitz, cadets will take written tests to verify their prior knowledge and must pass with a score of 80% or better. Failure on these tests will result in reassignment to a lower level of training, or, in the case of failure on the BNOC testing, will result in placement in a study group after taps for review of material not previously mastered or the cadet being sent home. OCS will have pre-tested at basic leadership school

d.  Officer Candidacy: Upon successful completion of the OCS program, cadets will be allowed to wear the insignia of an Officer Candidate and will have approximately 60 days to complete a list of required tasks in follow up to their training. Commandants and OCs will be provided with a list of these tasks and will be expected to ensure completion prior to commissioning. In no case, shall a cadet who completes the OCS program be permitted to wear the OC insignia beyond 7 December 2008. Either the cadet will earn a warrant/commission or will wear NCO rank insignia as appropriate.

e.  RIBBONS. Cadets who attend ALL of the BNOC/ANOC/OCS and who successfully complete the requirements set forth in this SOP and by individual instructors will receive the BNOC or ANOC or OCS Ribbon.

16.  POC/OIC. Point of contact for this event is MAJ Knutson by email at .

/s/ signed electronically

Kristopher Knutson

Major, CACC

Program Specialist, CACC, 11th Brigade

Alternative Programs




The information requested below is required to provide the medical examiner an accurate history of illnesses and injuries that may affect the applicant's ability to perform the strenuous physical exercise and exposure to living and working environments that are a part of the CACC training program. Also this information will be provided to medical examiners in case of injury or illness while participating in CACC activities. THE INFORMATION YOU PROVIDE MUST BE ACCURATE AND COMPLETE. You are encouraged to consult your private physician regarding past illnesses. Proof of immunization for Polio, Measles, Mumps, Rubella and Diphtheria, Pertussis and Tetanus (DPT) plus Diphtheria and Tetanus (DT) booster may be required. Please attach a photocopy of the cadet’s health insurance card, if available.