Delph Primary School
Denshaw Road, Delph, Oldham, OL3 5HN.
Tel: 01457 874400 Fax : 01457 872499 e.mail:
14thSeptember ‘17
Dear Parent,
Now that you and your child are becoming familiar with the routine of the school day, we thought you would be interested to know about the areas of learning that will be covered this term and any other relevant information.
Through the Early Years Foundation Stage guidance we will be encouraging your child to play, explore, create, think and learn in the Prime Areas of Development. This initially focuses on his/her Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Communication and Language and Physical Development. We then move towards other Specific Areas of Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design. We thought we would start our year with a theme on DINOSAURS!!! After reading the storybook ‘Harry and his Bucketful of Dinosaurs Starts School’, we hope to have lots of fun with this theme and see how it develops over the next few weeks. Some of our dinosaur activities will include dance and songs, sorting and patterns,capacity, counting and numbers, shared writing, opposite descriptions, fossils, bones, and lots of painting and modelling. We will be on our learning journey both inside and outside the classroom. Have you got anything about dinosaurs at home, that your child mightlike to bring in and share with us?
In Maths our focus this half term is accurate one to one counting to 20. This will involve recognizing the number, ordering it and writing it. We will also learn about counting on and back through songs and rhymes. Much of our Maths will take place outdoors and we will also learn about tally charts and pictograms using data we collect relating to our topic.
We will be starting our phonics programme next weekas I mentioned at the meeting and we will continue to increase the sounds and letter recognition over the next weeks. As we move through the term, we will practicebuilding 3 and 4 letter words and then onto reading and writing simple sentences. Please help us by keeping up the learning at home in short regular sessions to reinforce what we are doing in school.There will be a weekly update in the yellow ‘Home/School Book’. I really do encourage you to write in this regularly so that we can help to ‘iron out’ any issues your child may display at home with their phonics and reading and tailor the support in school accordingly. Please do choose the ‘right time’ to work with your child and persevere, it can only enhance their achievements in school. Little and often is the key!
The Reception class will be going into the hall for the Harvest Assembly (See website as date yet to be confirmed). They will also be attending our Family Assembly every Friday morning after this date. You are most welcome to join us on these occasions. Reception do not lead an assembly in the first term as it is important to build confidence in this larger space before asking them to speak.
We would encourage your child to bring a colouring book into school to use during wet playtimes and ask you write your child’s name on the front of the book clearly. Also if you have any young childrens’ comics that your child has finished with, we would like these for wet playtimes too, please.
It is advisable that girls with long hair should have their hair tied back in a ponytail etc at all times but especially on Wednesday and Thursday when we have our P.E. lessons.
Please ensure that Miss Brooks or I know of any different arrangements / persons for your child’s pick up at the end of the school day. If there are going to be adults other than yourselves picking up from school regularly, please also let us know. We do get used to such patterns but for security reasons we do not let adults we don’t know take your child without having been told in the morning by you of any changes or through a phone call to the School Office.
Can I also remind you to make full use of the ‘Information Board’ outside the class by contributing any interesting news or achievements.Please fill in the sheet with an accompanying photo, if you choose, so we can use it as a discussion point with your child and share it with other children in the class. It is lovely to hear about what the children get up to outside school and children are much more willing to share their news if they have a stimulus to focus on. No toys need be brought into school for this purpose please.
Class letters, relevant information and important future dates can be found on our school website so please do make full use of this as a valuable form of communication. Many of you will also receive a text message via your mobile phone if you have chosen this as a form of communication.
Please do not hesitate to speak to myself or Miss Brooks about any concerns. Mrs. Leigh will also be pleased to speak to you, by appointment.
Many thanks,
Mrs Lait & Miss Brooks