Mobile Deployment Committee
Meeting Notes ― August 5, 2014
Attendees: Beth Myrer, Denise Vandevanter, Jason Kennedy, Jeri Allphin, Joe Belnap, Michael Harper, Ray Walker, Robert Johnson, Whitney Wilkinson
Carry-Over Items from Prior Meetings
Action Item / Comments / Owner / Assigned / Projected / Completed1
New Agenda Items
Action Item / Comments / Owner / Assigned / Projected / Completed1 / PR for Phone Directory app / Ray Walker, Chris Taylor
2 / Update on new UVU App acceptance / Don’t have metrics on the acceptance of app – on the back end have 1358 installs on android currently. Have been steadily going up. 1750 have upgraded on both android and Apple since mid July. / Ray Walker, Chris Taylor
3 / Upcoming Enhancement to existing UVU Mobile App / Ready to be tested –a welcome message and to make sure that it is understood that this is for broadcast and not for emails. Should have it pre-loaded on to the app. Could be sent out on the emergency channel as a test of the system. Have student government send out a canvas message. / Robert Johnson
4 / Potential new projects / open
5 / Request for access / Working to teach students to build digital magazines - working with Beitlehi Foundation (Israel project) to create a digital site guide – need to charge for that.
Need to manage in house apps to push out to students, and how to deal with the remuneration that comes from developing things for outside entities. Should they get their own developer or how do the students use our developer to create the product.
How do we name the different devices?
Two issues: marketing, technology (naming conventions)
There was discussion on creating a UVU Newsstand, Store Front, and Bookshelf for these publications.
Could we have an organization associated with the university, but separate, have their own account. How do we want to be tied to those apps. We need another Mag Plus account?
What are the legal implication? Who should approve and monitor student projects?
Need to look into creating a UVU Press for digital publishing. / Michael Harper / Ray will contact Apple for further clarification
Jason will have marketing look at it further
Mike needs to make some recommend-ations, and how to track things
6 / Next meeting / August 19 at 12:00