(Revised 3/11/15)
1. All applications for reservations must be made through the Club Manager by the execution of a signed contract. No other agreements are valid, unless stated in writing on the contract and initialed by both parties and the required deposit made within seven (7) days of the application date to validate the reservation. Otherwise, the date will be cancelled and made available to others. The required deposit will be one-half (1/2) of the total rental fee. The balance must be paid in full ten (10) working days
before decorating for the event.
2. Contracts are for a period of eight (8) hours, which includes the time for setup,
decorating, caterer setup, band/DJ assembly. Any extension of this time will be at a rate specified in the schedule of charges. For hall rentals for a period of less
than 8) hours, a contract based on a hourly period will be at the rates specified in the Schedule of Charges. When security ends, the event will also end.
3.The Hall will be available for setup and decorating the day of the event, no earlier than 12 Noon. The Club
Manager must approve any deviation from this time. Normal decorating time is two (2) hours and Caterer
setup one (1) hour prior to event, Decorations in the Hall are at the discretion of the Club Manager and decorations, tables/seating arrangements shall not block any “EXIT”, and must allow at least four (4) feet clearance side to side.
4.The front part of the building (CANTEEN/BAR) area is open to VFW/Auxiliary Members
and their guests. Because of this children under eighteen will not be allowed in this area without an adult. NO EXCEPTIONS. The Canteen/Bar will be open for all Hall rentals and will provide soft drinks, wine coolers, water, beer and setups at the customer’s expense.
5. VFW POST 7110 will provide one (1) Bartender for the first one hundred (100) in attendance. More than
one hundred (100) and additional Bartender will be provided at a rate of ten ($10.00) dollars per hour.
6. No kegs or alcohol dispensing machines or MIXERS allowed. No outside beer, wine, wine coolers
or non alcoholic drinks are allowed in the Hall. These items and setups can be purchase from the VFW over the bar. NO BYOB (BRING YOUR OWN BOTTLE) ALLOWED ON THE PREMISES.
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7. Proper Licensed Law Enforcement Officers must be present when alcohol is consumed after
4:00PM At least two Officers needed with a total minimum of (4 ) hours each. Security coordinated
by the New Braunfels Police Department.
8. The VFW Club Manager will schedule the security for the event ahead of schedule
but paid by the renter at the beginning of the event.
9. Officers are not allowed to consume alcoholic beverages while on duty, and must
remain on duty for the entire time of your event. NO EXCEPTIONS.
10. The undersigned renter shall indemnify and hold harmless VFW Post 7110 and waive all rights
against VFW Post 7110 for any and all claims, damages or losses to personal property any claims past, present, future whether known or unknown, personal injuries, injuries or sickness in connection with rental of the facility and arising out of any act and/or omission by the VFW Post 7110.
11. The Renter assumes responsibility for repairs for damages to the building, furniture, or
defaced property during the event. The Renter assumes liability during the event.
12. When decorating throwing or placement on tables of Rice, Birdseed, Scattering of
Glitter or Sequins, feathers or hay will not be allowed in the building. NO CEILING DECORATIONS,
when decorating on side white poles Renter is allowed to go up the post (8) eight feet with decorations
& they must be removed including tape.
13. Hall Events cannot exceed more than 250 people. It is the responsibility of the renter
to plan appropriately. Police and Fire Marshall will enforce city ordinance.
14. Nonprofit and nonpolitical organizations can meet periodically in the hall and is a free service to the public
however, the organization must be approved by the Post annually and the schedule approved
by the Club Manager. Donations are accepted but not required. Organizations are not allowed
to leave material, supplies or equipment after their meeting and must clean area or make arrangements.
Organizations and individuals who rent hall as a fund raiser are required to have liability ins. at time of event.
15. The Hall will not be rented for an event that is immoral, illegal, or offensive to the
public or which maybe bring discredit to the VFW and its POST 7110. It is our VFW Post policy that no minor
is allowed to drink alcohol with parents in our premises.
16. Member must show VFW POST 7110 membership card when applying for rental. Member can only use hall
twice per calendar year at discount price. Member must be present at event or lose the discount price.
17. The use of the kitchen will be available for a $55.00 charge includes cleaning expense.
This does NOT include plates, forks, knives or any paper items.
18. No animals allowed in building unless service animals.
The Hall rental is based on a eight-hour (8) contract at $550.00. The Hourly rate for additional hours will be eighty ($80.00) dollars an hour. Life members at $350 & other members at $450.00.
The Hall may be available for eighty ($80.00) dollars an hour with a one (1) hour minimum.
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Funeral Reception Events are considered a community service to the public. Donations are
accepted but not required.
All Hall Rentals require a one hundred ($100.00) cleaning charge expense.
All Hall Rentals require an extra bartender for $40.00 per event, if event involves
alcoholic beverages with more than 100 individuals.
Renter shall be given a full refund of the deposit if the Reservation is cancelled at least
sixty (60) days prior to the event. If less than sixty (60) days NO DEPOSIT will be returned.
VFW POST 7110 retains the right to cancel any Hall rental due to circumstances beyond its
control. If the VFW POST7110 initiates the cancellation of a Rental contract, all deposits
and fees shall be refunded to the Renting Party.
DATE OF EVENT:___________________________________________
COST OF EVENT 1ST PAYMENT $_________________________
HALL RENTAL $ ______________
BALANCE $__________________________
VFW ID# ___________ (if not $550.00)
PAYMENT $________________________
KITCHEN $ ______________ BALANCE $_____________________
CLEANING EXPENSE $100.00 FINAL PAYMENT $_________________
(10 working days before event)
EXTRA BARTENDER $_______________ BALANCE $ _______________________
(if over 100) club manager initial (____________)
TOTAL OWED TO VFW POST 7110 $__________________ 1/2 DEPOSIT $________________
TOTAL COST OF EVENT TO THE RENTER $___________________________
IN THIS AGREEMENT. Signature Of Renter ____________________________________________________
Club Manager___________________________ Signed:_____________________ DATE__________________
HOUSE COMMITTEE ____________________________ DATE:_______________________________
PAGE 3 of 4 Initials (_______)(_________)
RENTER OF THE EVENT ________________________________________
PHONE NUMBER OF THE RENTER ______________________________
SPOKESMAN IF ANY: __________________________________________
SECOND PHONE CONTACT:_______________________________________
DATE OF THE EVENT____________________________________________
TYPE OF EVENT: _______________________________________________
TIME OF THE EVENT : STARTING TIME_________________________
ENDING TIME __________________________
NAME OF BAND OR DJ ___________________________________________
PHONE NUMBER: _______________________________________________
NAME OF CATERER: ____________________________________________
PHONE NUMBER: _______________________________________________
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