Committee Name: Spirit and Tradition CommitteeDate:2/8/2018
Time: 2:00-3:30 PMMeeting Location: Kilcawley Center, 2069
Attending:Luke Politsky, Jessica Gaskell, Katie Ensley, Leslie Page, Whitney Winch, Tyler Carver,Kati Hartwig, Antwanaijah Burgess, Ghia Burzynski,Darcie Bush, Mollie Hartup, Justin Getz, Danielle Adair, Emilie Eberth, Alexa Morocco, Matt Osoro
Absent-Excused:Alexis Roach, Ross Morrone,Anna Pascarella, Victoria Woods,Carolyn Jesko, John Young, Tori Moore
Items Discussed:
- Event Subcommittees:
- World Penguin Day: Kati Hartwig, Darcie Bush, Victoria Woods, Katie Ensley, Alexa Morocco, Justin Getz, Danielle Adair, Mollie Hartup, Matt Oroso
- Softball Tournament: Anna Pascarella, Jess Gaskell, Luke Politsky, Carolyn Jesko, Tyler Carver, Whitney Winch, Lexi Roach
- Orientation Spirit Session: Darcie Bush, Tori Moore
- IGNITE Spirit Session: Whitney Winch, Tyler Carver, Luke Politsky, Danielle Adair, Antwanajjah Burgess
- Y Day Friday Fall Kick Off: Katie Ensley, Mollie Hartup, Jess Gaskell, Darcie Bush, Emilie Eberth
- YSU Day: Justin Getz, Matt Oroso, Kati Hartwig
- Family Day: Ghia Burzynski, Ross Morrone, Anna Pascarella
- Committee Communication: The committee is now using a platform through the website to communicate, share files, and more. This will allow all committee conversations and information to be stored in one place. The committee also now has an email address, , to use for communication with the university community and beyond.
- Calendar of Events: See attachment
- Subcommittee Updates:
- World Penguin Day - April 25 – Wednesday
- Have it all outdoors (if possible)
- Chalk up the sidewalks: chalking contest with “celebrity” judges (professors, PresidentTressel, Deans, etc.)
- Service project: letter writing campaign to future penguins, past penguins, and penguins abroad (military service).
- Waddle like a Penguin Competition/Obstacle Course: have some sort of obstacle coursefor people to compete in. Outdoors in campus core. Rain location: Rec?
- T-shirts: Try to get sponsorships to help pay for the cost of shirts. Creative Services is currently making the draft design.
- Social Media: potential contest. Video will be created incorporating YSU penguins around the world.
- Movie: possibly play Happy Feet in Kilcawley during the day. Will need to check on license
- Real penguins: Mollie to check in with Jackie about connections on getting a real penguin to campus? Pittsburgh zoo
- Softball Tournament:
- Date: August 1st & 2nd
- Currently working on rules for the tournament. A rough draft is done and we will be reviewing, adding and changing things as needed. A committee member suggested asking the YSU softball coach to read them over them.
- Discussed getting the athletes involved in the pitching and umpiring of the games since they need service hours anyways. They would have to be able to commit to a whole game because we do not want umpires or pitchers changing midway unless there is an emergency.
- Discussed the potential issue of supervisors not allowing staff to leave work to attend without using personal time…this is a “campus tradition” and supervisors should be sent some type of memo from President Tressel motivating them to get in the spirit and encourage their staff to participate.
- Orientation Spirit Event:
- Twenty minute session will consist of: painting the rock, learning the fight song, video presentation about spirit and traditions
- Thought the video could include pictures/video clips from: sporting events, IGNITE Y photo, World Record Attempt, Penguin Nights, Office decorating contest, Homecoming parade, Fall Fire Fest, Federal Frenzy, and then end with a mash up of people singing the fight song
- Will start thinking of presenters and the time commitment for this session
- For next meeting:
- We will work in subcommittees on fall events
- Discuss what else needs added to the calendar for fall, etc. There was discussion of roaming pep rally, judging the office decorating contest, and talking to student activities about updating the bucket list