Magnet Foundations
AP Computer Science Principles
Syllabus, 2016 -2017
Mr. Walstead
Contact Information
Phone: 770-578-3266 x523
Remind Notifications: Text – “@found-3a” to 81010
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Wheeler Twitter: @wheeler_high
Freshmen Focus Twitter: @whs2020vision
Course Description
Welcome to Wheeler Magnet’s new Magnet Foundations. We have created a curriculum through IE2 to give our freshmen the opportunity to combine the brand new AP course, AP Computer Science Principles, with aspects of the traditional Magnet Foundations and Foundations of Engineering. Students who are interested in the Engineering Pathway at Wheeler can choose to go directly to the second course, Concepts of Engineering after successful completion of this course.
College Board designed AP Computer Science Principles with the goal of creating leaders in computer science fields and attracting and engaging those who are traditionally underrepresented with essential computing tools and multidisciplinary opportunities. It is a required course for all freshmen entering the Center for Advanced Studies magnet program. The purpose of the course is twofold. First, this course will serve to prepare magnet students for the math, science, and technology curriculum that will be the basis of the magnet program. Students will also learn the essentials necessary for success in the program such as: research methodologies, presentation skills, collaboration, time management, etc.
A second major purpose of the course is to allow students to explore the many technology cluster areas that will be a vital part of their magnet course of study. Utilizing the latest in technology-based instruction, students will rotate through exploratory modules designed to give them an overview of such areas as engineering, computer technologies, and research. These exploratory modules allow students to make informed decisions about the technology clusters from which they will be required to choose entering their sophomore year in the magnet program. The course will serve as the first of four technology courses required for the magnet seal as well as serving as the first course in the engineering pathway.
Suggestions for success:
1. Be Organized. A single subject notebook/composition book is REQUIRED. Quality work and results come from a well organized approach. Daily work and notes will be placed in this “Abstraction Notebook”
2. Be Determined. Put forth the extra effort to read assigned work. DO NOT get discouraged if one part seems harder for you than for others. We each learn in our own manner.
3. Be Prepared. Bring your materials to class every day. Don’t waste valuable class time since the goal is to have a minimal amount of homework.
4. Be Focused. Stay on task and get involved mentally and at appropriate times. Please join in class discussions and carry your own weight in group work.
5. Be Conscientious. If you miss a class or several classes for any reason, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed.
6. Be Positive. The course is designed to be fun as well we interesting and educational. Research has proven that you know more about the things that you enjoy. The science teachers at Wheeler enjoy Science and want to share that enjoyment with you.
Course Outline
The units that follow interweave six Computer Science Principles Computational Thinking Practices…P1: Connecting Computing
P2: Creating Computational Artifacts
P3: Abstracting
P4: Analyzing Problems and Artifacts
P5: Communicating (both orally and written)
P6: Collaborating / …along with the seven Computer Science Principles Big Ideas:
Big Idea 1: Creativity
Big Idea 2: Abstraction
Big Idea 3: Data and Information
Big Idea 4: Algorithms
Big Idea 5: Programming
Big Idea 6: The Internet
Big Idea 7: Global Impact
General Topics / Sem/Week
1 / Global Impact: Intro to APCSP, History, Innovation, Binary, Number Bases / Sem1 / 1
2 / Algorithms: Computational thinking, abstraction, flowcharting, pseudo code; robotics / Sem1 / 2
3 / Programming & Abstraction: Block-based in Snap! and robotics / Sem1 / 3-4
4 / Internet: Introduction, History and Systems; HTML / Sem1 / 5-6
5 / Programming & Abstraction: Block-based in App Inventor / Sem1 / 7-8
6 / Internet, Global Impact & Data: Cybersecurity; Cryptography; Models & Simulations / Sem1 / 9-10
7 / Programming & Abstraction: Intermediate Projects in Block-based in Snap! / Sem1 / 11-12
8 / Data: Collection, storage, management, impact, ethical issues / Sem 1 / 13-14
9 / Mock Explore Performance Task / Sem1 / 15
10 / Explore Performance Task** / Sem1 / 16-17
11 / Data: Investigating Datasets to Determine Patterns and Make Predictions / Sem2 / 1
12 / Programming: Advanced concepts (loops, lists, operators) using Snap! / Sem2 / 2-3
13 / Programming: Advanced concepts (loops, lists, operators) using Python / Sem2 / 4-5
14 / Programming: Introduction to Java / Sem2 / 6-7
15 / Programming: Program Design, APCSP Exam Reference Guide / Sem 2 / 8
16 / Mock Create Performance Task / Sem2 / 9
17 / Create Performance Task** / Sem2 / 10-12
18 / Choice Projects to explore engineering, programming, research, or design concepts / Sem2 / 13-18
Grading in this course will consist of the following major components:
Projects 50%
Performance Tasks 10%
Group & Class Participation 10%
Abstraction Notebook (see handout) 30%
Note – missed assignments including assignments missed due to an excused absence, will be recorded as a 0 until they are made up.
Grading for the AP assessment has two parts. This first is a through-course performance assessment consisting of two performance tasks, completed and submitted during the semester, and the second is an end of course exam administered in May, 2017. All of these components are summative and the scoring results of each will be used to calculate a final AP score using the 1-5 scale, as shown in the table below.
Component / Timing / % of Total AP ScoreExplore Performance Task / 8 hours (in-class) / 16%
Create Performance Task / 12 hours (in-class) / 24%
End of Course Exam / 2 hours (May 2017) / 60%
Resources to be utilized in the class include: computer-based modules, various science/math hardware, and software. Numerous software programs and applications will be used including, but not limited to: Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop, Google SketchUp, Autodesk Inventor, Flash Animator, and Window’s Movie Maker
Behavior and Expectations:
1. You must be in your assigned seat at the start of class and return there before you can be dismissed at the end of class
2. You are young adults and should act as such. Respect the space and property of others, as you would expect others to respect your own.
3. Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated. Violations will include students receiving a zero for the assignment in question and other measures as outlined in the student handbook.
4. The use of the computers for personal entertainment is not tolerated during class. The Internet may be used ONLY for class assignments. No surfing of the web is permitted. Computer games, downloads, and other unauthorized computer use is a direct violation of the class policy and may result in the loss of computer privileges.
5. Any work being done during class time not related to Magnet Foundations is subject to confiscation
6. Students who leave a class for any reason are responsible for asking their teacher for a pass. The pass should include the date, time, and destination, as well as the teacher’s signature. Students must also have their agenda with them whenever they leave the classroom. No passes will be written during the first or last ten minutes of class.
7. Students shall not use cellular phones, smart watches, laptops/tablets or any other electronic devices during instructional time unless specifically authorized by individual teachers for instructional purposes during school day. Otherwise, communication and electronic devices must be off during instructional time and during class changes.
8. The use of electronic devices is prohibited during tests and quizzes, all devices must be off and put away.
9. No food is allowed in the classroom. Water is allowed in a covered container.
Please detach and return the CONTRACT below.
I ______(student’s name) have read and understand the syllabus as described above. I agree to adhere to the rules and guidelines as stated.
Signature ______Date ______
I ______(parent/guardian’s name) have read and understand the syllabus as described above. I understand the requirements for my student and agree to the rules and guidelines as stated.
Signature ______Date ______