All work under this Contract will be performed at various locations within the Borough of North Braddock, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. The Borough is located in east central Allegheny County, near Route 30 approximately ten miles from the downtown area of the City of Pittsburgh.
The following drawings are included herein and made an integral part of the Contract Documents: These drawings are bound within these documents and follow this Scope of Work: Location Plans.
The work under this project includes the furnishing of all labor, materials, and equipment required for the performance of all work as indicated in the Contract Documents. The work essentially includes the demolition of residential structures, site grading, placement of backfill, required restoration, and all other related appurtenances.
The Borough herein referred to shall be the Borough of North Braddock. The Engineer shall be defined as Glenn Engineering & Associates, Ltd. The Turtle Creek Valley Council of Governments (TCVCOG) shall act as the agent for the Borough and shall administer contracts.
The Contractor shall notify the Borough of North Braddock and Glenn Engineering, not less than seventy-two (72) hours before construction is to start. This project shall be completed not more than ninety (90) consecutive calendar days following the issuance of the Notice to Proceed.
The liquidated damages will be Three Hundred Fifty Dollars ($350) per consecutive calendar day as a measure of liquidated damages the Owner will sustain for failure of the Contractor to promptly complete the work.
If inclement weather or conditions beyond the control of the Contractor and the Owner inhibit the performance of this Contract, such delays will be at no additional cost to the Owner.
Plans and specifications in the possession of any prospective Bidder are not transferable to another Bidder. If a planholder wishes to give his set of bidding documents to another potential Bidder, he must first secure the permission of the Engineer.
Before submitting any proposal, the Contractor shall visit the site and examine, thoroughly familiarize himself with the existing conditions and the work to be performed under this Contract. Should any Contractor accept the work, it shall be construed as an acceptance by him of all responsibility and as a guarantee to perform all work required, whether or not distinctly shown on the Drawings or specified.
The Contractor shall be responsible for regular cleaning up of the premises. All refuse, dirt, rubbish, and trash of any kind shall be removed regardless of who may have left same. All such dirt and debris shall be removed from the Owner’s property. All removed materials and equipment which may have salvageable value will remain the property of the Owner, unless otherwise advised by the Owner.
Wherever conflict occurs between sections of the Contract Documents, if the conflict is one of degree, the stricter shall apply. If the conflict is one of intent, Bidders have the responsibility to contact the Owner for resolution of the conflict. In all cases where the Scope of Work in this Division differs from other Divisions of the Contract Documents in their content, the wording of this Scope of Work will apply.
The Contractor shall determine the exact location of all utilities affected by this work and shall protect the utilities during the course of the work. The Contractor shall, at the discretion of the utility involved, repair or have repaired all damage to the utilities resulting due to the work at no cost to the Owner. These utilities may interfere with the work the Contractor must allow for such interference in his bid. The Contractor will be required to comply with all provisions of Act 121, of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania of 2008, which requires notification of all utility companies of the impending excavation work.
No arbitration will be considered for this project.
The Contractor, prior to any work, shall secure all necessary permits including any permits required by the Borough of North Braddock. Further, the Contractor shall pay any required taxes or fees specified by the Borough of North Braddock at no additional cost to the Borough. The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining a permit from the Allegheny County Health Department – Plumbing Division relative to the inspection of and permanent sealing of the sanitary sewer service line and the water service connection. All associated costs shall be paid by the Contractor, at no additional cost to the Owner. All inspection shall be performed by the Allegheny County Health Department – Plumbing Division. The Contractor shall be required to submit the necessary certificates from the County Plumbing Inspector to the Engineer, prior to recommendation of payment. All associated costs shall be included in the Contractor’s Lump Sum Prices. The Contractor shall also be required to contact Peoples Natural Gas Company for disconnection of gas service by them. The Contractor shall also be required to contact the Wilkinsburg-Penn Joint Water Authority, telephone number 412-243-6200, to arrange for them to remove and take the existing water meter prior to demolition.
In addition to the insurance requirements set forth elsewhere herein, the Contractor shall include the following as additional named insured on his insurance policies: TCVCOG, North Braddock Borough, Allegheny County.
This project is being funded by a Federal Grant. The normal delay in payment from the date of the request for payment is about sixty days. In addition, the final ten percent grant payment may be withheld for up to ninety days pending audits by the grant agency. The Bidders are advised of this fact in order that they may adjust bids to include any cost associated with this delay.
Any and all structures adjacent to the sites of construction such as manholes, other castings, poles, pipes, or any such structure shall be safeguarded against damage from the construction operation. Any damage to such structures shall be immediately corrected to the satisfaction of the Owner, by the Contractor, at no expense to the Owner.
Technical questions pertinent to the work to be performed under this Contract may be addressed to:
Robert E. Zischkau, Jr.
Glenn Engineering & Associates, Ltd. 14920 Route 30, North Huntingdon, PA 15642
Phone: 412-824-5672 Fax: 412-824-9587
A. General
Division IX - Section 2.1 - Demolition, Major, shall apply to this project and is intended to provide specific details pertinent to the demolition of residential structures required herein. The aforementioned Division and Section shall apply, except where specifically amended or modified herein this section of the Scope of Work. If conflicts between these sections occur, refer to Paragraph 10 of this Scope of Work.
B. Scope of Work
The Lump Sum Prices in the Proposal Form shall include the cost of demolition and disposal of each of the structures contained in the following list including, but not limited, to the following work:
· All site preparation work in terms of acquisition of required permits and utility clearances.
· The termination and disconnection of all utilities.
· Removal of any foundation walls to a depth of one foot below ground level.
· Removing wood, metal, or other building debris.
· After review by the Engineer, backfilling with clean soil or slag to ground level as required by the municipality’s grading ordinance.
· Removal and disposal of all pillars, steps, sidewalks, trees, tree trunks, shrubs, and other such facilities.
· Backfill of the site with suitable material, including proper compaction.
· Seeding of the demolition site in order to prevent erosion and provide revegetation, including placement of not less than six inches (6”) of suitable topsoil.
All work shall be performed in accordance with these Contract Documents and to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
The Contractor shall notify the North Braddock’s Borough Engineer not less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the actual commencement of this work.
C. Property to be Demolished
1. Betty Jane Roney
1435 Grandview Avenue
2-1/2 Story Frame and Sided Structure
Block 374-P, Lot 140
D. Specific Modifications & Amendments to Division IX, Section 2.1 of the
Engineering Specifications
1. Asbestos - In addition to other requirements, it shall be the Contractor’s total responsibility to determine, remove, and dispose of any and all asbestos materials from residential structures. All such removal and disposal shall be in full accordance with all applicable local, county, state, and/or federal requirements. No additional compensation shall be paid to the Contractor by the Borough for any required asbestos removal and disposal.
2. The Contractor shall be responsible for rat baiting.
3. Backfilling of all subsurface areas shall conform to the requirements of PennDOT Form 408 Specification, latest revision, Section 206.2 and Section 206.3 (d, e, f), and the following provisions:
A. Before starting backfilling operations, the Contractor shall have the empty basement inspected by the Owner’s representative. Failure to do such will cause the site to be re-excavated before payment.
B. Before starting backfilling operations, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer, in writing, the method of compaction to be used at the various locations.
C. The Contractor shall furnish, at his own expense, any additional materials required for backfilling subsurface areas. The quality, nature, and source of any additional material required for backfilling shall be approved by the Owner prior to its use.
D. No unstable material will be permitted in the backfill and materials encountered in the demolition which the Contractor proposes to use as backfill shall be stored until the walls are down.
E. No masonry materials larger than eight inches in any dimension will be considered suitable. No combustible material of any kind will be used or permitted in the backfilling.
F. All operations in connection with backfilling and grading shall be performed and completed in such a manner as will ensure proper drainage. Prior to placing the first layer, existing cellar floors and other surfaced areas shall be broken to ensure adequate drainage.
4. Final surface preparation shall include that cellars and other subsurface spaces shall be carefully backfilled and leveled to the adjacent existing ground elevation or to a finished surface as may be directed by the Owner. When acceptable, the Contractor shall seed and mulch the entire affected site with PennDOT Formula “B” or Formula “C” Seeding or Wildflower mixture. Seeding type shall be as specified by the Owner. The entire site to be seeded shall be mulched. Grading shall be performed so as to provide drainage away from all adjacent lost and structures.
5. The Municipal Engineer, the Municipal Code Enforcement Officer, or their designated representatives, shall have the authority to stop work if the Contractor fails to comply with these Contract Documents.
The Owner reserves the right to delete any bid items, in any given order, and to include or exclude the Alternate Bid Item, and to recompare the bids on the basis of the adjusted bid price. The award, if made, will be for one single contract for this project.
The Bidder shall submit the Lump Sum Bids and Alternate Bid as set forth in the Proposal and herein described in detail.
B. Lump Sum Bid
The Contractor, under the Lump Sum Bid, shall submit a lump sum price for the performance of all work as specified in the Contract Documents, all as intended or reasonably to be inferred there from as necessary to complete the work, including the furnishing of materials, necessary tools and equipment, and all utility and transportation services, and including the providing of all such other work and services as required for the performance of the project.
Lump Sum Bid Number 1 – Two and One Half Story Frame and Sided Structure, concrete sidewalk, chain link fence, all trees, hedges, shrubs, brush, debris and all other on-site facilities.
The Scope of Work to be performed under this Lump Sum Bid Number 1, shall be performed on the structure know as 1435 Grandview Avenue, also identified as Allegheny County Deed Registry Block 374-P, Lot 140 as owned by Betty Jane Roney
NOTE: All excavation on this project shall be unclassified. No extra compensation shall be made for rock or other such excavation.
All lots shall be graded and sloped to provide for positive drainage (inverted crown) away from any and all adjacent remaining residences and/or structures and facilities.