NOTES of a Denton Parish Council meeting held on Monday 22nd May 2017 at 7.45pm at Denton Village Hall.
Present: Cllr K Hiley (In the Chair), Cllrs Brady, Crush, and Geeson, Cty Cllr Bob Adams and Dist Cllr Hannah Westropp and Mrs S Bellamy & Mr J Bell.
01/17.Apologies –Cllr Hollyer who was away.
02/17.It was resolved to sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 13th March 2017.
03/17.Cllr Crush declared an interest in the Quarry item at No. 7 of the Agenda.
04/17. Co-option –Mrs Bellamy & Mr Bell were co-opted on to the Council and invited to join the other Councillors at the table. They both signed their Declarations of Acceptance of Office. Clerk gave them the Declaration of Pecuniary Interests forms, with a request that they complete them and return them to 24 High Street as soon as possible.
05/17. Highways: a response had been received from Highways saying that the footpath between Harlaxton and Denton, along the A607, was not suitable as a cycle path. It is used more often by cyclists than walkers. The path is only 1.2 metres wide which is 1.8 metres short of the 3 metre requirement – agreed that this matter be left in abeyance.
The potholes outside the school on Church Street have been repaired as have those on Mill Lane – this once again raises the question of ownership by Highways.
Highways reported that the A52 is Highways England’s responsibility so any signs for stopping HGV’s using Casthorpe Road would have to be supplied by them. However LCC would be responsible for the A607 end. Clerk to write to both with a further request.
06/17. Adoption of phone kiosk – This has now been completed. An item to go in the Villager for suggestions for it’s future use – library, information point etc.
07/17. Planning – Approved : S17/0236 – tree works at 75-76 Main Street; S17/0510 - tree works at 15 Hungate Road; S17/0460 – reduce height of outbuilding – 312 Park Lane; S17/0528 – rebuild wall at Church.
To be determined : S17/0680 – extensions & other works at 109 Church Street.
Matters regarding the quarry appeal were discussed, having regard to matters put forward by Mr Curtin in the Annual Parish Meeting earlier. Unanimously agreed that the Clerk should write to the Inspectorate and reinforce the Parish Councils original objections. Clerk also to write to SKDC asking them to re-affirm their objection. Agreed that the PC does not have the expertise to apply for Rule 6 Status and this should be left to GOLAG. MGL have not addressed our concerns and we were not fully consulted – one meeting does not constitute full consultation. Clerk to Agenda an item at the July meeting, for a contribution to funding for GOLAG.
08/17. Fly tipping – Clerk advised that siting CCTV for this purpose was an issue. Cllr Brady will take on this project and make contact with Mark Jones at SKDC to get more information. He will report back at the next meeting.
09/17. Letter from Simon Curtin re litter. Re Denton Hill/A607 - Highways should be challenged regarding the fact that they no longer pick up litter on highways. Two signs have been knocked over and others are obliterated by overgrown vegetation. Parish Council does not have the necessary equipment to safely deal with this problem. Cllr Westropp advised that there is to be a Big Clean organised by SKDC, at the end of July. Cllr Bellamy will lead on this matter.
10/17. Clerk circulated a photocopy of a painting that has been offered to the PC by Simon Hill. The PC agreed that it would like to have it (to be hung in Village Hall) and Clerk is to write to Mr Hill asking what it will cost them to acquire it.
11/17. Insurance – clerk had had renewal invitation from Community Lincs. It was agreed unanimously that we should renew with them with a 3 year Agreement.
12/17. Financial:
(i)Bank balance at 30.4.17 - £9,250.58.
(ii)It was resolved that the Receipts/Payments schedule be signed.
(iii)Resolved to pay £27 towards SLCC membership for Clerk.
(iv)Clerk went through the Annual Governance Statement of the Audit Return and all items were agreed. The Chair and Clerk then signed.
(v)The Accounting Statement was then presented and it was resolved that the Chair and Clerk also sign that.
13/17.Councillors : Cllr Westropp advised that Cllr Adams was no longer Leader of SKDC and that Matthew Lee now has the postion.
14/17.Date of next meeting: 17th July 2017..
Meeting closed at 8.35 pm.