DATE DUE: Term 1, Week 6, 2013

LENGTH: approximately 1,000 words


  • Understand that authors innovate with text structures and language for specific purposes and effects (ACELA1553)
  • Explore and reflect on personal understanding of the world and significant human experience gained from interpreting various representations of life matters in texts (ACELT1635)
  • Investigate and experiment with the use and effect of extended metaphor, metonymy, allegory, icons, myths and symbolism in texts, for example poetry, short films, graphic novels, and plays on similar themes (ACELT1637)
  • Experiment with the ways that language features, image and sound can be adapted in literary texts, for example the effects of stereotypical characters and settings, the playfulness of humour and pun and the use of hyperlink (ACELT1638)
  • Create imaginative, informative and persuasive texts that present a point of view and advance or illustrate arguments, including texts that integrate visual, print and/or audio features (ACELY1746)

Write a series of texts that explore the life of a contemporary hero. The texts should reflect a series of views about the person.

You must choose a hero from the list attached.

You must write:

A letter to the editor suitable for publication in The Australian (150-200 words)

An African praise poem (150-200 words)

A factual entry suitable for publication on an upper primary version of Encylopedia Brittanica online (350-400 words)

In addition you must write a 200-word reflection on your writing, which explains precisely what you have learnt about how language shapes representation of a person.

You should submit drafts of your work with the final word-processed product.


*Use a variety of language features to create different points of view in a variety of text types:

- Letter to editor

- African praise poem

- Wikipedia entry

*Edit for effect, selecting vocabulary, grammar, that contribute to the precision and persuasiveness of texts

*Reflect on personal understanding of the world and significant human experience gained from interpreting various representations of a hero in texts

*Use accurate spelling, syntax and punctuation

Here is a list of contemporary heroes from which to choose.

Each website has a list of heroes and a short amount of information about him/her. Alternatively choose from the print list below.

Catherine Hammond – Fistula hospital Ethiopia

Fred Hollows – Ophthalmologist

Victor Chang – Heart surgeon


Some resources to help you with your assessment:

Letter to the Editor

*Persuasion Map

This nifty little web tool will help you plan and organise your letter to the editor.

*Persuasive Strategies PowerPoint

This is a short PP, which gives clues about how to make your writing more effective.

*Language Features of a Letter to the Editor

This document outlines the language or linguistic features of a letter to the editor (as well as structure, purpose and more)

*Peer or parent review

Have one of your parents review your letter to the editor using the above set of questions. Amend your work with their answers in mind.

African Praise Poems

*How to write an African Praise Poem

Just as the title suggests!


Some poems other students have written.


These websites are part of lesson plans for teachers but they clearly outline the structure of an African Praise Poem.

Encyclopedia Entry

*Annotated sample

This webpage gives you an annotated sample of a biography on Albert Einstein, which is similar to an encyclopedia entry.

*Read Wikipedia and other encyclopedia articles for more clues.

By the end of Year 9, students will meet the following Achievement Standards / Approaching Year 9 Standard / At Year 9 Standard / Above
Year 9 Standard
Productive mode: The quality of the composition, language use and editing according to three print texts
Use a variety of language features to create different points of view in a variety of texts:
Letter to editor
African praise poem
Wikipedia entry
(Marks available 30) / Mark 0-9
Attempts to create a range of texts using language to effect:
Letter to editor
African praise poem
Wikipedia entry / Mark 10-19
Successful creation of a range of texts using language to good effect:
Letter to editor
African praise poem
Wikipedia entry / Mark 20-30
Creation of a highly engaging range of texts using a range of language resources to great effect:
Letter to editor
African praise poem
Wikipedia entry
Edit for effect, selecting vocabulary, grammar, that contribute to the precision and persuasiveness of texts
(Marks available 30) / Mark 0-9
Attempts to use appropriate vocabulary, and conventions of language in the construction of an accurate and engaging:
Letter to editor
African praise poem
Wikipedia entry story
Editing to match word limits / Mark 10-19
Demonstrated use of appropriate vocabulary, and conventions of language in the construction of an accurate and engaging:
Letter to editor
African praise poem
Wikipedia entry
Editing to match word limits / Mark 20-30
Astute use of vocabulary, and conventions of language in the construction of:
Letter to editor
African praise poem
Wikipedia entry
Editing to match word limits
Reflects on personal understanding of the world and significant human experience gained from interpreting various representations of a hero in texts
(Marks available 30) / Mark 0-9
Attempts to reflect on personal understanding of the world and significant human experience gained from interpreting various representations of a hero in texts / Mark 10-19
Reflects on personal understanding of the world and significant human experience gained from interpreting various representations of a hero in texts / Mark 20-30
Comprehensively reflects on personal understanding of the world and significant human experience gained from interpreting various representations of a hero in texts
Use accurate spelling, syntax and punctuation
(Marks available 10) / Marks 0-4
Attempts made at accurate spelling, syntax and punctuation. / Marks 5-7
Accurate spelling, syntax and punctuation / Marks 8-10
Precise spelling, syntax and punctuation
Student comment and self-assessment:
For example: What goals did you set yourself? How successful have you been, do you think, with this assignment? What was most difficult or most enjoyable?
Teacher assessment: / Approaching Year 9 Standard / At Year 9 Standard / Above Year 9 Standard
Teacher comment: