Host: Allison Schnelle

Title: Natural Children’s Wellness


Join us and learn about how you can keep your kiddos healthy and thriving naturally! And here is the kicker: it really works!! I have been doing this for two years and my kids are healthier than ever!
As with all my facebook parties, there will be lots of fun, trivia and PRIZES!! Don't miss it, join the event now!

- Ok! Let's get rolling! Welcome everyone! Please introduce yourself and say where you are from!

-Participation: earn points for prizes!

- (2 pics) Here is the article for a natural approach to treating ADD, ADHD and Autism if anyone is interested.

- And this is what I have now.

- Oh! I almost forgot about another favorite in our house!! Stomach Soothing Complex! When the kids complain of tummy issues, this is our life saver!! I crush it up and mix into applesauce. Mia loves it. It has a bit of peppermint in it and so you get a minty fresh feeling. This is also a lifesaver for pregnancy with lots of morning sickness!

- The last product I will talk about is our Mighty Smarts. These little chews taste like an orange starburst that pack a LOT of DHA and Omega-3. This is essential for development of healthy brains and eyes. But clinical studies show it is also very important to aid in children with ADD and ADHD.

- Ok one last little nugget for you all. There are so many awesome things for kids that I forgot about this one. We don't currently use this but I know many Who do and swear by it especially for kids with trouble sleeping and ADHD. I may add this soon for Mia's leg cramps.

- Ok let's start this off with a little fun. Watch this video and comment your thoughts. Its a take on a familiar commercial with a Shaklee flair.

- Ok, let me tell you a little of my Shaklee story. After my second child was born 2 and a 1/2 years ago, I started searching for a natural alternative to my cleaners. I felt uncomfortable with my babies sitting in a tub I had just bleached. Also, my youngest was starting to show signs of asthma and allergies. As time went on, she kept getting sick and it would always turn into a serious respiratory issue. Finally, poor Maise was sick solid from Oct to April and we had togive her breathing treatments. Giving those to a little one is NOT fun. That is when I discovered the power of Shaklee.
We removed ALL the toxic chemical cleaners from our home, fed the girls organic or all natural food whenever possible and started them on a vitamin regimen. They have not been to the Dr. or on a prescription medication since! And, Maise has shown no signs of asthma or needed a breathing treatment since!

- Ok, so let me tell you about my special starter pack before time gets away from us. This month, with a 50 PV order, I will give you a $10 rebate (starbucks gift card) AND shaklee will send you a free bottle of Stress Relief Complex. I have put together a Children's wellness starter pack. I will talk about Mighty Smarts in a minute, you can also switch it with the probotic and still get 50PV.

- Ok, I am going to take a minute to catch up with some comments and allow you all to catch up with the posts! In the meantime, for those who are interested, I have an article on natural approach to ADD/ADHD. If you want it, I am happy to send.

- Ok, so the single most important product in my kiddos' health regimen (after removing the cleaners, haha). Is this. Incredivites. We call them Super Powers in this house. I actually have at least two bottles on hand at all times because I do NOT want to run out of these. So let's spend some time on on this product

- oooh! I think its time for a trivia question and prize! First to answer correctly gets a prize.

- (2 pics)And this is my friendAlexandra Haralson. Her baby improved after just two weeks!

- Ok, for THREE points each, watch and comment on this video!

- Oh yea, if you want to order, here is the link to my store:

- Now, I will say it took Mia (my oldest) a little bit to get used to the Incredivites after being used to eating Flintstones (cuz I didn't know any better then). They were so sweet, Incredivites were a change for her. But she LOVES them now. And Maise loved them from the beginning. So just give it a bit of time if they don't like them at first. It is worth it!

- Here is a little more info

- Flash giveaway!( ) you are ahead in points so you win a Shaklee shopping bag!

- Since making the switch, I have learned a LOT about the dangers of toxins in our environment. We are bombarded with chemicals! And these chemicals are linked to asthma, allergies, eczema, ADD, ADHD and even cancer!

- (2 pics) this is our probiotic, Optiflora. It is a teeny tiny little pearl that packs a lot of punch. I put it in applesauce or will hide it in a straw and they don't even know its there. For infants, many moms put it in their baby's mouth and latch them on to breastfeed and they swallow it right away.

- Check out these pics on how the probiotic helped my friends' babies with severe excema. This first one is from Ashley. She blogged about her experience here:

- You would be SHOCKED at what is in most kids vitamins. It is ridiculous!…/top-pharma-brand-of-childrens-vit…

- Ok, moving on. Another powerhouse in our arsenal is the chewable Vitamin C. When the kids show signs of being sick, I give them 10 per day. They eat them like candy. In fact, I tell them its candy. haha. So 10 is no problem.

- Ok last slide on Incredivites. The dosage is 2 per day for 4yrs olds and up. 1 per day for younger than that. So I give Maise 1 per day (I increase it to two when she is sick) and Mia gets 2. They are super affordable. They typically last me two months, so that breaks down to approx $15 per month.

- What set these vitamins apart is not only that they are 100% natural, but it contains lactoferrin, which really revs up their immunity!

- When it comes to natural wellness the first place to start is clearing out all your chemical products. We replaced all our toxic cleaners with natural ones. And natural ones that work!! It made a huge difference in all of us!I could spend an entire FB Party talking about this, but many of you already know how crazy good these are so I won't spend a lot of time on it. But this is, I believe the basis of natural wellness!

The picture below is of what I had under my sink.

- Ok, so I am going to take a moment here for a little disclaimer. I am not a doctor. Nothing I recommend should be taken as professional advice. I am here tonight sharing our story and what has worked for us. Everything I am sharing tonight I have cleared with our pediatrician.

- Ok, I am going to wind things down now and finish up with this last post (and put Mia to bed), but will still be on to answer questions you have anytime tonight or tomorrow! Take your time and read through everything here and comments/like, etc...Points can still be earned until midnight tonight. I will tally the points tomorrow and let you know who wins! The grand prize is:

THANK YOU ALL FOR COMING TONIGHT! It's always so much fun!!!