284DELETE: 405.01DESCRIPTION in its entirety.
INSERT: The following.
405.01DESCRIPTION. Remove and dispose of or recycle, reclaim, reuse, wholly or in part, designated structures.
The Contractor is advised that prints of plans of the existing pertinent structure(s) may be included in the Contract Documents. No responsibility for their accuracy or completeness is assumed by the Administration. Dimensions, details, etc. as shown thereon may not be as built.
DELETE: The first paragraph, “Before removal operations…method for approval.” in its entirety.
INSERT: The following.
Protect from any damage all portions of the existing structure scheduled to remain in the rehabilitated structure, and the remaining portions of the existing structure used to maintain traffic, and are scheduled to be removed at a later stage, includingbrick deck, the beams, abutments, piers, or any other structure members.
Prior to the start of removal operations, submit a list of the proposed equipment and removal methods for approval. Approval does not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for preserving those portions of the structure designated to remain and be incorporated into the rehabilitated structure, or used to maintain traffic.
Immediately halt removal operations if any of these existing elements that are to remain permanently or temporarily are damaged by the Contractor’s operation. Submit the material and work methodsproposedto be used to repair or replacethe damaged elementsto the Office of Structures for approval. Perform the approved method of repair or replacement of the damaged elementsto the full satisfaction of the Engineer and the Office of Structures at no additional cost to the Administration. Any delays due to the required repair or replacement shallnot be acause for any claim.
During construction onlyapproved equipment and material (for maximum weight, size, and location) required for aparticular operation will be allowed on the existing or newly constructed portion of newbridge. Refer to TC6.14 and 420.03.15 for additional requirements.
When a structure contains existing protective shields (sheeting or planking) that have been previously placed to contain debris from a deteriorating deck, the Contractor shall remove and dispose of the debris and shields at no additional cost to the Administration.
286ADD: The following after 405.03.03.
405.03.04Reporting Requirements. Recycle, reuse, reclaim as much of the removed structure material (structural steel, rebar, concrete, asphalt, bearings, fencing, etc.) as practical. Report the disposition of all removed structure components to the Project Engineer. Indicate the item description, amount (by weight, linear feet, cubic yard, or each), disposition (recycled, reused, reclaimed, disposed of, stockpiled for future recycling or use), place where material was taken (company name, phone number and address), and date. Report all like items using the same unit of measurement.
405.04Measurement and Payment.
DELETE: the first paragraph, “The removal of…...data for review.” in its entirety.
INSERT: The following.
The removal of existing bridges and structures or portions thereof will be measured and paid for as specified. The payment will be full compensation for all excavation, backfill, saw cuts, professional engineer services, removal of existing shields and debris, temporary protective shields, temporary sheeting and shoring, hauling, recycling, reuse, reclamation, storage or disposal, reporting and for all material, labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete the work. On deck replacement projects, payment also includes outlining the locations of the flange and floor beams, obtaining all deck elevations specified to determine rebound,computations necessary to place the new deck at the required elevation, and submitting all data for review.