As an extension of the USL, KLA's mission is to serve players, parents, coaches, officials, program administrators, leagues, members, and fans.

Board Meeting

November 12, 2013

Attendance- Ann Fleming, Sean Fox, Kim Marek, Tom McKee, Chris Niblock, Greg Schuler, John Slider and Dean Walker

Absent- Wayne Coffey, Brandon Davis*, Mike Havill, Terry Justice*, Kennedy Simpson, Ryan Smith and Andy Tarter

Greg opened the meeting at 6:35 PM.

Chris made a motion "to approve the minutes from the October 22nd Annual meeting as revised;" Dean seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Dean made a motion “to approve the minutes from the October 22nd Board meeting as revised;” Chris seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

High School Boys-

Greg reported that Andy said Boyle County is still trying to get a team going for this spring.

Louisville Youth- no report

Program Development-

Dean reported that 6 new High School girls teams are developing well (Anderson County, Bryan Station, Elizabethtown, Henry Clay, Tates Creek and Woodford County). There was discussion about where/how new teams will play. KSLL has taken up most of the dates on the officials’ availability schedule (with a 4 game limit per day). It was felt that KGLCA (coaches association) needs to recognize teams statewide and include these coaches. Dean said several of the new Central Kentucky teams’ coaches wish the KLA would start a league for them. Greg suggested these coaches contact KSLL with concerns before we get involved. It was agreed that Dean could advise them on how to schedule games and contact officials.

Dean reported that a player clinic was held at Martha Layne Collins last weekend and went well.

Dean reported that KSLL has implemented a mercy rule if a team is up by 15 points with 80% of the game complete.

Education and Training-

Dean reported that the coaches clinics at Collegiate went well. Level 2 Women's participation was up from previous years but mens was down.

Dean raised the following questions:

1. Should we require coaching certification for all lacrosse coaches?

2. Do we want to make Level 1 a requirement?

Sean will contact other state Chapters to see what requirements are mandatory for all coaches. Ann will give Sean contact information for Chapters. Ann suggested at least requiring an online course for this goal of certification within two years.

The use of radio PSA's as a way to generate interest in becoming an official is being handled by Dean.

BLOA- no report


John reported that there are not enough local (HS) officials. Discussions regarding how KLA can help will continue.

As a way to increase the pool of local officials, Dean reported that he currently has several high school girl athletes signed up to train to become apprentice officials.


Chris reported that 2014 KLA Grant Requests total $24,154. Out of the eight schools/programs that requested funding, seven are new programs (Bryan Station/HSG, Elizabethtown/HSB&G, MSB&G, Martha Layne Collins/HSB&G, EJ Hayes MSB, Boyle County/HSB, Scott County/HSB, Anderson County/HSG). The existing schools/programs requesting funds are: Scott County/HSG, Henry Clay/HSG, Anderson County/HSB&G and MSB.

Greg suggested that the Board take a look at the monies given to BLOA and KLUB.

President’s Report-

Greg stressed the importance of Board members attending meetings. If an individual(s) cannot attend, then their information must be sent in an email prior to monthly meetings. Greg also suggested that the Board look at the option to meet only 6 times/yr vs. monthly. He suggested that tentatively, our next meeting will be on Tuesday, 1/14 (location TBD) with a conference call in December to discuss grants.

Old Business

Ann discussed her continued concerns regarding the Bylaws (indemnification). These questions were to be researched and answered by Bryon. To date, the Board has not received any information regarding this issue. Greg will follow up with Kennedy Simpson and US Lacrosse.

New Business

Ann reported that she will be contacting liaisons and coaches to gather data from last season to complete USL Participation Survey which is due January 31st.

Dean said that he has been doing some research on creating a Hall of Fame event. Ann suggested he contact Kevin O’Brien (Northern Ohio Chapter President) as a resource from a successful statewide event and Brian Stevenson (former KLA Board member) as a potential committee member.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:35. There will be a conference call in December to discuss and approve grant allocations. The next meeting will be January 14th at 6:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,