Phone Board Meeting January 8th, 2011

In Attendance: Diana Gruman, Jeannie Beierle, Cyd Bacon, Nita Hill, Chris Kelly, Melissa Gombosky, Norm Walker,
Andra Kelley-Batstone, Cher Edwards, Leslie Rondeau

Meeting called to order 9:05 am

1. Diana reviewed phone meeting code of conduct.

2. Cher made a motion to accept the minutes. Andra seconded the motion. Motion carried.

3. Other Business-

a. Jeannie explained the reason for requesting an increase in the Secondary VP budget for $200.00. Discussion occurred. In the past the budgeted money has been used to support level board work. It was suggested a policy be developed around the goal of the position. Further discussion was tabled until the February 2011 meeting.

b. The board discussed drafting a statement on "graduation coaches" and other specialists.
The board discussed the Pass Act, in reference to “Graduation Coach” Section 4. The board was asked to read the letter Diana wrote. Please contact her in the next few days with information you would like in future responses. It was stated that WSCA supports the QEC recommendations.

Nita-wanted the board to be aware of the elimination for the National Board stipend. This will affect school counselors.

c. Leslie Rondeau discuss ideas for the graduate student roundtable, She asked the board for ideas. It was stated that 2010 roundtable was excellent. Leslie needs technology. Classroom response technology (from Nita) or use old school voting. Leslie is looking for new professional school counselors to help with the job market discussion. Diana, Cher and Leslie will connect on the roundtable.

d. Board members need to be emailed on home email addresses. Chris will put together a home distribution email list for board government relations information, internal communication. When communicating clarify whether a document is an action needed or information only document. Add a disclosure to the emails that need action. Leave the approval of posting government relations items to Melissa, Norm, Richard, Diana and Kim. They will forward information to be shared by email on the website and on Facebook. The bill tracker can be posted every week. Post a monthly membership advocacy update.

Melissa brought to the boards attention the importance of WSCA becoming a part of the Quality Education Committee group. The board approved that Melissa move forward in meeting with these advocates and bringing back the information to WSCA. Melissa will keep the board updated.

4. Cher stated, we need more time to put together the funding for financing the reception at the ASCA conference. She thinks there is interest in WA state universities. Cher will send WSCA an updated contact list of universities with school counselor programs in the state.

5. Day on the Hill is scheduled for Feb 3rd. Kim will be emailing a list of appointments. There will be a breakfast meeting to cover talking points. Melissa is planning an evening reception to offer WSCA members an opportunity to speak with the Education Committee members. Kim will be sending the board information soon.

7. Framework update, Diana sent out the website link. Please email Diana examples and choice documents for the
Framework website. The Framework unveiling will take place at the OSCA/WSCA conference.

8. Business update-Membership is down to 790. Typically after the conference it goes back up to 950.

9. Debriefing- Jeannie stated the DImDIm worked fine. Better this meeting now that we know better how it works.

Adjourned 10:43 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Chris Kelly

WSCA Executive Director