1201 Denali Condominiums
Board of Directors Meeting
April 28, 2015
PRESENT: Board Members Present: Gretchen Bersch, Kate O’Dell, Andrew Niemiec, Jennifer Moore and Graeme Pincott. Homeowners present: Jan Vial and Marie Rozak. Representing Snow’s Management, Inc. was Deborah Downs.
CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. in unit #112 at the building.
MINUTES: The minutes from the October 26, 2014 Board of Directors meeting were presented for review. Kate O’Dell made a motion to approve the minutes as written. Gretchen Bersch seconded the motion. All in favor. The motion carried.
FINANCIAL STATEMENT: The Financial Reports current through March 2015 were reviewed. Once all payments for the AHFC program are received we will have a better idea where the association is YTD.
Energy Rebate Program Update: We are still waiting to receive three more checks back from the homeowners for the rebate program.
Sprinkler System On: SMG will be turning the sprinkler system on in mid May.
West Corner Landscaping: Graeme suggesting putting Preen Weed Killer down on the west corner hill to keep the weeds from growing. Marie Rozak offered to purchase the preen and put it down. There is an area on the side of the hill that needs to have gravel/rocks placed to keep the soil from eroding.
Concrete on front & back Walkways: The board requested proposals for repair/replacement of the damaged concrete areas on both the front walkway and the back stairwell.
Pest Control Services: A motion was made and seconded to approve the pest control spraying.
Interior Paint: The 2nd and 3rd floor hallway’s and ceilings need to be painted this summer. Broken ceiling tiles need to be replaced prior to painting.
Maintenance that needs to be done:
Window’s need to be washed.
New bike rack installed in the garage.
Garage drains cleaned out.
Entryway needs to have the sheetrock repaired and a plastic corner guard put on the wall by the entry door.
Fire Inspection repairs still need to be completed and an inspection scheduled. Some of the emergency lights are not coming on.
Graeme Pincott suggested contacting Brian Manley for bid proposals; his phone number is 887-4053, e-mail .
Marie Rozak had water damage in her storage unit when they were trying to repair the leak in unit #114; she cleaned up the mess herself but requested reimbursement from the association. Andrew advised that in the future she contact Snow’s Management so the contractor is held responsible for a mess they created.
NEWSLETTER ITEMS: Gretchen Bersch is working on a newsletter, input would be appreciated.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: Need an update from the association attorney on the Fortuny Roof case and the status of unit #114.
NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be scheduled at the direction of the board.
ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
Deborah Downs
Association Manager