Advanced Organics Processing Technology Grant Program
Expression of Interest and grant guidelines
1 Funding overview
Advanced Organics Processing Technologyis a $300,000 grant program to support the installation of small scale onsite or precinct scale anaerobic digestion (AD) technology for processing of organic waste in Victoria.
The program is primarily targeted towards food waste and is suitable for projects where the project plan is already under development.
The program supports the development of pilot projects that can be easily replicated at other sites and can demonstrate the potential of AD technology as a viable method of organics recovery and processing. Funded projects will be used as demonstration sites and grant recipients will be expected to deliver site tours and take part in the development of case studies to encourage the uptake of AD technology at other sites.
Applicants will be eligible to claim for up to $150,000 (conditional on co-contribution of $1 SV: $2 industryor $1 SV: $1 for local government) for existing opportunities that meet the eligibility criteria.
The grant process involves two stages - an Expression of Interest (EOI), followed by a business case assessment process. Approved projects must be completed within 12 months of the funding agreement being signed.
2 Why is the Victorian Government providing this funding?
In 2011-12, over 900,000 tonnes of food waste was generated in Victoria of which only three percent was recovered, most of which is recovered by the commercial and industrial sector. Organic waste in landfill has a number of risks that could negatively impact on the community, environment and public health if not managed properly.
The Advanced Organics Processing Technology grant program will support the diversion of organics from landfill, helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Capturing this organic waste also has the potential to contribute to the Victorian economy.
The Victorian Government is committed to exploring organics recovery opportunities that will demonstrate investment potential for small scale anaerobic digestion technology.
For more information on the Victorian Government’s approach to organics management, refer to the Victorian Organics Resource Recovery Strategy.
3 Who can apply?
The grant is targeted at food manufacturers, local government and other small to medium sized businesses that produce organic waste onsite and have an anaerobic digestion solution well developed but not yet investment ready.
To be eligible for funding applicants must:
- have a current Australian Business Number (ABN)
- classify as either:
-a small or medium sized business with less than 200 employees, or
-local government
- meet the co-contribution requirement of the grant ($1 SV: $2 industryor $1 SV: $1 for local government)
- be prepared to participate in the running of site tours and the development of a detailed case study of the project
- have not had any Environment Protection Authority (EPA) or Victorian WorkCover Authorityviolations in the past five years, or if any violations:
-the violations were not serious
-the violations have been satisfactorily resolved
-the applicant has made appropriate efforts, including implementing management systems, to ensure the violation is not repeated and
-since the violation, the applicant has had a satisfactory level of compliance with environmental and WorkCover Authority legislation
- agree to comply with the Terms and Conditions of Sustainability Victoria’s Funding Agreement located at
4 What will be funded?
Grants will be provided for anaerobic digestion equipment for on-site processing of organic waste that meets the following eligibility criteria:
- the site has been selected and is located in Victoria
- the technology (on-site small scale organic anaerobic digestion) is already selected
- the solution will produce no more than 1 MWe capacity (unless you are seeking EPA approval for a higher electrical capacity and that approval process is well under way)
- the heat / energy produced is used for on-site operations
- the project is able to be replicatedto other sites in Victoria
- the grant recipient will participate in the delivery of tours and a case study of the project
- the projectwill be completed within 12 months of the funding agreement being signed
- local government process for approval is known and underway (e.g. planning permits)
- input materials for the project:
-are sourced from the applicant’s own operations (volumes can be increased if needed from nearby Victorian sources if this makes the operation more viable)
-are known, characterised and able to be secured for the life of the equipment
-contain mostly organic material (preferably food waste) that would otherwise be used for a lower value purpose or disposed of in landfill
- outputs of the AD technology (in tonnes and megajoules) are known and have an end use / safe disposal option
- where required, EPA works approvals and licences have been or are close to being obtained
- the project meets EPA’s Energy From Waste Guidelines (1559, December 2013)
- the project meets Sustainability Victoria’sGuide to Best Practice Organics Recovery.
6.1What won’t be considered for funding?
Funding will not be provided for:
Infrastructure, project or operational costs, including:
- land acquisition, land surveying or permit business plan processes
- security and/or surveillance equipment
- costs to establish and connect utilities to the site including electricity, water and sewerage
- pre-construction activities, such as site clearing, earthworks or site accessibility works
- costs of equipment not dedicated to the project purpose (e.g. vehicles)
- project management costs associated with construction of infrastructure e.g. construction supervision costs
- contingency costs
- on-going operational costs such as, but not limited to, salaries, electricity, water and other utilities
Studies, research or training, including:
- feasibility studies
- market penetration studies to help determine the market for recycled organic end products
- dedicated training programs
Projects that fall outside the scope of the program, including those:
- that do not meet the criteria
- based outside Victoria (Australia)
- relating to hazardous waste
- relating to prescribed industrial waste
- relating to waste avoidance
- relating to non-organic wastes (such as kerbside recyclables)
- activities that are being undertaken in order to comply with regulation
- requests for funding where the applicant’s contribution has already previously been matched by Victorian Government funds
- where expressions of interest are submitted after the closing date
- for retrospective funding, where installation of the anaerobic digestion (AD) technology has already commenced
- involving wood waste recovery projects.
5 Funding
Projects are required, as a minimum, to have matched funding in the ratio of 33% Sustainability Victoria to 66% industry, or 50% local government to 50% Sustainability Victoria (i.e. $1 SV: $2 industryor $1 SV: $1 for local government) up to $150,000 for each project.
The final grant amount provided by Sustainability Victoria will be negotiated if the expression of interest (Stage 1)and business case (Stage 2) demonstrate the project meets the requirements of the grant program.
5.1 The Victorian Industry Participation Policy (VIPP)
The Victorian Industry Participation Policy (VIPP) seeks to maximise opportunities for Australian, New Zealand and Victorian suppliers to compete for government business on the basis of best value for money over the life of the goods or services. The VIPP is implemented by Victorian Government departments and agencies to help drive local industry development.
When does the VIPP Apply?
The Victorian Industry Participation Policy (VIPP)will apply if the total cost of the project meets or exceeds either:
$1 million in regional Victoria/statewide; or
$3 million in metropolitan Melbourne.
What if VIPP does apply?
Sustainability Victoria will register the grant with ICN (Industry Capability Network). The grant recipient will then be required to prepare a VIPP Plan and provide annual project reports.
6 Assessment criteria
6.1How will Stage 1 (Expressions of Interest)be assessed?
Stage 1 (Expressions of Interest) proposals will proceed to Stage 2 (submission of a business case) if they meet the following criteria:
- The applicant will install on-site anaerobic digestion technology with under one megawatt electrical capacity (unless you are seeking EPA approvalfor a higher electrical capacity and that approval process is well under way).
- Inputs:
- the applicant will recover material from its own operations (volumes can be increased if needed from nearby Victorian sources if this makes the operation more viable), and that material would otherwise be used for a lower value purpose or disposed of in landfill
- the project will recover food waste or other high moisture content material suited to anaerobic digestion
- the applicant will demonstrate a high level of control over feedstock,yearly waste flows and total required inputs to the system to make it viable, for example through collection contracts or systems
- The applicant is able to manage, treat and stabilise inputs.
- Outputs:
- the applicant can measure the outputs (in tonnes and megajoules)
- the applicant will utilise the heat and / or power generated on-site for its operations and source a sustainable off-take arrangement or suitable market for outputs
- the project results in greenhouse gas abatement.
- Promotion of the demonstration site:
- the project is easily replicable in similar industries
- the applicant agrees to promote, share and demonstrate the business case for the project to other businesses
- the applicant agrees to run site tours and be involved in the development and promotion of a case study of the project, including making the case study available through the applicant’s own website, and relevant industry associations and publications.
- How will Stage 2 (submission of a business case) be assessed?
Once an applicant proceeds to Stage 2, they will be required to submit a detailed business case for their proposal. The business case will be assessed against set criteria, which will be provided to applicants who have met all the criteria for Stage 1.
7 Application process
The application process is in two stages:
Stage 1 – Expression of Interest(closing 3pm, 21 March2016)
Eligible applicants are invited to submit an expression of interest (EOI) which will enable Sustainability Victoria to review projects that meet the grant’s assessment criteria.
Projects assessed as having met all of the application criteria will be recommended to progress to Stage 2.
Stage 2 – Business Case (closing 3pm, 30May2016)
If successful at the EOI stage you will be asked to submit a detailed business case. The business case will form the basis for the final application for funding and will be assessed by a panel with relevant technical expertise.
The submission of a business case does not guarantee funding.
8 Key dates
Activity / DateExpression of Interest (Stage 1)closes / 3 pm 21March 2016
Applicants notified of outcome of Expression of Interest* / April2016*
Stage 2 – Submission of detailed business case / 3 pm 30May2016*
Successful applicants contacted* / September2016*
Contracting / September2016*
Project completion / September2017*
* Please note these dates are indicative only and are subject to change.
9 Submitting an EOI
Applicants should review and complete the following steps:
Step 1: Check the eligibility of your project (refer to section 4 of the guidelines “What will be funded?”)
Step 2: Read the Terms and Conditions of the funding agreement available at ensure you are able to meet them. Acceptance of Sustainability Victoria’s Terms and Conditions are for funding is a requirement of grant funding.
Step 3: Read and understand the Terms of Participation in Grant Programs available at
Step 4: Complete the EOI form attached to these guidelines.
- The EOI form is an editable PDF document which allows you to enter text in the relevant fields.
- All sections of the form must be completed in full and requested attachments provided.
- The Declaration Form must be printed and signed by a person with delegated authority to apply, and a scanned, signed copy attached to the EOI.
Remember to:
- Save the PDF form to your computer before you start entering any information.
- Check that you are able to add and save your information into the PDF document.
- Save the PDF document frequently to avoid losing any information
Step 5: Submit your EOI to Sustainability Victoria
- Applications can only be submitted by email.
- Email your application to
- The subject line for the email should read “Advanced Organics Processing Technology – EOI”
- The EOI form is a PDF document but any other supporting documents may be submitted in Word or Excel. You may attach the Declaration signature page as a scanned PDF.
- Email size must not exceed 10MB or it will not be accepted by our email server.
- Sustainability Victoria will acknowledge receipt of all EOI submissions by return email within 48 hours.
If you experience difficulties emailing your EOI, please contact Sustainability Victoria. Phone 1300 363 744 and ask to speak to a grants support representative.
10 For more information
If you have any queries regarding this EOIplease contact Sustainability Victoria:
Email: and quote the “Advanced Organics Processing Technology – EOI” in the subject line
Phone: 1300 363 744 between 10 am and 4 pm Monday - Friday and ask to speak to a grants support representative.
Information in this document is current as of January 2016. While all professional care has been taken in preparing this document, Sustainability Victoria accepts no liability for loss or damages incurred as a result of reliance upon its content.
Expression of Interest FormAdvanced Organics Processing Technology Grant
Section 1 – Contact Information
Fields marked (*) are mandatory
Part A: Applicant details
*Name of Applicant:
*Main Street Address:
*Town / Suburb: * Postcode: * State:
Postal Address (if different from above):
Postal Address:
Town / Suburb: Postcode: State:
Authorised person (This is the person who is authorised to make the application on behalf of the Applicant)
*Title: * First name:
*Last name: Position:
*Telephone: Mobile: Email:
*Type of Applicant
Type of entity: Company Incorporated Association Co-operative Trust (if so, name of applicant above must specify both the name of the trust and the trustee company) Partnership Individual
Type of business: Commercial/for profit business Local Government Other Government Not for profit organisation Tertiary education institution Other (please specify)
Applicant’s Australian Business Number (ABN) and Australian Company Number (ACN)
Please note that where an applicant is not a registered company, only an ABN is required
Applicant’s Incorporation Number, if you have one:
How many employees do you have?
Part B: Contact Details for Project Manager
Title: First name:
Last name:
Postal address:
Town / Suburb: Postcode: State:
Telephone: Mobile:
Section 2 – Project Overview
* Project name
We will use this name on all correspondence. Please use 10 words or less.
* Project summary (maximum 300 words)
Provide an overview of the project, why it is needed, what the expected outcomes are, who will be involved in the delivery and how this project ties into your business plan.
* Where will your project be located?
Please provide the address of where most of your planned activity will take place including town / suburb and postcode.
*Are you set up to deliver?
Have you developed a business case for the project? YesNo
Are you the owner or have leasehold over the site? YesNo
Is this site ready and suitable for the project to take place on? YesNo
Does the project require local government permits? YesNo
If so, have you obtained them? YesNo
If no, what stage are you at in local government approval processes? Please provide an estimated approval time.
Have you reviewed the EPA’s Energy From Waste Guidelines (1559, Dec 2013)? YesNo
Have you reviewed Sustainability Victoria’sGuide to Best Practice Organics Recovery? YesNo
If over one MWe have you obtained EPA approvals? YesNo
If no, what stage are you at in the EPA approval process? Please provide an estimated approval time.
How will you achieve certification with Energy Safe Victoria?
* What are your project timelines?
How long will it take to complete the project? Please note that the project must be completed within 12 months of signing a contract with Sustainability Victoria
* Anticipated project start date:
* Anticipated project completion date:
Section 3 – Project Details
What are you going to do?
Provide a response to each of the following questions to demonstrate how you will meet each criteria (maximum 200 words per response):
- Will youinstall on-site anaerobic digestion technology with under one megawatt electrical capacity (unless you are seeking EPA approval for a higher electrical capacity and that approval process is well under way)? Describe the technology.
- Inputs:
- Will you recover material from your own operation, and would that material otherwise be used for a lower value purpose or disposed of in landfill? Will you need to secure external sources of material to make the project viable?
- Willyou recover food waste or other high moisture content material suited to anaerobic digestion?
- List the input materials, their source, the amount in tonnes and their calorific value.
Input (feedstock) / Source / Volume (in tonnes) / Calorific value (in megajoules)
- Can you demonstrate a high level of control over feedstock,yearly waste flows and total required inputs to the system to make it viable, for example through collection contracts or systems?
- Demonstrate how you will manage, treat and stabilise inputes?
- Outputs:
- Please listthe outputs in type, tonnes and megajoules.
Output (type, e.g. heat, biogas, waste water, digestate) / Measure (tonnes, megajoules etc.) / End use (e.g. energy/heat on-site, a market, treatment)
- Will you utilise the heat and / or power generated on-site for your operations? Have you sourced a sustainable off-take arrangement or suitable market for outputs? Describe how this will be managed.
- Estimate the annual greenhouse gas abatement:
- Promotion of the demonstration site:
- Is the project easily replicable in the same or similar industries?Discuss why or why not?
- Do you agree to promote, share and demonstrate the business case for the project to other businesses?