“Kokua’s Mission is to provide citizens with disabilities the support they need to lead full and meaningful lives.”
February10, 2009 Volume 5, Number 2
Random Acts of Kindness Week
Feb 9 – Feb 15. How many kind things can you do for others this week?
P.S. I Love You Party
Saturday, Feb 14, 1-4pm at the Olympia Center, 222 N Columbia St. Enjoy lots of fun, information and learning with make & take items, giveaways, raffles, refreshments and music. Bring your bicycle for a free safety check. Bring $5 for a bicycle helmet if you want one, but everything else is free! More info 570-5841
Stories of our Heart’s Desire
Feb 13, 7:30pm, donation $5 - $10 (no one turned away) at Traditions Café, 300 5th Ave SW, Olympia The Playback Theatre and the Heart- sparkle Players present an ensemble of young adults who have taken Playback Theatre workshops with the Heartsparkle Players. More info 943-6772
“Torch of Dreams” Special Olympics benefitFeb 14, 3 & 7pm, Capitol Theater in Olympia. Tickets $12. A benefit for Washington Special Olympics features Sterling Dietz, World Teen Champion of Magic and the comedy/juggling team of Brothers from Different Mothers. More info: (425)377-8702
Contact us to have your newsletter delivered by e-mail. Phone: (360) 705- 4665 or e-mail
Clients and staff gathered at St. Marks church for an hour of education and cooking fun! Volunteer Elisabeth started with a lesson about the importance of fruit in our daily diet. Everyone participated in a scavenger hunt for pictures and nutritional facts about a variety of fruits. Clients then shared their information and which fruitsare their favorites.
Elizabeth shared kiwi fruits with the class – a new taste treat for all!
After the lesson, the class got to work chopping, measuring and mixing the ingredients for “Glistening Fruit Salad”. Doreen and Cecilia helped each other. Cecilia is a great chopper, while Doreen mixed and measured. Gary and Jeff did a terrific job and took home lots of fruit salad for later. Ron c was an incredible cooking machine! He made his fruit salad and whipped up another batch for Dawn M. Dawn joined us as we were finishing up (unfortunately, she got stuck waiting for the bus). Scott B shared many interesting fruit facts during the lesson and also had a batch of fruit salad for home.
Thanks to all staff who lent a hand and thank you to volunteer Elizabeth. Below is the recipe if you’d like to try it yourself.
½ can peach pie filling
½ orange, sliced
¼ apple, cut into chunks
½ cup cantaloupe chunks
½ cup green grapes
¼ cup red grapes
½ banana, cut into chunks
Combine all ingredients & enjoy!
KOKUA EMPLOYEES: If you’re having Family Problems, Stress, Anger, Job Concerns, Alcohol- Drug Problems, Depression, Anxiety, Parenting, Grief, or Relationship Problems, Call Employee Assistance Service 493-7867
In December, Kokua began a fundraising effort to purchase a new rear-entry wheelchair van. It is time to replace an older van with something more convenient and fuel efficient.
Kokua set a goal of raising 10% of the van cost through a direct mail campaign. I am very pleased to announce we have met our goal! This seed money will help us attract additional funding from nonprofit foundations and trusts.
We would like to thank all of the following truly generous individuals who made this effort possible!
Becca Brandt
Brian Barnes
Cathy Raymond
Charles Johnson
Cherie Fisher
Cindy Gleason
Dale & Sally Drop
David & Mary Jo Wilcox
Don & Judy Murphy
Eleanor Burgett
Jan Carrington
Janice Murphy
Judy Lockey
Julie Clark
Kathy Goldenberger
Lana McCollum
Larry & Jenny Bona
Linda Murphy
Mildred Martin
Peri Smith
Rita Bogue
Robert Meyers
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church
Steve Shanewise
Thomas Finch
Simple Inspirations:
“A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.”
Phyllis Diller
“Love cures people – both the ones who give it and the ones who receive it.”
Dr Karl Menniger
Kokua appreciates those who have forged friendships and really make a difference in the lives of those we serve, as well as the volunteers who make the time to help the agency get the work done that keeps things running smoothly.
Thank you to Julie Propp, Sandy Wilson, Elisabeth Schafer, Judy Murphy, Linda Murphy, Don Murphy, Shannon Carroll, Tammy Stark, Kitty Center, Diane Grossman and Pat Clark.
I have a few individuals interested in learning more about the volunteer program. I look forward to connecting with them in the next few weeks.
For over 20 years, the Washington State Combined Fund Drive has set the standard of giving amongst similar workplace giving programs. Each year, active and retired public employees participate in this annual drive to raise money for local, national and international communities.
We would like to thank Julie Clark for helping Kokua fill out the application so that we may be able to participate in the Combined Fund Drive as a non-profit agency. We are still waiting to see if our application was accepted, but it took Julie’s help to get the ball rolling. Thank you for your help, Julie!
Kokua is still giving out bonuses for referrals. Here’s how it works.
Refer (or give an application to) people who would make great Kokua team members. Have them call Kokua (705-4665 ext 105 to reach Dominique) and say that you’ve referred them. A referral form will be completed at hire. A referral form must be completed and in the new employee’s file for you to receive the bonus. If your referral is hired and completes the 90 day probation period, you will receive a $50.00 cash bonus. If your referral remains a Kokua employee for a year, you will receive a $100.00 cash bonus.
Information from February issue of
It’s February – it’s winter, days can be cold, dark and unpleasant. The economy is struggling, unemployment is high, businesses and families are struggling to make it. Everyday living can be pretty stressful, and it’s no surprise that we can sometimes end up feeling run-down and depressed. We can’t solve life’s problems quickly, but we can try to change how we handle them.
Following are a few things you can do to turn up the energy in a few minutes.
1.Snack on fiber-rich foods such as dried apricots, celery sticks, apples or some nuts. The fiber can help control the release of glucose into your bloodstream and may prevent energy dips.
2.Breathe deeply. Every 1-2 hours, spend 5 minutes breathing slowly and deeply. It can help you feel calmer and more mentally focused, with renewed energy.
3.Close your eyes and mentally escape by imagining a peaceful scene on an island, in a meadow, wherever you love to be. Seeing yourself relaxed can be rejuvenating.
4.Splash cold water on your face or pop a breath mint – both can feel stimulating.
5.At the end of the day, make a list of all the good things that happened during the day. You’ll be surprised at how much went right. Plus, you’ll set yourself up for a good night’s sleep and energize yourself for tomorrow.
Remember, though, that if nothing seems to improve how you feel and if, for a period of two weeks or more you feel sad or irritable and have lost interest in activities that you once enjoyed, you should contact your doctor. Depression is serious, but highly treatable, so speak to your medical provider without delay. / What’s Happening at Kokua?
Ron C is participating in the craft classes and is also a loyal participant in M.E.L.E, Kokua’s music program. He has a birthday coming up soon and will be planning his annual birthday party. Dawn F and Dawn M both are still working at Fred Meyer. Dawn F recently celebrated her birthday with a lunchtime party at the Ram.Becky C is interested in doing activities through Thurston County Parks and Recreation. Marcie W had a late birthday party with friends and family. Her original party date had to be postponed because of the snow.Robert B is still hard at work at his job. Melvin and Marlene V celebrated the holidays with their family members. Melvin is still working hard.
Freida B had a great birthday party on January 30. She has been doing shopping every week and went to Wal-Mart and bought a beautiful TV. She is really enjoying her new home. Cecilia C is doing really great after having some surgery. She was given the OK to go back to work, which makes her very excited. Doreen L is busy going to the movies, JJ North’s, church and work. She enjoys talking on the phone to her family and friends. We are working on a birthday party for her on February 5th.
Darren A has been going out frequently with his staff. He has been attending many music and dance activities in the community, including music with the Resource Team. We all welcome two new members to the 5th team: Carol and Andria.
Bill C is looking for a new job and is very excited to be doing so. Jack D and Gene W are both still working at the Blake office and love going to work. Ed W is going strong on creating more paintings. He’s been selling quite a few of them in the last few months.
Charlie B went to the Experience Music Project and Science Fiction Museum in Seattle. He had a great time exploring and playing music – he even made a music video! “Rock n roll, man!” John C had a visit from his parents recently. They brought him coffee, cocoa and cookies – all of his favorite things! Danny C recently purchased some new clothes – he really looks great in those clothes! He is also trying to purchase a new recliner chair in the next few months. He’s had a great time shopping around.
Sue W has been enjoying baking for her roommates here at the 31st St house. She is also learning a new craft: crocheting. She is very eager to learn so she can make a blanket some day. She has also been attending the M.E.L.E. gatherings. Kim R has been crocheting a scarf and has been trying to help Sue learn. Laurie H spends a lot of time working with her beads and sewing, as well as working at her job 4 days a week. She is going home this weekend to spend time with her family. Jenny D also has been attending M.E.L.E. music sessions. She is looking forward to going out shopping next week.
Bryan C is doing well. He still goes out to do his shopping at Fred Meyer. In January he went to Napavine to visit his mom. He also went to Experience Music Project in Seattle with staff and other clients and really enjoyed himself. Scott B and John W also had the opportunity to attend the Experience Music Project with the group and thought it was great! Scott has been attending the cooking classes at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church and found he likes cooking.Rick F went shopping this month and bought himself a new recliner (which he loves) and bought his son a new bed (which he loves). They are both doing very well.
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Gary W and Jeff D recently spent the day at the Experience Music Project in Seattle and the Science Fiction Museum. They both enjoyed playing some of the instruments there and touring the site. At the Science Fiction Museum they saw many items from Star Trek, Star Wars and other well known science fiction films and TV shows. Gary and Jeff continue to enjoy going out and participating in cooking and craft classes. On Monday nights they continue with a “night at the movies” and really enjoy that.
Joe L just had his 41st birthday. In addition to having a party at his house with all the guys, he went out with Ann to the Little Creek Casino and won $98. He also went out with Kevin to the Office Bar and Grill. Happy 41st Birthday, Joe! Keith Wtook a trip to Seattle with his mom via Amtrak to visit his sister and little niece. Paul J has begun visiting the legislative sessions pertaining to advocacy. Michael C will be seeing his family on Sunday the 8th to have a memorial gathering in honor of his mother. Michael, Keith and Joeall enjoyed the trip to Experience Music Project. Thank you to the Resource Team for planning the outing!
Everyone at the 23rd House would like to welcome Christine R. Christine and Amanda B are adjusting to the changes very well. We have many goals we would like to achieve – one of them is bike riding as a team.
Dean H is doing well. He’s glad to be able to go back to work at Left Foot Organics after all the bad weather and "get back into his groove”. Jesse W is getting better at using his Dynavox, and has been going to Provail, Toys R Us and to the movies. James M got a Nintendo Wii and has been having a great time using it with staff.
All the guys at the 25th Lp house would like to thank Steve for helping them on the way to getting a new van. See Jesse, James & Dean below.
Thurston County Solid Waste has a resource database to help local residents and businesses find reuse and recycling locations for just about everything under the sun. Just go to their website, click on the yellow highlighted text that says “Where Should I Take My?” and scroll down for an alphabetized list of items. These are great alternatives to landfilling and can save you money. The website is
This month’s Employee Appreciation Awards are presented to the following Kokua staff members:
Sarah Anderson is recognized for doing a great job as a Team Leader and advocate for clients by going above and beyond the call of duty in saving one of our clients $80 on a couch delivery. You are appreciated!
Rebecca Nigh is appreciated for having such patience through the hiring process. It shows her flexibility and how well she works with others. Thank you!
Jessie Zeirk is recognized for her strong work ethic. Kokua appreciates the incredible job Jessie has done working through client issues as they arise while maintaining all her other job duties as assigned. Fantastic job!
23rd Team is recognized for doing a really good job during the recent transition. Kokua appreciates all those involved in helping things run smoothly. Great job!
“Everyone appreciates being appreciated. Try to catch people red-handed in the act of doing something right – and praise them for it.”
Thank you to the Angela St team for making things so easy during Christine’s move this month. Kudos to 23rd for pulling together during the move and helping their clients adjust to all the changes they are going through. Thanks to Lynn for driving the truck during the move – you were a pro at it! And also thanks to Sean for being on top of the dump run and driving the moving guys around. Thank you to Seth Lindley for helping us out at 5th. From Crissy Thompson
Kudos to all the staff at Carpenter Hills Loop! The schedule change has presented some challenges, but everyone has worked together and communication has been great. Thanks for being an awesome team! Special thanks to our swing staff: Yolanda, Jason and Candice. You have been amazing! Also thank you Candice for working hard and being creative to find coverage for shifts and keeping OT down – you’re a great team player! From Hana Greer
Kudos to Kevin Preston and Devin Giles for planning the trip to Experience Music Project in Seattle and to all the staff who came along to assist. From Tony Benavente
Thank you to everyone that is currently on the 31st team and those that have helped out in the last couple of months for helping me and the ladies to transition with all of the changes. Kudos to all of you. From Candice Lindley
A huge THANKS to Kim Stewart for making all those copies of insurance application packets for me. I really appreciate it! From Sally Lewis
Thank you to Tom Quinlan for your help and taking on the position of acting team leader. You’re awesome! To all of the staff at Chambers: Thank you – you’re a Super Team and I’m glad to be back. From Kim Stewart
Kudos to Shannon and Stephanie for their hard work through exhausting circumstances. I am very happy to have you guys on board. To Jessie for working above and beyond and not letting the ball drop. Your energy and tenacity are a great asset. To Wendy for helping in a million ways with client crises: we would not be in as good of a place without you! To Valarie for all of your hard work and dedication to our clients. To the rest of Independent Living for your ability to do a great job even in the toughest of times. From Sean Bonneprise
Trip to Experience Music Project