John Jay High School
Welcome back Mustangs, just a friendly reminder that Prep Days will be held August 11 through August 13, 2015. Please enter through the Freshmen Center doors for Prep Days.
During Prep Days parents and students will pick up class schedules, receive transportation information, join parent groups such as the PTSA, booster clubs, and the SEA Parent Group, purchase spirit items, and parents can provide updated immunization records. It is a good idea to have cash on hand to purchase shirts and other spirit items, join parent organizations, and pay any outstanding fines (if any).
Please note that specific times have been set aside for specific groups of students. Students and parents are welcome to come at any time within the scheduled time and date window and are free to leave once finished with the process.
Prep Day ScheduleWho should attend:
/ Date: / Time:
Sophomores (with a parent) / Tuesday, August 11
/ 8:30 am - 12:00 pm
Seniors (with a parent) / Tuesday, August 11
/ 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Juniors (with a parent) / Wednesday, August 12
/ 8:30 am - 12:00 pm
All NewSEA
students (with a parent)
All New Freshmen & Advance Academics (with a parent) / Thursday, August 13
Thursday, August 13 / 8:30 am - 12:00 pm
1:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Please note that a student's schedule may be on hold for any of the following reasons:
• Unresolved attendance issues
• Incomplete shot records (all records must be complete and up-to-date)
• Unverified address
• Outstanding fines, debts, or textbooks
Please be prepared to clear any obligations with cash or money order or present the required documentation to the school for clearance for Prep Days.
If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact the campus at 397-2700. Thank you and Go Mustangs!
Prep Days are required. If your child does not pick up his schedule on Prep Days, or shortly thereafter, you will have to redo the entire registration process just as if your child is a new student.
At Prep days your child will be able to:
ü Pick up his/her schedule
ü Pay any fines or obligations
ü Update shot records with the nurse (NO SHOTS…NO SCHOOL)
ü Make corrections to contact information
ü Get transportation information for both school and VIA
ü Set up and put money in a cafeteria account (money required)
ü Purchase the yearbook ($60 cash or money order required)
ü Purchase School Parking Permits (money required)
ü Take Yearbook photos (cash, check or money order required, all payable to Lifetouch Studios. Picture package selections are included at end of this information packet.)
ü Get a new school ID (this year everyone will need a new ID)
ü Complete required school forms
ü Make adjustments to incomplete schedules
ü Get a school locker (Locker Listed on Schedule)
For “New” incoming students to NISD/John Jay. A date and time for registration will be given to new students after Prep -days . There will be no registrations during Prep days.
Address Verification
Students who have a new address within the Jay attendance area should make changes by showing proof o residence (utility bills, etc.)
Students who owe fines or have obligations (textbooks, etc.) from John Jay should provide a receipt showing clearance, bring the item(s) with them, or be prepared to cover the cost of the item(s) at Prep Days. Please be prepared to clear all fines/obligations before proceeding with Prep Day Stations. Textbooks and parking passes will only be issued if fines/obligations are cleared. Cash Only.
If you have been previously notified that you need an immunization booster, please arrange to get the shot and provide records for the nurse at prep days. Students will not be allowed to register if all shots are not updated.
Attendance / Student Success Team Intervention
Students stopping at this station will be offered strategies and recommendations to improve attendance in order to achieve all credits needed to move to the following grade level.
Off-Campus Lunch
Junior/Seniors Only
Student will pick up aParent Permission Form. Student's previous attendance record will be considered in order to qualify for off-campus lunch. If student brings thisformfilled in and signed by parent the off-campus lunch sticker may be placed on ID card and the student will be able to go off campus for lunch immediately upon beginning school.
Students will receive a copy of their schedule of the courses they selected during Prep Days.
Address Changes
Students who have a new address within the John Jay attendance area should make changes by showing proof of residence (current utility bill, lease agreement, contract, etc.) and proof of telephone number change (telephone or cellular phone bill of parent/guardian).
Pre-order the 2015-2016 yearbook during Prep Days for only $65.00. This will be the only opportunity to purchase books at this price. Yearbook personalization and accessories are available online only with Jostens.
School Pictures
School Pictures: Underclassmen school pictures will be taken during Prep Days. Students should be mindful of the school dress code and dress accordingly. No facial piercings, visible tattoos, strapless or sleeveless shirts, or unnatural hair color allowed in pictures. Pictures taken at this time are considered the official school pictures to be featured in the school yearbook.
I.D. Cards
New school ID cards will be made for new students at Prep Days. There is no fee for the first card for incoming Freshman and new students. There is a charge of $5.00 to replace an old ID card. All students are required to carry an I.D. on campus.
JUNIORS AND SENIORS ONLY! Cost is $15 and student must be listed on insurance policy.
Locker/School Map - Locker info and combination will be on student’s schedule
Cafeteria staff will be available to establish meal accounts with initial funds and answer questions concerning food service. This we are a Title I school every student on campus receives “Free Meals.”
Bus Information
The NISD Transportation information will be available at Prep Days. Bus route information will also be available online at
VIA Bus Cards
Students requiring a VIA bus card will be issued one.
Spirit Club/Club Info. Various booster clubs and school organizations will be on hand to sell refreshments, spirit items, and provide membership information. Students may wish to bring extra $$$ or checks for these purchases.
P.T.S.A. The John Jay Parent Teacher Student Association will have a membership table available at Prep Days.
Senior pictures Will be taken August 14th and 15th in the auditorium foyer from 8:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Appointment postcards will be sent to all seniors. If you cannot make your appointment, please call 210-690-1476 to reschedule.
What If My Schedule is Wrong?
ü I have too many classes listed-
o On Prep Days you can complete a schedule correction form.
o A counselor will correct your schedule before the first day of school.
ü I have too few classes listed-
o On Prep Days you can complete a schedule correction form.
o A counselor will correct your schedule before the first day of school.
ü I am missing a class to graduate-
o On Prep Days you can complete a schedule correction form.
o A counselor will correct your schedule before the first day of school.
ü I am in the wrong level of a course-
o Level changes will need to be verified by a counselor. On Prep Days you can complete a schedule correction form.
o If you are indeed in the wrong level, a counselor will correct your schedule before the first day of school.
o Students may not drop AP or Pre-AP courses.
ü I am in a course I already have credit for-
o On Prep Days you can complete a schedule correction form.
o A counselor will correct your schedule before the first day of school.
ü I want a different elective or course than what I selected-
o The master schedule has been built based on student course selections. Changing electives is not possible at this point.
What Forms Do I Need
ü Student Parking form—
For Juniors and Seniors who plan to drive and park on campus. (Link to form here)
ü Verification of Address---
If you have changed addresses since last school year, you will need to bring a utility bill to verify your new address before any changes can be made. You WILL NOT be allowed to continue with prep days if your address is not corrected.
ü Parent-Student Authorization Form: High School Please return this form to your child’s teacher or the school office within the first 10 days of instruction. (Link to form here)
o According to the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Federal law and the Texas Public Information Act, certain information about District students is considered directory information and will be released to anyone who follows the procedures for requesting the information unless the parent or guardian objects to the release of the directory information. If you do not want NISD to disclose your child’s directory information without your prior written consent, you must notify the district in writing by the end of the first 10 days of instruction. Failure to return this form will result in the release of directory information upon request.
ü Acceptable Use Form—
This form only needs to be completed if you do not wish your child to be able to use school computers. Keep in mind that they will not be able to check grades or complete any assignments using a computer on the Jay campus if you complete this form. (Link form here)
Immunization Requirements for 2015-2016:
DTP/DTaP/DT/TD/Tdap: Five doses required for entry of kindergarten students
unless the fourth dose was received on or after the 4th birthday. Doses are also required for students entering pre-kindergarten – school nurse will evaluate. Students age 7, starting their vaccine, are required to have three doses. One booster dose of a Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis containing vaccine is required for entry into 7th grade if at least 5 years have passed since the last dose of a Tetanus-containing vaccine.
Grades 8-12 require a booster dose of Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis containing vaccine every 10 years. Polio: Four Doses of IPV are required for kindergarten students unless the third dose was received after the 4th birthday. Doses are also required for students entering pre-kindergarten –school nurse will evaluate. It can be any combination of OPV or IPV. Not required of 18-year-old students. Measles/Mumps/Rubella: Two dosesof MMR are required. The first dose shall be administered on or after the 1st birthday. The second dose is to be administered by age 5 or entry into kindergarten. One dose is required for pre-kindergarten. HIB: Three doses of Haemophilus Influenza type B vaccine and a booster if givenbefore the child is 15 months or one dose of vaccine if given after 15 months. HIB vaccine is given through 4 years of age and is required for students in prekindergarten. Hepatitis Type A: Two doses of Hepatitis A are required for students in grades PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. The second dose of Hepatitis A is administered six months after the administration of the first dose. Hepatitis Type B: Three doses of Hepatitis B are required for pre-kindergarten through 12th grade. Varicella (Chicken Pox): Two doses of Varicella vaccine received on or after the 1st birthday are required for students in grades K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. Two doses are required if the student was 13 years of age at the time the first dose of Varicella was received. If the student has had Varicella (Chicken Pox) illness, please request a form from the school nurse to validate illness. One dose is required for students entering pre-kindergarten and those in grade 6. Pneumococcal (PCV7): PCV7 is mandated for all students 3 through 4 years of age. The school nurse will evaluate the number of doses needed or if the student is complete to enter prekindergarten. Menactra (Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine): This vaccine protects students 11 years of age and older from Meningitis. One dose is required for students in grades 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.
Medical Emergency Cards: The first week of school, all students will be given a yellow medical emergency card for parents to complete (both sides) and return. Please ask your child for it and be sure to complete it and return it to the nurse. If any of the information changes throughout the year, please call or bring the changes to the nurse. This information is vital in order to provide the best care possible to the student in case of illness or emergency.
Medication Policy: Long term medication forms must be completed for any student to have medication at school. We have four different forms. 1. Long term medication form for any medication to be used during the school year. 2. Asthma form to be completed with an indication of ability to carry inhaler and condition for air quality days. 3. Diabetic form. 4. Allergy form for epinephrine pens and Benadryl. The medication policy is in the student handbook, but briefly, all medication must be kept in the clinic unless the doctor has indicated it can be carried. This only includes inhalers, insulin, and the epi-pen. All medication forms, shot requirements, and health policies, including Spanish versions, can be found and downloaded from under “Departments” and “Health Services.”
No Shots – No School