(County Board Meeting of September 30, 2008 cont. Page 1)
Meeting called to order by Chair Randy Tatur at 7:00 P.M.
Roll Call. Present – 20. Excused – 1. Present: DuSell, Hauser (7:04pm),Svoma, Stevens, Roth, LaPorte, Kaiser, Lieffring, Costello, Skogen, Mai, Willingham, Schultz, Hofacker, Platteter, Stencil, Taylor, Schneider, Golat, Tatur. Excused: Heiden. Corporation Counsel Richard Summerfield present.
Invocation by Pastor Dave Smith of Ladysmith Baptist Church.
Pledge of Allegiance led by Randy Tatur, District #8 Supervisor.
Motion by DuSell, second byGolatto approve minutes of the August 26, 2008meeting. Motion carried by aye vote.
Joanne Phetteplace, County Treasurer reported on county financial standings. Explained types of accounts, balances, interest rates, insurance coverage, collateral, bank ratings and the depository resolution before the board. A complete copy of the report outline is available in the clerk’s office.
WHEREAS, Rusk County receives and causes to be deposited for safekeeping and investment purposes, public monies; and
WHEREAS, Sec.34.05, Stats., requires that the Board designate one or more public depositories organized and doing business under federal or state law and located in Wisconsin in which the Treasurer and other County officials are to deposit public monies; and
WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has reviewed the proposals of area depositories and also the credentials of the proposed depositories and is satisfied that they meet the standards of Section 34.05(1), Stats.; and
WHEREAS, it is recommended that the County participate in the State Deposit Guarantee fund under Sec.34.08, Stats., so as to further insure the safety of Rusk County’s deposits and in order to do so, the County’s depositories must be designated; and
WHEREAS, said public monies may be maintained in demand deposits, time deposits subject to Sec.66.04(2) Stats., and/or savings deposits, subject to the discretion of the Board;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that pursuant to Sec. 34.05, Stats., the following depositories be and hereby designated to Rusk County for the periods stated: Calendar year 2009, 2010, 2011 with a possible three calendar year extension at Community Bank of Northern Wisconsin (for Rusk County General Account, Hospital General Account, Hospital Payroll, Rusk County Savings, Highway Savings, Power line Savings, CDBG Home, CDBG Working Account, Sheriff Huber, Sheriff Inmate Canteen and Sheriff Triad.)
Other accounts which will remain in existing banking institutions:
Clerk of Court Trust – Pioneer Bank of Wisconsin
Social Services Trust – Pioneer Bank of Wisconsin
District Attorney Trust – Pioneer Bank of Wisconsin
Local Government Investment Pool
Senior Services – Price Credit Union
Nursing Home Resident Fund – Wells Fargo Bank
Certificate of Deposit – Awarded separately to financial institutions within the County
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Treasurer shall use the named public depositories only. Other department administrators having accounts under their control will use only the named accounts listed above.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that subject to the decision of the Finance Committee, which shall from time to time, review and decide upon the issue of the types of deposits to be made, all of the forms specified at Sec.34.05(I), Stats., for deposit, those being time deposits subject to Sec.66.04(2), Stats., demand deposits and savings deposits shall be authorized by the Board.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution shall be subject to written confirmation of the depositories cited of collateralization or bank guaranty bond of the Rusk County accounts.
Submitted byFinance Committee:S/Tatur, Skogen, Platteter, Taylor, Kaiser.
Motion by Platteter, second by Costello to adopt. Resolution adopted by aye vote.
CC. Town of Dewey – CTH “I” north of Tony from Deertail Road north to Mae West Road and CTH “X” west from Highway 8 north to School Road.
Submitted byHighway Committee.
Motion by DuSell second by Stevens to adopt. Resolution adopted by aye vote. A complete copy of the ordinance is available in the clerk’s office.
WHEREAS, the Wisconsin Office of Justice Assistance Grant Project (JAG) has one-time grant funding to enhance a smaller law enforcement agency’s capacity for crime prevention and detection that will be sustainable and measureable in some fashion,
WHEREAS, the Rusk County Sheriff’s Department has applied for the JAG Smaller Police Agency Crime Initiative 2008 funding through the Wisconsin Office of Justice Assistance,
WHEREAS, the JAG funding will allow Rusk County to purchase a dispatch video link system to facilitate video and audio communications between a dispatcher and squad car or a dispatcher and a business or industrial location,
WHEREAS, the “Dispatch Eyes” project will allow the dispatcher to view real-time, on-scene activity as it occurs and enhance officer safety,
WHEREAS, it is the recommendation of the Sheriff’s Committee to accept this grant and proceed with the Dispatch Eyes project.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, By the Rusk County Board ofSupervisors, that the Rusk County Sheriff is authorized to accept this grant award from the Wisconsin Office of Justice Assistance and to purchase the equipment from the following 2008 budget:
211-42-52192-340Dispatch Eyes - Supplies/Operating Expenses$9,970.00
211-42-43000-000Dispatch Eyes - State Aid$9,970.00
Submitted by Sheriff’s Committee: S/Skogen, Willingham, Lieffring, Golat.
Motion by Skogen, second by Stevens to adopt. Roll Call. Voting yes – 20. Voting no – 0. Voting yes: DuSell, Hauser, Svoma, Stevens, Roth, LaPorte, Kaiser, Lieffring, Costello, Skogen, Mai, Willingham, Schultz, Hofacker, Platteter, Stencil, Taylor, Schneider, Golat, Tatur. Resolution adopted by roll call vote.
WHEREAS, the Health & Human Service Department’s 2007 fiscal year had a budget ending balance of $94,729; and
WHEREAS, the 2009 SY presents challenging budgetary issues with implementation of Long Term Care Reform, Aging and Disability Resource Center start up and the splitting of the state basic county allocation between Adult Services and Children and Family Services; and
WHEREAS, the magnitude, complexity and the potential wide variety of unknown/unpredictable impact of the changes, makes accurate budgeting difficult with a higher than usual risk of budget deficits for the 2009/2010 Service Year;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Rusk County Board of Supervisors authorizes the creation of a Health & Human Services Department Risk Reserve Fund in the amount of the of $94,729 for the purpose of addressing unanticipated and unbudgeted transitional related expenses in SY 2009 and SY 2010,
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Risk Reserve Fund will lapse December 31, 2010 and accessing the Risk Reserve Fund requires the approval of the Health & Human Services Board, the Finance Committee, and meet one or more of the following criteria:
- Expense related to transitional issues that were not anticipated nor budgeted for in the 2009/2010 HHS Budget and/or
- Expenses related to the provision of contractual or statutory required services that have exceeded the budgeted amount.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, to review funds on a yearly basis with quarterly update from Health & Human Services to the County board on its transition of services.
Submitted by Health & Human Services Board and Finance Committee: S/Schneider, Tatur, Platteter, Skogen, Kaiser, Mai, Costello.
Motion by Mai, second by Schneider to adopt. Discussion on money being earmarked or remaining in the general fund. Motion by Taylor, second by Willingham to amend by adding a2nd be it further resolved to read: “Review funds on a yearly basis with quarterly update from Health and Human Services to the County Board on its transition of services.” Motion to amend carried by aye vote. Roll Call. Voting yes – 19. Voting no – 1. Voting yes: Hauser, Svoma, Stevens, Roth, LaPorte, Kaiser, Lieffring, Costello, Skogen, Mai, Willingham, Schultz, Hofacker, Platteter, Taylor, Schneider, Golat, DuSell, Tatur. Voting no: Stencil. Resolution as amended adopted by roll call vote.
WHEREAS, Resolution #06-40J, which established a budget for 2008 for the Dairyland Draw Down/Park Improvement, was approved by the Rusk County Board of Supervisors at its December 18, 2008 meeting; and
WHEREAS, our blacktop estimates last fall were low.
WHEREAS, we have excess 2008 stumpage revenue.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Rusk County Board of Supervisors approves amending the 2008 budget for the Dairyland Project.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the 2008 budget be amended as follows:
DAIRYLAND PROJECT:CurrentAmendedAmt. of Adj.
100-62-56900-393 Restoration Expenses 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00
100-62-56900-810 Comm. Park Improve. 90,000.00 90,000.00 0.00
100-62-56900-811 N. Landing Improve. 60,000.00 60,000.00 0.00
100-62-56900-812 Josie Park Improve. 96,278.00 120,000.00 23,722.00
248,278.00 272,000.00 23,722.00
100-62-48500-000 WRA Donation 25,000.0025,000.00 0.00
100-62-43570-000 RBF Grant 38,237.5038,237.50 0.00
100-62-48550-000 Dairyland Power Donat. 40,000.0040,000.00 0.00
100-62-49100-000 Trans from Powerline 75,000.0098,722.0023,722.00
100-62-43571-000 Park Aids 48,139.0048,139.00 0.00
100-62-49140-000 2008 Excess Stumpage Tran
11,901.50 11,901.50 0.00
100-62-49130-000 Park Development Fund 10,000.0010,000.00 0.00
248,278.00 272,000.0023,722.00
LEVY 0.00 0.00 0.00
Submitted by Land, Forestry and Finance Committee’s:S/DuSell, Svoma, Platteter, Schneider, Tatur, Skogen, Kaiser.
Motion by Svoma, second by DuSell to adopt. Roll Call. Voting yes – 20. Voting no – 0. Voting yes: Svoma, Stevens, Roth, LaPorte, Kaiser, Lieffring, Costello, Skogen, Mai, Willingham, Schultz, Hofacker, Platteter, Stencil, Taylor, Schneider, Golat, DuSell, Hauser, Tatur. Resolution adopted by roll call vote.
WHEREAS, Resolution 08-37, which was passed at the July 29, 2008, County Board meeting, established a procedure for spending Power Line impact fees; and
WHEREAS, this procedure did not address a process for the Finance Committee to earmark funds for proposed projects during the 2009 budgeting process; and
WHEREAS, requests for funding were received from the Forestry Committee which included $2,000.00 towards the Amacoy Lake Boat Landing restrooms and $10,000.00 to fund the Community Park Pavilion; and
WHEREAS, the Finance Committee at its September 18, 2008, voted to submit a resolution to receive County Board approval to include Power Line funds to assist with these projects since the resolution to establish a procedure was passed after the April application deadline.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Rusk County Board of Supervisors approves budgeting $2,000.00 of Power Line Funds for the 2009 Amacoy Lake Boat Landing restrooms and $10,000.00 of Power Line Funds for the 2009 Community Park Pavilion which will leave $18,000.00 of Power Line Funds available through the 2009 application process unless two-thirds of the Rusk County Board of Supervisors agree to exceed this amount.
Submitted by Finance Committee:S/Tatur, Skogen, Platteter.
Motion by Schultz, second by Hauser to adopt. Roll Call. Voting yes – 20. Voting no – 0. Voting yes: Stevens, Roth, LaPorte, Kaiser, Lieffring, Costello, Skogen, Mai, Willingham, Schultz, Hofacker, Platteter, Stencil, Taylor, Schneider, Golat, DuSell, Hauser, Svoma, Tatur. Resolution adopted by roll call vote.
RESOLVED, that from and after the 1st day of January, 2009, the public buildings and other property belonging to Rusk County be insured in the Local Government Property Insurance Fund, under Chapter 605, Wis. Stats., and amendments thereto.
The Rusk County Clerk is hereby directed to carry out the provisions of this Resolution.
Motion by Skogen, second by Platteter to adopt. Resolution adopted by aye vote.
To the Honorable Rusk County Board of Supervisors:
WHEREAS, the cost of providing ambulance service to the citizens of Rusk County have been increasing each year; and
WHEREAS, it is imperative that compensation for ambulance personnel be increased if we are to retain our present personnel and attract new members of the highest quality; and
WHEREAS, it is anticipated that substantial investment in new equipment for the ambulance service will need to be made within the near future; and
WHEREAS, the economic climate in Rusk County demands that we limit our levy to the greatest extent possible;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the rates charged by Rusk County Ambulance Service be amended effective on the first of the month following passage of this resolution as follows:
Base Rate ...... $475.00
Mileage Charge (per loaded mile) ...... $ 13.50
Standby at non-profit events (such as school sports) ...... $ 40.00
Submitted by Emergency Government/Ambulance Committee:S/Willingham, Stevens.
Motion by Schneider, second by Costello to adopt. Resolution adopted by aye vote.
Rusk County Fair: Cindy LaPorte, Executive Fair Secretary, reported on the 2008 fair. Attendance up, more single day passes sold than season passes, and 215 more entries. Two reports are provided to the state,the financial report due within 30 days of fair and the annual audit. To date funds paid out $8,420.00. Discussion on bills outstanding. Complete copy of report is available in the clerk’s office.
ADRC Oversight Committee – Kathy Mai
Motion by Willingham, second by Skogen to approve appointment. Motion carried by aye vote.
Flood Plain Maps -some are acceptable others aren’t. CeCe Tesky, Zoning Administrator,is working on revisions. Flood plan insurance coverage was discussed.
Denise Wetzel, County Clerk, gave potential renewal increases for the 2009 health insurance.
WCA Conference in Wisconsin Dells – confirmed those registered.
Changing the December 30th meeting – due to holidays will be discussed at an upcoming meeting.
Motion byDuSell, second by Costello to adjourn. Motion carried by aye vote. Meeting adjourned at 9:07 p.m.
Next meeting October 28, 2008.
Denise Wetzel, Rusk County Clerk
Bonnie Stoneberg, Chief Deputy Clerk