Interdistrict Downtown School
Course Title: Grade 8 – World Geography & Cultures
Instructor: Miriam Bungert
Student Teacher: Michael Barclay
Email: (preferred)
Phone: 612-752-7154
Course Description
The seventh grade social studies course at I.D.D.S. is United States History. Beginning with the post-Civil War era and ending with more recent events that have changed American society like the tragedies of September 11 and Hurricane Katrina.
Course Work & Home Work
Through the History Alive! curriculum, seventh graders will be engaged in learning significant events in U.S. History through experiential learning exercises and projects that may require out-of-class writing, reading, or research.
Students are expected to review their assignments, notes, and essential summaries each school day until they feel they have mastered the material outlined in the summary. At the end of each unit of study students should be ready to take a quiz to show they have mastered the material. Students will also demonstrate what they learn through performance assessments (project-based learning assignments).
Parents can help enrich their child’s learning by discussing the historical time period with them, encouraging them to read books or watch movies from the time period we are studying, or visit websites and research the time period on-line. For example, if your child loves sports, fashion, or music, encourage them to learn about that interest during the time period we are studying in class. The librarian at your local library or in our own media center should be able to assist you in finding reading materials.
Grading is cumulative and students will earn points for completion of assignments, daily questions, note-taking, graded projects, group work, effort and participation, and quizzes. In order to earn these points attendance is vital. If a student is going to be absent, he/she should collect assignments from teachers ahead of time, or a parent/guardian or family member can contact the teachers for assignments. Most assignments can be made up, but NOT all.
Grading scale:
Percentage / Grade90-100% / A
80-89% / B
70-79% / C
60-69% / D
Below 60% / F
Multiple choice and/or short answer quizzes will occur at the end of each unit of study. Students who need to make up tests, must arrange a time with the teacher before or after-school.
Course Standards:
Course standards are aligned with the Minnesota State Social Studies Standards for United States History, Grades 4-8. To view these standards please visit the Minnesota Department of Education’s website at:
Course Outline
These are the major units of study we will cover this year in social studies, each unit corresponds to a chapter in our textbook History Alive! Students will receive an Essential Summary outlining the learning goals for each unit.
§ Reconstruction
§ Tensions in the West
§ The Rise of Industry
§ The Great Wave of Immigration
§ America Becomes a World Power (incl. WWI)
§ The Roaring Twenties & The Great Depression
§ World War II
§ The Cold War
§ The Civil Rights Movement
§ Contemporary American Society
§ The Constitution Revisited
Students must come to class prepared to learn with the following materials at a minimum:
Materials Provided:
Textbook: History Alive! The United States
Each student will receive and be responsible for their textbook. Textbooks may remain in their place within our classroom or can be taken home to read and study. Students will need to remember to bring their textbook to class each day. If lost or damaged, the textbook will need to be replaced at the cost of $45. Therefore, it is important for students and parents to take care of the textbooks. Textbooks are numbered inside and out.
Workbook: History Alive! The United States
Each student will receive a workbook that goes with the textbook and is written in throughout the school year. This belongs to the student at the end of the year. However, if a student loses their workbook it can be replaced one time, for $15. Workbooks may be kept in a 3-ring binder or in the student’s classroom file.
In-Class portfolio/file: A place for students to store their work in between classes or to save their best work.
Materials Not Provided:
· PAPER: loose-leaf paper Colored pencils or markers (keep in locker)
· 3-Ring Binder with pocket folder (A notebook and folder will do, but a 3-ring binder is preferable for organization)
Class Expectations and Requirements
Presence and Participation:
Students’ presence and participation are directly linked to their success in school. Students are expected to be in class and prepared at the beginning of the period. An unexcused absence or tardy will result in lost daily points. A student will receive a phone call home the first time they are late to class, a letter and detention (lunch or after-school) the second time, and detentions ever thereafter with additional parent contact and recommendation for a problem-solving conference.
Students will not be allowed to leave class for matters that can be taken care of between classes, at lunch, or before or after-school. Students who need to talk to support staff should make an appointment with that person, receive a pass from them, and show their teacher that pass before class begins.
Middle School students will be required to have a planner in order to leave class for any reason and will be granted 9 hall passes per quarter for all classes, this is equal to one pass per week. Students should use 4 minutes of passing time to get drinks, use the restroom and get prepared for class. Please read the IDDS Student/Parent Handbook for more information on attendance, truancy, and how they are connected to grading policies.
Tardies: Parents will be contacted at first or second tardy, at third tardy lunch detention will be assigned. Further parent contact may be necessary if student is repeatedly tardy.
Late work is HALF-OFF: Assignments turned in late will be subject to a 50% reduction in grade and in some cases may not be accepted at all. Assignments for past units of study will not be accepted.
Parent/teacher contact: Parents should feel free to ask about their student’s progress by contacting their teachers by email or phone. Parents are also encouraged to come to class and observe their child’s learning environment.
1. Students will enter the classroom quietly.
2. Class begins when the bell rings and students are expected to be at their desks prepared to learn and follow written or verbal instructions.
3. Students will raise their hand when they have a question and should wait patiently until addressed by teacher.
4. Students should sharpen pencils before class begins and should never get up to sharpen pencils during instructional time.
5. The teacher needs your silent attention when his/her hand is raised because he/she would like to address the class.
6. Students will not be given passes in the first or last 10 minutes of class.
7. Students will be dismissed by the teacher, not the bell. Students will remain in seats until dismissed and should exit the classroom quietly.
8. Consequences for interrupting learning time will range from a warning, in-class or out of class time-out, or referral to principal’s office. Disruptive behaviors like not listening, refusal to follow directions, talking during work or instructional times, making sounds above comfortable noise level for learning, moving about class for reasons other than part of teacher’s instruction and without permission will result in loss of privileges, which for repeated disruptive behaviors may result in an isolated work environment or after-school detention.
Please read and sign this acknowledgment:
We have read the information and we understand the policies of this class. In addition, we understand that our student has been issued textbook number _____. We acknowledge that the book has been issued in useable condition and that it will be returned at the end of the course in similar condition. It will not be written in or defaced in any manner. We agree to pay the replacement cost of the book ($45) if it is lost of damaged and $15 to replace lost student workbooks.
Student name
Parent/guardian signature Date
Parent’s email address Phone
Student signature Date