Ryan WilliamsAgriculture Department

Week 1

Day / Content / Lesson / Activity/Assignment
1 / Explain the concept of career clusters / Career Cluster Concepts / Develop an understanding for the purpose for this class.
2 / Explore and practice the basic and related skills and concepts of the agriculture career cluster / Agriculture Career Clusters / Identify the Career Clusters to be discussed in this class
3 / Explain the purpose of agriculture work in society / The role of Agriculture in the community / What is Agriculture?
What is Agriculture to you?
Name the Agriculture Businesses in TaylorCounty
4 / Demonstrate communication skills of speaking and listening / What is Communication? / Three Solomon Judges Exercise, Develop an understanding for the use of communication in the work place.
5 / Contd. / Steps to Effectively Communicate / Verbal –vs.- Non-Verbal Cues

Week 2

Day / Content / Lesson / Activity/Assignment
1 / Identify expectations of employers to employees in agriculture areas / Employer Expectations / Class Discussion of employer expectations
The five expectations of employers for employees.
2 / Demonstrate general on-the-job safety practices / Safety Practices in the agriculture work place / Class Discussion of Safety Practices.
Class Demonstration of Safety Procedures in Agriculture related fields
3 / Assess interest, aptitude and learning styles / Career Assessment Interest / Students will complete a personality test/worksheet to establish careers of interest to them.
4 / Contd. / Career Aptitude / Students will determine the Career Aptitude based on a computer based aptitude test administered in class.
5 / Contd. / Career Learning Styles / Students will determine their career learning style based on a computer based assessment.

Ryan WilliamsAgriculture Department

Week 3

Day / Content / Lesson / Activity/Assignment
1 / Relate Assessment results to career planning / Assessment Results to Career Planning / Class Discussion.
Does the assessment taken reflect student perspectives and desires for a career
2 / Explain the concept of agriculture career clusters.
Determine the education or training required
Determine the wages for agriculture jobs in the career clusters. / Animal Science Systems / How much money is enough money? Class Discussion
Students will develop an understanding of careers in Animal Science systems.
(Livestock/Small Animal Exercise)
3 / Contd. / AGRIBUISNESS / Students will develop an understanding of careers in AGRIBUISNESS systems
(Finance Exercise) Purpose of a Dollar
4 / Contd. / Environmental Science & Natural Resources / Students will develop an understanding of careers in Environmental Science & Natural Resources
(Types of Wildlife & Soils)
5 / Contd. / Agri-Biotechnology / “Feeding the World” Exercise
Students will develop an understanding of careers in Agri-Biotechnology

Ryan WilliamsAgriculture Department

Week 4

Day / Content / Lesson / Activity/Assignment
1 / Explain the concept of agriculture career clusters.
Determine the education or training required
Determine the wages for agriculture jobs in the career clusters / “Agriculture Opportunities for You” / Library and/or COW Research
Students will complete an poster on a agriculture career that interests them based on the four agriculture career clusters examined in this class. The student will research the career and include the education and/or training required the wages that can be earned and the description and responsibilities that are associated with to the job. (Hours, work detail, etc.)
2 / Contd. / Contd. / Library and/or COW Research
3 / Contd. / Contd. / Class Presentations
4 / Contd. / Contd. / Class Presentations
5 / Contd. / Class Presentations