Asis Orowitz
846 Trundle Dr. #112
Bigtown, NY 10027
Home Phone (555) 555-9744
Objective Computer Scientist seeking a new career in finance
2002-Present Assistant Professor, Columbia University Computer Science Dept.
Summer 2003 Visiting Researcher, IBM Research Center, Haifa, Israel
2002-2008 Graduate Student Instructor and Researcher, U.C. Berkeley
Spring 1993 Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, Princeton University
1996-2002 PhD in Mathematics
University of California, Berkeley
Advisor: Dr. Bruce Watson
Dissertation: Algorithms in geometric group theory
1991-1995 AB in Mathematics
Princeton University
Magna Cum Laude
C++, Java, Matlab, PHP, Regular Expressions, Google Maps, Javascript, HTML, LaTeX
Erdosz Fellow, 2002, Technion University, Israel (Declined the Fellowship Award) National Need Fellow, 1996, University of California, Berkeley
Eta Theta Bo-Beta, 1995, Princeton University
Why I’m So Friggin’ Fond of Triangles, (2004), Elsevier Science, Amsterdam.
Ones and Zeros: Not Just for Counting Anymore, pp. 59-88 in Computers and Other Technology-Type Stuff, R. French Ed., Contemporary Mathematics, American Mathematical Society, Providence R.I., 2002.
Why Does My Right Alt Key Keep Falling Off?, Dissertation, Berkeley, CA, 2002.
Software (available through homepage)
PPIso - Protein-Protein-Interaction Graph Isomorphism solver
Technologies: C++, GraphViz, HTML
stateGraphSearch - PHP graph search visualizer using Google maps of the 50 states
Technologies: C++, PHP, HTML, Javascript, Google Maps API
XXXwebcrypt - web-based cryptology learning system
Technologies: Java, Swing, HTML
cfgrep - context free grammar egrep variant
Technologies: Java
JavaCFG - visual parse tree generator for general context free grammars
Technologies: Java, Swing
JavaGradesXXX - student grades website and personalized email generator
Technologies: Java, XML, HTML
Lecture Notes (available through homepage)
Introduction to Cryptography
Models of Computation
Discrete Mathematics
Courses Taught at Columbia
Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++
Covers both abstract design and practical implementation issues in C++
Honors and regular sections taught
Data Structures in Java
Covers both abstract design and practical implementation issues in Java
Honors and regular sections taught
Introduction to Cryptography
Covers the theoretical underpinning of cryptography and cryptanalysis
Graduate level
Undergraduate Cryptography
Covers classical and modern encryption and cryptanalysis algorithms both theoretically
and through Java implementations
Models of Computation
Covers regular expressions, context free grammars, Turing completeness, undecidable
and intractable problems
Final theory course required by all undergraduate C.S. majors
Discrete Mathematics and Graph Theory
Covers logic, proofs, probability, combinatorics, and graphs.
First C.S. theory course
Courses Taught at U.C. Berkeley
· Calculus II (Summer 2000)
· Teaching Assistant (1996–2001): Abstract Algebra, Discrete Mathematics,
Linear Algebra, Calculus I, Calculus II, Pre-Calculus
Independent Study
Finkel, Jenny (Spring 2004) Practical Use of Cosines in Cajun Cooking
Lyubashevsky, Vadim (Spring 2004) Geometry and the Rise of the Rectangle
Chou, Ching-En and Wu, Jiunn-Ru (Fall 2004) Feminist Themes in Long Division
LaShanda Henry, Kabir Ahuja, Sage Choi, Jason Lee and Olga Zaitseva (2004-2005)
Numbers Bigger than One Hundred Billion
Ordonez, Ramiro (Fall 2005) What’s the Deal with Pi, Anyway?
Student Projects
Bruce E. Cao, Jing Fan, Jing Chan, Shen Li, Yiting Shen and Simin Wang (Fall 2003)
The Reverse Spell-Checker
Hirsch, Yoav (Spring 2005) An Acid-Base Translator for Macintosh Systems
Jones., B. J. (Fall 2006) Super-Pong
Paddle, Surag (Spring 2007) Automatic Monkey-Counter (Great Ape Edition)
Larivierre, Stephen (Spring 2007) A Program that Hates You
Committees and Service
Columbia Video Network Computer Science Liaison. Fall 2003 – current
Columbia Video Network Computer Science Advisor. Fall 2003 – current
Masters Program Committee. Fall 2004 – current
Masters Admissions Committee. Fall 2004 – current
Masters Student Advisor. Fall 2004 – current
Senior Engineering Student Advisor. Fall 2003 and Spring 2004
Junior Engineering Student Advisor. Fall 2002 and Spring 2003
Invited Talks
Connections between formal languages and hyperbolic groups, Colloquium, Vanderbilt Math Dept., Nashville, TN, 7 April, 2002
The importance of computer science in group theory (or what happened when Rubik read Hopcroft and Ullman) Colloquium, Columbia C.S. Dept., NY, NY, 25 March, 2002
Computing angles in hyperbolic groups, Albany Group Theory Conference, Albany, NY, 11 October, 2001
References - available upon request