Boca Ciega High School 2017/2018

Syllabus: Learning Strategies with credit recovery option on APEX

Mr. Voeltz room #4-101

Hello Pirates,

Welcome to the new school year at Boca Ciega High School! Learning Strategies is designed to help each student with strategies to be successful in all of their classes. This class will help them with organizational strategies, self-advocacy strategies, monitoring GPA/graduation requirements, assignment completion and test taking strategies. Tutoring will also be provided when needed for their other classes.

This class will also provide each student an opportunity to recover credits or to do grade forgiveness to improve their GPA (thru APEX). This will be a great opportunity and privilegefor students to get back on track to graduate if they are behind in credits or GPA. Ms. Liss also will be working in the class to assist students working on APEXand progress monitoring toward graduation.

Expectations in Learning Strategies class:

1. Good Attendance

2. Each student must maintain a notebook for APEX using Cornell Way notes (All notes can be used on post-tests). The Cornell Way note taking is an expectation used school wide.

3. Come to class ready to work and be successful

4. Respectful to peers and teachers

5. Stay positive

Grading For Learning Strategies:

•Students will be graded on participation completing required APEX assignments and tests. Each student must maintain a notebook (see below for grading).

*7% for Excellent Cornell Way notes, 5% for Good Cornell Way notes, 3% Fair Cornell Way notes (All Cornell Way notes can be used on post-tests).

•Students will be required to check grades on Focus each class to progress monitor their grades. (Participation Grade)

•Students will also have to complete GPA/progress check’s every 1-2 weeks based on Portal grades (30 points).

•Students are able to work on assignments from other classes periodically if needed. I will provide tutoring if needed for assignments from other classes (Participation Grade).

•Students will be supported using the school wide binder system for all of their classes.

What is APEX ? APEX is a computerized web based program for making up credits. Most academic core subjects can be made up on APEX. These subjects include but are not limited to: Algebra, Geometry, English, American History, and Earth Space Science courses. The courses are prescriptive which benefits students. The two teachers in the lab (Mr. Voeltz/Ms. Liss) provides valuable one-on-one instruction that the student may need to be successful learning.

How does APEX work?Students will begin each unit (Chapter) with a pretest. Each course varies on the number of units they must complete. The lessons that the student has to complete will be based on how they score on the pretest. Students will be required to maintain a notebook with the use of Cornell notes. Most lessons have a quiz at the end which students must score an 70% to pass the quiz. After they complete the lessons, the student will then take a post-test based on the same concepts. They are allowed to use all notes on tests. They must score a 70% or higher on the post-test to move on to the next Module. Students are given two attempts at the post-test. If they still have not reached the 70% criteria then they will need remediation in their area of weakness. This includes one-on-one re-teaching and going back through a particular lesson. After they complete these steps, then they are given another opportunity to take the post-test. Students will not receive a grade until they complete all the modules and the final exam.

*** All testing must be done in room #4-101

*** Students cannot use the internet or any electronics while testing.

*** If students are caught cheating then the test will be reassigned, continued cheating on tests may result in the student not retaking courses through APEX.

Can students work on APEX at home?Yes, students can work at home. They can complete lessons and quizzes in each module. All pre and post-test must be done in the APEX lab. APEX can be accessed on Internet Explorer or Google Chrome. The link is

The students user name will be their 52school ID number and password is password1.

Please take advantage of this opportunity to work on lessons at home!

Discipline consequences for inappropriate behavior for breaking class/school rules:

1. Verbal Warning

2. Teacher/Student conference/MTSS Thread

3. Parent contact/MTSS Thread

4. Possible referral to AP

Please feel free to contact Dan Voeltz if you have any questions @ 893-2780 ext. 1332 or and


Student Signature Parent Signature and Contact #