Equality Objectives (staff)

The University Equality and Diversityaims and objectives detailed below have been developed in consultation with staff via the Equal Opportunities Committee and the Focus Groups. We have identified objectives which are seen as working towards the University’s mission and values , specifically the first of our University values :

“encouraging and embracing diversity, equality of access, esteem and opportunity and actively opposing and eradicating prejudice”

Our Equality and Diversity aims and objectives are also compliant with the requirements of the Public Sector Duty (PSD), the three main aims of which are to:

1)Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Equality Act 2010.

2)Advance equality of opportunity between people from different groups.

3)Foster good relations between people from different groups. This involves tackling prejudice and promoting understanding between people from different groups.

Equality and Diversity Aim One

To raise awareness of equality and diversity to ensure greater understanding of diverse groups and to ensure staff are aware of their individual rights and responsibilities.

Objective / Steps to achieve / Relevant PSD aim
By 6.4.16, 95% of staff will have received relevant equality and diversity awareness training appropriate to their level of responsibility. / 1)E&D training to become compulsory for all staff.
2)Encourage staff to attend through PDR’s and reminders.
3)Reminder to staff who attended old style training, i.e., more than 5 years ago, to enrol for updated training.
4)Develop programme of E&D training for the Leadership and Management programme by June 2012
5)Develop a programme of E&D training available to all line managers by 6.4.13 / All 3
Tocontinue to develop a varied programme of awareness raising and consultative opportunities for staff which encompass all of the protected characteristics of age, disability, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion and belief, and transgender. / 1)Continue to develop the Calendar of Events.
2)Increase collaborative working with our Marketing and Student Recruitment Department to ensure appropriate marketing and publicity of events.
3)Establish links with other schools and departments to prevent duplication and promote collaborative working.
4)Set up a focus group for ‘Age’.
5)Work with and support appropriate community group activities.
6)Monitor, evaluate and review events. / 3

Equality and Diversity Aim Two

To have staff policies and procedures which actively oppose and eradicate prejudice ensuring that all staff can achieve their potential.

Objective / Steps to achieve / Relevant General Duty
To develop an evidence base so that by 6.4.16 we have sufficient data to demonstrate that there are no barriers to recruitment and progression for staff with or without protected characteristics. / 1)Activities to encourage disclosure will be undertaken.
2)To monitor staff for R&B and sexual orientation by 6.4.13.
3)To monitor for transgender by 6.4.14
4)Benchmarking systems to be established by 6.4.15
5)Staff survey to include E&D questions.
6)Continue equal pay review.
7)Revise and review policies as appropriate
8)Implement positive action initiatives where appropriate / All 3
To implement a revised Harassment Policy with effective support and guidance for staff which encourages reporting of incidents and enables accurate monitoring. / 1)Implement new policy during 2012
2)Re-launch harassment advisers network by 6.4.13
3)Monitor, evaluate and review incidents of harassment. / 1

Equality and Diversity Aim Three

To embed equality and diversity into wider University activities.

Objective / Steps to achieve / Relevant General Duty
By 6.4.16, 50% of our supply chain will have demonstrated their legal compliance to the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 / 1)Include equality and diversity criteria into the tender and selection process for suppliers of the University.
2)Update procurement documents
3)Work with suppliers on meeting the E&D criteria / All 3

Please notethese objectives will be effective for up to a maximum of four years, subject to annual review of progress on priorities and targets.