Name: ______Period: ______
#3 AIM: Why were Middle East Tensions so high in 1973?
Arafat and the PLO
6-Days War - LAND
[1964] – Variety of Palestinian factions form the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO)
Arafat becomes chairman with a charter calling for the elimination of the State of Israel.
- Under Israeli rule -
PLO Activities outside Palestine
- 1972 – Attack on Israeli Olympic Team in Munich, Germany
Within 24 Hours
- 3 Surviving terrorists captured, but later released by West Germany following the hijacking of a Lufthansa airliner
- Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir orders Operation Wrath of God, Mossad hunts down those associated with the killings.
Yom Kippur War - Outbreak
[October 6, 1973] - Under Egyptian leader Anwar Sadat –
Yom Kippur War - Counterattack
[October 10-14]:
[October 15-24]:
Israeli invincibility questioned – Arabs emboldened
- 1973 -
US Reaction to Oil Embargo
- Embargo ends in a few months – US realized danger to dependence to foreign oil
Peace with Egypt?
1979 – Egypt and Israel sign peace agreement
- Camp David Accords – Carter/Sadat/Begin
- Arab countries angry at Egypt
Name: ______PERIOD:______
Additional Notes: The Modern Middle East – Yom Kippur WarCamp David
1973 – Yom Kippur War
- The Egyptian leader Anwar Sadat was the new, self-appointed leader of the Arab crusade against Israel. In October of 1973, Egyptian forces launched a surprise attack on the Jewish Holy Day of Yom Kippur.
- The Syrians simultaneously attacked in the north. Israeli forces suffered a number of defeats before rallying with the assistance of massive arms shipments sent by the Nixon administration.
- Israeli forces crossed the NileRiver and gained control of the Suez Canal. The Arab states then announced an embargo on the sale of oil. The embargo was lifted a few months later in early 1974.
- Oil prices had quadrupled. The U.S.A had become awoken to the danger of dependence on imported oil.
- To address this dependence the United States took several steps including:
- Construction of the Alaskan Oil Pipeline was begun
- A Strategic Oil Reserve was created to serve the needs of the U.S economy in the event of a future oil embargo
- Creation of an Energy Department that is now a Cabinet position and a national energy policy
- Fuel efficiency was stressed, 55 mph speed limit
- Federal Money was channeled into the development of alternative energy sources such as nuclear, solar and wind power.
Peace. Sadat, Begin, Carter and Camp David
- In 1977 the Egyptian leader who had initiated the Yom Kippur War of 1973, Anwar Sadat, visited Israel where he addressed the Israeli Parliament and suggested that a peaceful future was possible between the two states.
- Intensive diplomacy took place at Camp David, the presidential retreat in Maryland. In 1979 U.S President Jimmy Carter announced that a peace accord had been agreed upon between the leaders of Israel and Egypt.
- Anwar Sadat and the Israeli leader Menachem Begin were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts. Israel returned the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt and Egypt recognized Israel’s right to exist as a sovereign nation.
- Peace was not popular in Egypt among all parties. In 1981 President Sadat was assassinated by a grenade throwing Egyptian soldier.
- Despite the assassination, Egypt has remained at peace with Israel until the present day.
- What did the Egyptian leader Anwar Sadatmake himself in the early 1970s?
- Who sent massive arms shipments to the Israelis in 1973?
- What strategic water way did the Israeli forces gain control of during the Yom Kippur War?
- What did the oil embargo show the United States?
- What government agency was created as a result of the oil embargo?
- What unprecedented move did Anwar Sadat make in 1977?
- What did Anwar Sadat and the Israeli leader Menachem Begin receive for their peace efforts?
- Does Egypt recognize Israel as a state today?