From: brie figue

To: DPH-Testimony, Reg (DPH)

Subject: Medical use of marijuana 2

Date: Friday, November 18, 2016 4:56:55 PM


I am writing you with my own personal testimonial, and my use of medical marijuana.

I've always been a nervous night owl, according to my family. I've always had a hard time sleeping, meeting new people or being in large crowds.

I never really noticed how bad it was until my first year in high school. I started sleeping even less, being nervous or jittery on school days, and I started to sleep a lot.

Sixteen was the age I was diagnosed with depression, over active anxiety and insomnia by my family's PCP. I got put on medication, and sent off to therapy. I didn't last with the therapist too long, and our insurance didn't cover a lot of it.

So I only took antidepressants, ended up trying three different types. One did nothing, one made me thirsty and the third made me kinda ok, so I stuck with that one.

I ended up dropping out of high school three years in. I had a full time job and a car, and paid my bills. Almost overnight, my depression went away. I thought I was good forever and stopped seeking help for my mental health.

About seven years later, I fell into another depression state with heightened anxiety and insomnia again, worse than it was in high school.

I was still working, but as a manager in a big box store now. I started feeling pressured, and scared, and started drinking my worries away.

This went on until one day, at a random doctors appointment, I broke down crying to my doctor. I got put right back on the same medication and a sleep aid. They kinda worked again. I got out of a bad relationship, and into a new one. Life got better, so did my mental health. I stopped taking my medications after talking with my doctor, and left it at that.

Now three years after my last depressive state, I had a long illness that required my first surgical procedure. Shortly after the surgery, I enrolled in school. All these major events in my life triggered everything all over again. Except this time, it was more active than ever before. Emergency room visits due to almost weekly panic attacks. Not sleep for days, and then sleeping for hours during the day.

Not talking to friends, not eating, eating too much and so much anger. This is what I had become as an adult. My (now) husband asked me to seek help. I finally did so after getting diagnosed with a stress ulcer that I caused from all the anxiety I was feeling.

I started seeing a therapist and was put on three medication, one of them being Xanax. I was fully diagnosed with depression, generalized anxiety disorder OCD and insomnia. With weekly sessions and medication, I went down the path of feeling kinda better, but not totally. I was taking half to one Xanax a day to help deal with overwhelming amounts of anxiety.

February of 2016 was the lowest point I was at. I ended up leaving my job due to overwhelming amounts of anxiety, I broke my big toe (and was in a lot of pain) which made me more depressed

I started doing acupuncture to try and get my anxiety under control. I also tried yoga, working out, hobbies and meditation to eliminate my symptoms, none of it really helped.

I started talking to my friends about my ongoing issues, and they suggested I get a medical card for my issues. I was hesitant and skeptical at first, but started doing my research and talked to my therapist.

So I went and got my card, printes my temp and picked up my first prerolled joint from NETA in Brookline. I smoked it, and felt the effects after five puffs. I was relaxed, calm, not

compulsive thoughts and no anger. I slept through the night. I've never been able to do this, no matter how far back I can think. Only thing that had worked were prescriptions that forced you to sleep, and woke up groggy from them.

So I started smoking before bed time, and could consistently sleep through the night. I also noticed other benifits from marijuana. I felt happier, more uplifted, not waking up groggy and not trying to hide myself inside the house.

I started becoming more social, more open to go out and seeing people. I was able to function, but not obsess and worry constantly either. I slowly worked my way off of all three medications I was using (supervised by PCP and therapist) and have finished my therapy sessions after two years of working with an amazing therapist.

I have my life back and the fog has been lifted. I can fuction in society again all thanks to medical marijuana. Please don't let the new recreational law passing have any effect to much needed medical marijuana.

I have met so many people from all walks of life, praising this plant for saving them. Former addicts, cancer patients, a friend chrones disease, MS patients and chronic pain suffers sick of opioids and morphine.

Limiting patients that need this drug to help with their symptoms is one of the last things that should be happen to an already existing medical marijuana system. I will stand up and fight for my rights as a medical marijuana card holder. Please reconsider this action and who it really will hurt and effect, sick people that benifit from marijuana.

Thank you, Briann Figueroa 472 East St.

Dedham Ma 02026