United States HistoryFall 2006 Goal 12 EOC Review
1. The beginning of the collapse of communism inEastern Europe is most closely associated with the (12.01)
Afall of the Berlin Wall
Badmission of Warsaw Pact nations to theNorth Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
Cintervention of the North Atlantic TreatyOrganization (NATO) in Yugoslavia
Dformation of the European Union
Base your answer to question 2 on the chart below and on your knowledge of social studies.
2. The changes shown on the chart most clearlyreflect the (12.01)
Aeffects of the Cold War
Binfluence of the business cycle
Cfailure of United States military policy
Dreverses in political party control of Congress
3. In 1991, one of the reasons President George H.W. Bush committed United Statestroops to thePersian Gulf War was to (12.01)
Amaintain the flow of trade through the SuezCanal
Bfulfill military obligations as a member of theNorth American Free Trade Agreement(NAFTA)
Ccontain the spread of communism in the
Middle East
Dassure the flow of Middle East oil to the
United States and its allies
4.“Clinton Offers Economic Aid to Russia”
“U.S. Sends Peacekeeping Troops to Bosnia”
“U.S. Airlifts Food and Medicine to Somalia”
These headlines illustrate that United Statesforeign policy during the 1990s stressed (12.01)
Bcollective security
Cglobal involvement
5. • OperationDesert Storm (1991)
• Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003 – present)
These events involve attempts by the United
States to (12.01)
Aprotect human rights in Europe
Bprotect its interests in the Middle East
Cdeliver humanitarian aid to Africa
Dcontain the spread of communism in Asia
6. A major goal of the women’s movement over the past twenty years has been to gain (12.02)
Afull property rights
Bthe right to vote
Cequal economic opportunity
Dbetter access to Social Security
Base your answers to questions 7 and 8 on thetable below and on your knowledge of social studies.
Participation in High School Sports
School Year / Boys / Girls1971-72 / 3,666,917 / 294,015
2003-04 / 4,038,253 / 2,865,299
7. The data included in the table suggest thatsince 1971 (12.02)
Aboys are losing interest in participating insports
Bparticipation in sports by boys and girls isnearly equal
Cgirls’ participation in sports equals that ofboys
Dgirls’ participation in sports is increasing at afaster rate than that of boys
8. Which development contributed most to thechanges shown in the table? (12.02)
Apassage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Binclusion of Title IX in the Education
Amendments of 1972
C the beginning of Head Start programs in the1960s
Dincrease in the number of nonpublic schoolssince the 1970s
9. The Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade(1973) was based on the constitutional principle of (12.02)
Aprotection of property rights
Bfreedom of speech
Cright to privacy
Dfreedom of religion
10.“Influence of Political Action Committees Continuesto Rise”
“Republicans and Democrats Spend over $100 Millionin 2000 Presidential Election”
“Senate Passes Campaign Finance Reform Act”
What is the central issue of these headlines? (12.02)
ARepublicans and Democrats spend equalamounts of money.
BAmerican citizens pay high taxes to supportpresidential campaigns.
CMoney has a strong impact on the Americanpolitical process.
DCandidates spend much of their own moneyon political campaigns.
11. The federal government enforced the antitrustlaws in court cases against Microsoft in an effort to (12.02)
Aincrease business competition
Bnationalize important industries
Cimprove public trust in corporate leaders
Dgenerate more investment capital
Base your answer to question 12 on the tablebelow and on your knowledge of social studies.
Federal Debt, 1970-1988
(billions of dollars)
Year / Debt1970 / $380.9
1975 / $541.9
1980 / $909.0
1982 / $1,137.3
1984 / $1,564.6
1986 / $2,120.5
1988 / $2,601.1
1990 / $3,206.3
1992 / $4,001.8
1994 / $4,643.3
1996 / $5,181.5
1998 / $5,478.2
12. Which practice of the federal government hascontributed most to the situation shown in the table? (12.03)
Ataking steps to reduce growth of the grossdomestic product
B raising taxes to try to reduce inflation
Cspending more money than is received inrevenues
Dlowering taxes during election years
13. “. . . Our decision about energy will test the character of the American people and the ability of the President and the Congress to govern. This difficult effort will be the ‘moral equivalent of war’ – except that we will be uniting our efforts to build and not to destroy. . .” – President Jimmy Carter, Address to the Nation, April 18, 1977
President Carter put these ideas into practice by (12.03)
Ahalting construction of nuclear power plants
Bincreasing imports of foreign oil
Curging the development of alternative fuel sources
Dimposing a price freeze on all petroleum products
14. A major policy of President Ronald Reagan’sadministration was to (12.03)
Areduce defense spending
Blower federal income tax rates
Cend desegregation of public facilities
Dpromote regulation of small businesses
15. President Bill Clinton supported the North
American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)primarily as a way to (12.03)
Anormalize trade relations with Cuba
Bstimulate economic growth in the UnitedStates
C restrict the flow of drugs into the United States
Dincrease the United States trade deficit
Base your answer to question 16 on the cartoon
below and on your knowledge of social studies.
16. What is the main idea of this cartoon? (12.03)
AThe global economy is on the verge ofcollapse.
BRich nations should help poor nationsimprove their economic conditions.
COne nation’s economic problems affect manyother nations.
DEach nation controls its own economicdestiny.
17. Since 1980, most new jobs in the United Stateshave been in (12.03)
Bheavy industry
Cservice industries
Dcivil service
18. The loss of jobs in manufacturing industries has been caused by the introduction of (12.03)
Aradio and television
Bautomobiles and airplanes
Cautomation and computers
Dimproved medicine and space travel
Base your answer to question 19 on the cartoon below and on your knowledge of social studies.
19. The cartoonist is critical of computers mainly because (12.03)
Aimportant personal records are frequentlylost
Bpersonal information may no longer beprivate
Ccomputers are becoming more difficult to use
Dcomputer technology becomes obsolete tooquickly
20. Social scientists use the expression “the grayingof America” to describe the (12.04)
Aaging of the nation’s population
Bdeclining political power of older Americans
Cpossible failure of the Social Security System
Dincreasing number of babies born to oldercouples
21. A major goal of the Republican Party since the1980s has been to (12.04)
Aincrease welfare benefits
Bincrease the size of the federal workforce
Creduce defense spending
Dcut federal taxes
Base your answer to question 22 on the graphbelow and on your knowledge of social studies.
22. Information provided by the graph shows thatbetween 1988 and 1993, there was an increasedneed for candidates of major political parties towin the support of (12.04)
Aethnic minorities
Bsenior citizens
Cindependent voters
Dthe labor vote
Base your answer to question 23 on the cartoon below and on your knowledge of social studies.
23. The point of view expressed in this cartoon is that (12.04)
APresident and Mrs. Clinton have made Chicago their new home
BPresident Clinton supports adoption over abortion
CRepublican issues should not be part of the Democratic National Convention
DDemocrats sometimes support traditionally Republican issues
24. Which statement about the impeachment trials ofboth President Andrew Johnson and PresidentBill Clinton is most accurate? (12.04)
AThe House of Representatives failed to votefor articles of impeachment.
BOnly President Johnson was convicted andremoved from office.
COnly President Clinton was convicted andremoved from office.
DThe Senate failed to convict either president.
Base your answer to question 25 on the cartoon
below and on your knowledge of social studies.
25. This cartoon from the disputed presidential
election of 2000 suggests that the winner might (12.04)
Alack strong popular support for his programs
Beasily win reelection in 2004
Csucceed in fulfilling his campaign promises
Dbe unable to claim victory in the electoralcollege
26. The main goal of affirmative action programs is to (12.05)
Aenforce racial segregation laws
Bsecure equal voting rights for African
Cprovide affordable child care
Dpromote economic gains for minorities and women
Base your answer to question 27 on the cartoon
below and on your knowledge of social studies.
27. According to the cartoonist, the United States has (12.05)
Aan ethnically diverse population
Ban overly restrictive immigration policy
Ca national requirement that high schoolstudents learn foreign languages
Da census report printed in languages that arespoken in the United States
28. During the 1990s, an increase in Mexicanimmigration to the United States was caused bythe immigrants’ desire for (12.05)
Agreater political freedom
Bbilingual education
Cbetter economic opportunities
Dreligious freedom
Base your answer to question 29 on the cartoon below and on your knowledge of social studies.
29. What Native American Indian viewpoint does thecartoonist support? (12.05)
AIllegal immigrants should not be allowed tosettle on Native American Indian reservations.
BEuropean settlers took Native AmericanIndian land.
CGovernment efforts to restrict immigrationshould be supported.
DNative American Indians support government efforts to stop illegal immigration.
Base your answer to question 30 on the cartoon
below and on your knowledge of social studies.
30. Which issue is the central focus of this cartoondrawn after September 11, 2001? (12.06)
AIs there a need to give up some civil liberties to protect the nation?
BShould the United States reduce oil importsfrom the Middle East?
CDoes the United States need fewer limits onimmigration?
DShould the United States abandon the Constitution?