A Chronology ofSMARTRecovery®

Compiled byShari Allwood and William White


  • Jean Kirkpatrick, PhD, foundsWomen for Sobriety,the first secularalcoholismrecoveryalternative to AlcoholicsAnonymous.


  • Jack andLois TrimpeyfoundRational Recovery(RR).

Late 1980sEarly 1990s

  • Rational Recoverymeetingsspread in theUS.


  • Articles in theBoston Globe and theNew York Timesaswellas television coverage on suchprograms as TheTodayShow stimulate interest in rationalapproaches toaddictionrecovery.TheGlobearticlealonegenerates morethan 400callsaboutRationalRecovery.
  • First RR meetingtakes placeat a hospital: Mount AuburnHospital,Cambridge,MA, 1990.
  • Thereare14 RRgroupsmeetingin theUS.


  • Jack andLois Trimpeyhost thefirstmeetingof the informalboard of professional advisors toRational Recoveryin Februaryin Dallas, Texas. A number ofthe individuals who will later startSMART Recoveryareinattendance.


  • Rational RecoveryprisonmeetingsstartatMCI-Concord(MA)October 6,1992, ledbyBarbaraGerstein,RN,and WallyWhite.
  • Prof.Marc Galanter (NYU) andcolleaguesconduct asurveystudyof participants in 30 RationalRecoverygroups throughout theUS.Theyconclude that RR engagesparticipants andthelikelihood of abstinence increases withthe lengthof participation.


  • Surveystudyof RationalRecoverygroupsbytheWest End Group, Massachusetts GeneralHospital,andHarvardMedical Schoolreaches thesameconclusions as the1992 Galantergroupstudy.
  • Rational Recoverytrainingconferenceis held atHyatt Harborside Hotel in Boston inconjunction with ascientific meeting featuringJames Prochaskaand Tom Milleras themainspeakers. ThemeetingissponsoredbyHampsteadHospital of NewHampshire. At this meeting,a non-profit board ofRational RecoverySelf-Help,Inc. is established withDr. Joe Gersteinserving asPresident. This newnon-profit entitymarks aseparation from the for-profitRationalRecovery.



  • Thenon-profit board of Rational RecoverySelf-Help,Inc. votesat itsannualmeetingin SanDiego toend its affiliationagreement with Rational Recoveryand incorporate as the AlcoholDrugAbuseSelf-Help Network,Inc., d.b.a. S.M.A.R.T. Recovery(formerlyRational RecoverySelf-Help Network). Thename is changed to SMART Recoveryin October; at the timeof thissplit, thereare42functioningRR meetings.
  • FoundingBoard Membersinclude: Dr. Joseph Gerstein,Dr. Tom Horvath,Dr. Philip Tate,Dr.Rob Sarmiento,Dr.MichlerBishop,RichDowling, Dr. JeffShaler, Ann Parmenter,LCSW,PeterBishop,Dr. RobertDain,andDr.Hank Robb.
  • Rob Sarmientoand JoeGersteincraft the name Self-Managementand RecoveryTraining(SMART)to fit the copyrighted name, and it is adopted in October.
  • Dr.Albert Ellis, amajorcontributor to RR, continues to bea prominentinfluence in SMARTRecovery.
  • Part-timeExecutive Director(RandyCicen)andManager of NetworkandMemberServices(Shari Allwood)arehired.
  • CentralOffice is established in Beachwood,OH.
  • Thefirst SMART RecoveryNewsletter,NewsViews, is released,consistingof 4 pages that areprintedand mailed to volunteers.
  • SMART Recoveryis adapted forintroduction intoDanburyPrison for women.


  • TheSMART Recoverydocument PurposesMethodsis adopted bytheBoard ofDirectorsanddistributed. This document helps set the groundwork forhow the organizationwillapproachhelpingindividuals overcome addictivebehaviors(
  • TheSMART RecoveryBookstore is established.
  • Groups are asked bytheBoard of Directors to provide $10/month per group to support theCentralOffice.
  • TheSMART Recoverywebsite is established bya volunteer (moved to 1997).
  • Thereare90 SMART Recoverymeetings (includingthe RR meetings thatwill lateraffiliate withSMART Recovery).


  • SMART Recoveryreceivesa Robert Wood JohnsonFoundationgrant of $49,650to develop anddisseminate the Coordinator’s Manual,Member’sManual,andPrimer,aswellasdeliver 6Regional TrainingProgramsusingthesematerials.
  • TheSRBOARD (Boardof Directors)and SMARTREC(volunteers) listservs areestablished.
  • TheSMART Recovery4-Point Program®is trademarked.
  • NewsViews newsletterexpands to 6 pages.
  • TheRecommended Reading Listis established:


  • TheCoordinatorAdvisorLetteris established tocreate communicationamongst allvolunteers.
  • Creditcards areacceptedat the bookstore.
  • Volunteer Codeof Conductis established to communicate to volunteers what is expectedwhenrepresentingSMART Recovery.
  • Inflexxionsubmitsa grant to NIDA to produceaSMART Recoveryprison-basedprogram(InsideOut).This first major NIHgrantwasawarded in 1999.
  • Arizona introduces SMART Recoveryinto its prison system.


  • SMART RecoveryOnline message boards and online meetingsareestablished.
  • Part-time bookstoreassistantis added to staff to meet expandingdemand for booksandmaterials.
  • NewsViews is redesignedand expands to 12 pages.
  • Boarddecides to shift from S.M.A.R.T. RecoverytoSMART Recoveryin all writtenmaterials.
  • TheInternational AdvisoryCouncil, comprised ofinternational experts on addictionrecovery, isestablished.
  • TheFirst Annual SMART RecoveryFacilitatorTrainingProgramis hosted in Washington, DC.(Continuation of regionaltrainingprograms previouslyfundedbyRWJFoundationgrant.)
  • Joe andBarbaraGersteinmake the first UK presentation on SMART RecoveryinInverness,Scotland.
  • Fraser Ross, a Corrections OfficeratInverness Prison, Scotland,leads effort tointroduceSMART Recoveryinto the UK.


  • Members and volunteersareinvited to nominate individualsforthe Boardof Directors.
  • Additionalmaterials(“CheatSheets”)aredeveloped to aid groupfacilitators—laterrenamed“Tool Box.”
  • Thefirst timeSMART Recoveryis listed in aNIDA document: reflectsgrowingprofessionalrecognition.
  • Annual TrainingProgram is hosted in Chicago,IL.
  • Addition ofOnline Professional Advisor for SMART RecoveryOnlineactivities.
  • Prof.AlexWodak andBronwynCrosby,MS, start SMART Recoveryat St. Vincent'sHospitalin Sydney,Australia.


  • Executive Director resigns and is not immediatelyreplaced; the office managerassumesmanagement responsibilities duringinterim period withCentralOffice movingto Mentor,OH.
  • Monthlyvolunteer training(viaconference call)is provided byBoard MemberMichler Bishop.
  • Boardapprovesresolutionto involve more non-recovering/non-professionalfacilitators toprovide SMART Recoverymeetings.
  • Annual TrainingProgramis hosted in Phoenix, AZ.
  • FollowingJoe Gerstein’ssecond visit to Scotland, the first SMART Recoverymeetings inScotlandareheldatInverness Prison and Corton Vale(female prison).
  • (Rational Recoveryannounces it will no longer offer anysupport groups.)
  • Thereare319 SMART Recoverymeetings.


  • Phoenixarea hosts Albert Ellis Workshops and sharesprofits with CentralOffice.
  • Firstsignificant joint meetingofSMART RecoveryOnlinevolunteersandface-to-facevolunteers via theAnnual TrainingProgram.
  • HoughtonMifflin providesa free copyofAnne Fletcher’sSober for Good toVolunteerCoordinatorsand Advisors (reflectingSMART Recovery’schoicephilosophy).
  • Annual TrainingProgramis hosted in Milwaukee,WI.
  • Joe Gersteinkeynotes the Scottish Prison SystemConference in Glasgow;InsideOut is adoptedas an officialprogramofthe Scottish Prison System.


  • InsideOuttrainingvideosandmaterialsarepublished and made availableforsaleviaInflexxion.
  • Two regionalCorrectional FacilityTrainingPrograms/InsideOutareprovided in San DiegoandSan Jose.
  • TheRecommended Reading Listis revisedand divided into categories to addressneedsofmembers,lovedones,professionals,etc.
  • Websiteis redesignedbya volunteer to addadditionalresourcesto previouslyexistingsmall site.
  • ReidHester’sDrinker’sCheck-up is added to thewebsite.
  • Bi-monthlyonlinetrainingprogram foronlinefacilitatorsis hostedbyTom Horvath(reflectingthe growth ofonlineparticipation and activities).
  • Online OrderSystem is establishedforthe bookstore to meet increasingdemand for publicationsandservices.
  • Annual TrainingProgramis hosted in SanJose, CA.


  • A$500,000 anonymousindividual contribution toSMART Recovery(critical to SMARTRecovery’scontinuedgrowth in subsequentyears) is made.
  • FirsteverSAMHSAgrantis obtained to hostFacilitatorTrainingandInsideOut®Training,aswellas to create the “Facilitatinga Basic SMART Recovery®Meeting”video.
  • Theterm“Coordinator”ischanged to “Facilitator”to more aptlydescribethe groupleaderrole.
  • Thesizeof Central Office space is doubledtoaccommodategrowth in activities andservices.
  • Thedays/hours oftheSMART RecoveryManager ofNetworkMember Servicesareincreasedto accommodate increased demand for publications andservices.
  • Volunteer Regional Administratorpositionsareestablished to provide regionallevelsupport forfacilitators.
  • Annual TrainingProgramis hosted in Newark,NJ.
  • SMART Recoverymaterialis translated into Spanish, Portuguese,and Russian—the latterwiththe aid of Dr.AzizBoltaev of Bokhara,Uzbekistan.
  • St Vincent’sHospitalin Sydney, Australia, pilots oneSMART Recoverygroupfor patients whoarelookingforan alternativeor adjunct to12-Stepgroups.


  • The new SMART Recovery®Handbook is published (replacesformerMember’s Manual).
  • Threeadditional videos areproducedand distributed: SMART Recovery:Who We Are; TheSMART Recovery4-PointSMProgram;andFacilitatinganAdvanced SMART RecoveryMeeting.
  • SMART Recoveryvolunteersand members participatein a NIDA-funded surveyconductedbyTheWalsh Group.
  • SMART Recoveryis invited to providetrainingtothe Swedishprison system.
  • SMART Recoveryis asked to conduct atrainingevent hosted inInverness,Scotland.
  • In Sydney,Australia, St Vincent’sHospital receives agrant for $250,000 from theAER to hiretwo Coordinators; 38 SMART Recoverygroupsare launched in New South Wales over thenexttwoyears.
  • TheStateof New South Wales, Australia adopts the SMART RecoveryProgram within itscorrectionalsystem.
  • Linda Sobell conducts a full-dayworkshop on MotivationalInterviewingataSMART RecoveryTrainingConference;theMotivationalInterviewingapproachis incorporated into the SMARTRecoveryProgram.
  • SMART Recovery’sBoard ofDirector’sLong-Range PlanningMeetingfocuses on fivekeyareasforfuture developmentofSMART Recovery:


-facilitatordevelopmentand support

-SMART RecoveryTherapy

-enhancingour internetpresence


  • Annual Trainingincludesa10thAnniversaryCelebration in Phoenix,AZ.


  • SMART for LifeTMDVDisproducedbySMART RecoveryvolunteerJeff Fredriksen.
  • Debut of theSMART Recovery TherapyProgramdesigned to help SMART Recoveryparticipants who attendprofessional addiction treatment and couldbenefit from therapist supportoftheirSMART Recoveryattendance,and to encourage treatmentprofessionals to incorporateSMART Recoverymeetings within theirpractice.
  • Licensingagreementis createdforuse of SMARTRecoverymaterialswithin New South WalesDepartment of Corrections (30,000+inmates).
  • Licensingagreementismadewith theVietnamese government for use ofSMART RecoveryinCorrectional Facilities.
  • Licensingagreementismadeto create thefirst international branch:SMART RecoveryUK.
  • Agreement is negotiatedto translate the Facilitator’sManual andHandbook into Vietnamese.
  • Australia, NSW– groupexpansion continues, includingspecial meetings forIndigenous.
  • Establishment of full-time SMART RecoveryExecutive Director positionto meet thegrowingneed foroversight on behalf ofthe organization.
  • Website server is upgradedto accommodate increasingtraffic/web-relatedneeds.
  • Websiteis revised to include online meetinglist, list of online volunteers, copies ofNewsViews, and link to PayPalservice.
  • Evoice Café,avoice chatservicefor voice onlinemeetings, is obtained.
  • SMART RecoveryOnline celebrates its 7thanniversarywith apartyandfundraiser.
  • Copyrightsare obtained for4 videos and anew SMART RecoveryHandbook.
  • SMART Recovery®service mark is registered internationallyvia Madrid Protocol.
  • Toll free numberisadded forthe Central Office.
  • Position on Medicationsstatement is created.
  • Drugcourt trainingis provided in Mankato, MN.
  • Trainingis provided in Vietnam to helpimplement theSMART Recoveryprogram incorrectional facilities.
  • Participation in the AmericanCorrectional Association Winter Conference.
  • Presentation to the National DrugCourtInstitute.
  • Presentation to the Ohio DrugCourt PractitionerNetwork Conference.
  • Exhibit at UKSAD Conference inLondon.
  • Participation in sessionsat the Natural RecoveryAlcoholConferencein Aberdeen,Scotland.
  • Fundingis obtainedforcreation ofnewSMART Recovery Teen Handbook.
  • Annual Trainingishosted in Chicago,IL.
  • First SMART Recoverycommunitymeetingin Scotland is held at BeechwoodHouse inInverness.
  • Thereare255 SMART Recoverymeetings.


  • Implementation of Facilitator DistanceTrainingprogram– combinationof self-studyofSMART Recoverymaterials plus 4 online trainingsessions of 1.5 hours each led byexperts.
  • Part-timeDirectorof SMART RecoveryOnline(SROL) is implemented toaddressgrowthandexpansion issues.
  • Formation of SMART RecoveryUK – aregistered charityin Scotland.
  • Queensland,NSWCorrectionalOutreach– 50 weeklySMART meetingsavailable in 25 of28CorrectionalFacilities; 2-daytrainingof 80new facilitators.
  • Vietnam: SMART Recoverytrainingis provided byTom Horvathand HenrySteinberger.
  • Full-dayworkshopled byRobertMeyers on CRAFT at a SMART RecoveryTrainingConference is followedbyadoption of theCRAFT Program asanappropriate "FamilyFriends"approach.It ismade available viaonline message boards and weeklymeetings.Note:weeklymeetingsceasedin 2007 whenvolunteerfacilitatormoved on,but resumed in 2010.
  • Publication ofSMARTRecovery®Teen Handbook.
  • SMART Recoverymember storiesare featured ineach issue ofRecoverySolutions Magazine.
  • Debut of new/revised MessageBoards with enhanced features.
  • Creation ofonlineWomen’s MeetingandWomen’sMessageBoard Forum.
  • Online MemberFeedbackGroupis established to providefeedbackfrom members forongoingonline serviceimprovements.
  • FallFUNdraiser to celebrate 8thanniversaryof SOLincludes a24-hour chat-a-thon.
  • Annualtrainingprogramis hosted in Boston.Note:Decision to alterlong-standingAnnualTrainingProgram (returnon investment not profitable)to annualconference of SMARTRecoveryvolunteers to takeeffect in 2007.
  • SBIRgrant is obtainedbyDr. ReidHestertocreate “Overcoming Addictions– A SMARTRecoveryWebcourse.”
  • Boardapproval to establishlocal and state/provincial chapters of SMARTRecovery.
  • Formation of volunteer-led committees, including: CorrectionalIssues,FacilitatorDevelopment,Fundraising,LocalandOrganizationalDevelopment,Marketing,andProgramDevelopment.
  • Dr. Joe Gerstein(Boston)and TomLitwicki (Phoenix) do firstintercontinental SMARTRecoveryTrainingvia videoconference with 63Mastersand PhD. therapists of New SouthWales CorrectionalSystem in Sydney,Australia.
  • SMART Recovery-USAgives permission for Addaction to start SMART Recoverymeetings intheUK as part oftheir treatmentservices.


  • Service mark is obtainedfor 4-PointProgram®.
  • SMART RecoveryHandbookis publishedin German.
  • SMART RecoveryTherapyManual is completed -a 38-sessionprogram and interventionguideforprofessionals assistingclients with drug andmentalhealthissues(outside organizationssought to publish).
  • GoogleAdvertisingcampaigngrantis providedto SMART Recovery.
  • TeenListserv is created.
  • ReidHester SMART RecoveryWebcourse prototype is established/tested.
  • 9th Circuit Court Rulingestablishes that agovernmentofficial who mandates 12-

Step attendance toanyperson is personallyliable for damages. Therulingextendsto decisionsdatingback to 1996, bythe 2nd, 3rd, 7th and 8th circuitcourts,aswellas byseveralstatesupremecourts.

  • Walsh Group Research Studyis published. Keyfindingsare:

-Active involvement in groups significantlyimproves the chances ofremainingcleanandsober,regardless of thegroup(SOS, SMART, WFS, 12-Step) in which one participates.

-Respondents whose individualbeliefs bettermatched thoseof their primarysupport groupsshowedgreaterlevels ofgroup participation, resultingin betteroutcomesas measuredbyincreased numberof days cleanand sober.

-Religiousrespondents weremorelikelytoactivelyparticipate in 12-StepgroupsandWFS,both of whichhave spiritual components in their programs.

-Non-religious respondents weresignificantlyless likelyto participate in 12-Step groups.

-Respondents with low levels of religiosityweremorelikelytoactivelyparticipate in groupswith secularprograms, such as SOS and SMART Recovery.

  • FirstAnnual FallVolunteerGatheringis hostedinLake Tahoe, CA(replaces priorF2FFallTraining).
  • FacilitatorDistance Trainingis provided in March, June, andSeptember.
  • Professionalassistant is hired to addressFundraisingandStrategic Planning issues.
  • SMART RecoveryOnline 9thAnniversaryandFallFundraiser.
  • Fiscalyear alteredfrom prior April 1 – March 31fiscalyearto January1–December31.
  • First SMART Recoverymeetingin Englandafterformation of SMARTRecoveryUK is held inManchester. Nick Heather and Keith Humphreysreceive Section 64 fundingto pilot SMARTRecoveryin 6 sites in England undertheleadership of AlcoholConcern; the sites includeYMCA in Croydon,Norcas in Norwich,Aquariusin Birmingham, SAASD in Sheffield, TurningPoint in Gateshead,andAddaction in Cornwall.
  • Dr.Linda Sobell, BarryGrant (SMART Boardmember),Bronwyn Crosby(SMART RecoveryAustralia),and John Sinclair(SMART Recoveryfacilitator) keynotetheSMART Recoveryconference in Glasgow,Scotland.InAustralia, adonationis madebyaprivate benefactor tocontinue the workstartedunder theAERgrant on the conditionthatSMARTAU becomeanon-profit,health charityorganization.
  • SMART Australia movesout of St Vincent’sHospital, Sydneyin Darlinghurst with full supportfrom thehospital. SMART wasendorsedas aNot-for-Profit,Health Promotion Charity. TheinitialBoard ofDirectorsincludesAustralia trustees AnthonyN. Wales (CharteredAccountant),Philip C.Selke,AlexanderD. Wodak (MedicalPractitioner), Joseph Gerstein(MedicalPractitionersituated in USA), and Sue Henry-Edwards (Advisor Consultanttothe Department ofCorrective Services in NSW). SMART RecoveryCoordinators Josette Freemanand JimVillamor,who were previouslyemployedbySt Vincent’sHospital,commence employment with

SMART RecoveryAustralia. Efforts to start SMART groupsareextended to all of Australia,andgroups are promotedto includealladdiction.Ongoingpartnershipsare developedwith theDepartment of Corrective Services, NSW, and Tasmania for continuationofSMART Recoverygroupswithintheirfacilities.

  • Thereare375 worldwideSMART Recoverymeetings.


  • FirsteverMember/Participant Surveyis conducted in Julyof 2008.
  • Strategic Planningsessionis hosted with theuse of a professionalfacilitator.Four primaryfocuses ofthe StrategicPlaninclude: fundraising;increasingthenumber ofmeetings available;determiningthe needfor changes to existingmaterials;andwebsite redesign.
  • Teams are createdformaterialsrevision,website revision, andmeetingsexpansion.
  • Professional fundraising assistanceis obtained.
  • SMART RecoveryNYC®is createdandincorporated.
  • Participation in the33rdAnnualAlabama Schoolof Alcohol and Other DrugStudies(ASADS)Conference – Plenarysession,InsideOut Workshop, SMART RecoveryTherapyWorkshop, andManagingAddictions Workshop, each highlysuccessful.
  • Participation in MichiganAssociation of DrugCourt Professionals 9th AnnualConference inLansing,Michigan, includingbooth and presentation.
  • Handbook is translated and available in Portuguese andSpanish.
  • New venue (Paltalk) foronlinevoicemeetingsdebuts in an effort to improveprior systeminstabilities.
  • Advertisingin NewsViewsis madeavailable.
  • Special tool trainingprogramforonlinevolunteersdebuts– 2 per month.
  • Conference call for Executive Directors ofalternative self-helpgroups debuts.
  • DistanceFacilitatorTraining is hostedbi-monthly(6/year vs. 3/year) based on increasingnumberofparticipants.
  • AnnualVolunteerGatheringis hosted in New York City.
  • Thereareinternal discussions/tensions overwhetherSMART Recoveryshould evolve toward aparticipant/peer-led organization.
  • Dr.Linda SobellandDr.Tom Horvath(PresidentofSMART Recovery)speakatScotlandFuturesForum.
  • SMART Recoveryin Australia obtains a$20,000grantfrom Juvenile Justice (JJ) NSWto hireaconsultant to assist with rewriting theTeen/YouthManual and network withTeen/Youthorganizationsthroughoutthe country.
  • Thereare466 SMART RecoveryMeetings.


  • SMART Recovery®Handbook is published in Farsi and MandarinChinese.
  • Website revisionsareunderway,additionalfunding is beingsought.
  • Social Mediais underway–Facebook page and Twitter accountarecreated.
  • NewsViews is available on the website --no longerprintedand mailed.
  • Facilitator’s Manualis provided online for free.
  • Annual GatheringSponsorships and WebsiteSupporteroptions areoffered.
  • SMART RecoveryOnline celebrates its 12thAnniversary,completewith amultitude ofspecialguestsand onlinefestivitiesandan AnniversaryFUNdraiser.
  • Third Annual Gatheringishosted in Octoberin Chicago,IL.
  • SMART Recoveryis added as a RecoveryMonthPlanningPartner(sponsoredbySAMHSA).
  • 11 RegionalRepresentativesareappointed to stayin contact with localfacilitatorsandmembersand to attend aquarterlyonline meetingto collaborateand shareideason increasingSMARTRecoverymeetings.
  • SMART Recoveryofficesaremoved to amore cost-effective location.
  • Insurance policyisaddedto cover volunteer facilitatorsand meetinglocationsto meet theincreasingneed forproof of insuranceformeeting space.
  • SMART Recoverypremieres“Big Bang” organizationatFoundation Beyond Belief(includingfunding).
  • Participant surveyis designed to solicitvolunteerassistance.
  • SMART RecoveryAustralia launchesa new website
  • SMART RecoveryAustralia receives agrant for$20,000 fromNADA(TheNetwork of Alcoholand DrugAgencies) todevelop aFamilyandCarer’sProgram.
  • SMART Recoverycelebrates 15yearanniversary.
  • Organizationconfirms commitment to operatingas a partnershipbetweenparticipants andprofessionals.
  • Thereare540 SMART Recoverymeetings.


  • SAMHSA RecoveryOriented Systems ofCareGrantapplication is submitted in partnership withAtheistAllianceInternational.
  • 600thSMART Recoverymeetingis established inOctober, 2010.
  • Website supportersare added to website homepage.
  • SocialNetworkingTeam is established to help determine cost-effective means forthe CentralOfficeandGroups to becomebetter known.
  • Collaborations with other alternative mutual-helpgroups included providingapress release,

Celebrating 84Years ofProvidingSelf-Help in Recovery.

  • Collaborations with otheralternative mutual-helpgroups include provision ofa 2-page brochurecontaininginformationregardingeachorganizationprovided to the EAP BIGproject.
  • Website improvement/redesigncontinues in orderto enhance the visitor’sease offindinginformation, improvesearchengine optimization, andenhance theappealof thewebsite.
  • Newchat hostis selectedforonline meetings andchat to includeMacusers(notservedbypriorchathost).
  • Online FamilyFriendsMeeting debuts, incorporatingSMART RecoveryTools and CRAFTconcepts.
  • SMART RecoveryOnline celebrates its 13thAnniversary,completewith amultitudeof specialguestsand onlinefestivitiesandan AnniversaryFUNdraiser.
  • Participation in August RecoveryFairhostedbyUnitarianChurch Addiction Recoveryministry.
  • DistanceFacilitatorTrainingprogramis alteredto include MessageBoardhomeworkactivities/communications.
  • Work begins withtheAlcohol ResearchGroup toperform SMART Recoverystudy.
  • SMART RecoveryUK 2-yearproject to incorporate service providers to assist is conducted.
  • Organizationalstance isaltered– new Disease/Spiritualitystatementsare issued: Addiction as adisease:SMART Recoverytools canhelpyouregardless of whetheror notyou believeaddiction is a disease. Spirituality: We believe that the power to change addictive behaviorsresides within each individual anddoes notdepend upon adherence to anyspiritualviewpoint.

Theuse ofreligious or spiritual beliefsandpractices in recoveryis a personal choiceand not apart ofour program.

  • Guardian newspaper (UK) interview/articlewithJoe Gersteinpromulgates much programinterest and website traffic.
  • Participant survey(repeat of 2008 survey) to determine changes in demographics of participantswithin each individual and does not depend upon adherence to anyspiritualviewpoint. Theuseof religious or spiritualbeliefs and practices in recoveryis a personal choice and not a part ofourprogram.
  • 6-week onlineJobs Series to address helpingout-of-work individuals seekemploymentandhandle the stresses of unemploymentis conducted.
  • PressReleases are issuedregarding: Job Searchprogram;November Online AnniversaryCelebration; 600thmeetingannouncement;FamilyFriends Online Meeting; RecoveryMonthPlanningPartner;and Annual Gathering.
  • Netprofit is reachedatthe end ofthefiscalyear, and for the1sttimesince2003, funds frominvestmentaccountsaren’t required to betapped inorder to paybills.
  • SMART Recoverygroups exist in Uzbekistan,Iran,Sweden, the UK, Canada, Australia, NewZealand,andVietnam, with groups intheplanningstages in Russia.
  • $5,000is receivedfromtheJames HerveyJohnson CharitableandEducational Trust forspreadingaddiction recoveryvia SMART Recovery® WebsiteEnhancements.
  • SMART Recoverymeetingsarestarted in Johannesburg, South Africa byMohamed Majid,extendingSMART Recovery'spresence to its 6thcontinent.Dr. Joe GersteininterviewedaboutSR on The Islamic Network, broadcast to 140 countries.
  • AlcoholConcern sponsors first UK Conference onSMART Recovery.Dr. Joe Gersteinpresentskeynote address to 250 professionals and participants.
  • Thereare622 SMART Recoverymeetings; theUK has 63 peer-ledmeetings and20professionallyled meetings.
  • Strategic Reviewof SMART RecoveryUK reportis published andaffirmsSMART Recoveryasa partnership model between peers and professionals.
  • Representation ofrecovered individualson the SMART RecoveryBoardof Directorsreaches50%forthefirst time.


  • SMART Recovery/Massachusettscelebrates its 14,000thgroup meeting.
  • SMART Recoveryis given exhibition space atthe HarvardAddictionConference in Boston forfirsttime,informsover 60 visitors about the program, sells out most of itsmaterials, andarranges for6 new meetings in 5 different U.S. cities.
  • smartrecovery.org accepts its 30,000th registrant.Registrations occur atabout 700 permonth,primarilyfrom the US, UK andAustralia.
  • SMART RecoveryAustraliapilots Be SMART: Familyand Carer’s Program.
  • SMART Recoverygroups in Australia growfrom32 in 2007 to 90 in 2011.
  • EAP Think BigProject–SMART and otheralternative recoveryorganizations represented inmaterialsdistributed to behavioral health clinicians forreferrals to self-help programs.
  • EAP BIGproject webinar presented to EAP staff.
  • Blog
  • Specialevents established andpodcastsarepublished,
  • John Kelly, PhD, appointed as SMART RecoveryResearchDirector; JulieYeterian,appointedas Assistant ResearchDirector.
  • Distance Trainingnow delivered via onlineMoodle platform in order toaccommodate monthlyDistance Trainingprograms.
  • ResearchbyDeirdreO'Sullivan, Penn State Universityto assess self stigma, locus ofcontrol,helpseeking,self-efficacy,andsatisfaction with lifeamongAAand SMART members.
  • Team established to update the SMART RecoveryHandbookandFacilitator’sManual.
  • Publication ofthe SMART RecoveryMotivationalGuideWorkbook forHealthcareProfessionals.
  • Publication ofAddiction and Co-Occurring Disorders from a SMARTRecovery®Perspective:AManual for Group Therapists.
  • SMART Recoverypresentation atRecoverySchools AnnualMeeting, Cleveland, July2011.
  • Annual Surveyredesigned to learnmoreabout programparticipants– 483 participants respondedto survey.
  • InsideOut®: A SMARTRecoveryCorrectionalProgramrightstransferredto SMART Recovery.
  • AnnualConference hosted in Octoberin Baltimore, MD.
  • Neweffort to have facilitators“pass thehat/passthe brochure” – handout abrochureinadditionto passingthe hat to increase awareness of theprogram.
  • SpecialeventsincludedAnatomyofEmotions,OvercomingProcrastination,andRelapsePrevention.
  • Handbooktranslated intoDanish and available in bookstore.
  • SMART RecoveryUKdevelops partnership model to partnerwith treatment centers to train tobeginmeetings in theircenters, as well as to supportlocal peer-led meetings.
  • Podcastsavailable for special events
  • Court outreach team established to help increaseawareness and referrals toSMART Recovery.
  • 4-PointProgram®wordingsimplified to: 1. Buildingand MaintainingMotivation; 2. Copingwith Urges; 3. ManagingThoughts,Feelings andBehaviors;and 4.Living a BalancedLife.
  • As of12/31/11, there were667 SMART Recoverymeetings worldwide.2012
  • 1stMandarinChinese online meetingbegan in April.
  • Online registrationsincreasingto 1,000+per month.
  • Onemillionth visitor towebsite on January22nd(since trackingin began inMarch 2007).
  • Handbooktranslated intoVietnamese.
  • “April is Volunteer Month” – push forvolunteer solicitation and fundraisingeffort– over 50scholarshipapplicationsreceivedas of 4/18/12.
  • SpecialeventsincludedIs it True, or is it Helpful?, TheArt ofLivingSeries, andCombatingProcrastinationwas madeinto avideo series.
  • Half-timenew staffmember added tothe CentralOffice.
  • Partnership with addctionblog.orgto feature17 SMART Recoveryblogs.
  • SMART Recoveryjoins Faces and Voices of Recovery/ Association of RecoveryCommunityOrganizations
  • Trademarksandcopyrightsobtained for InsideOutmaterials.
  • Australia provides new FamilyCarersprogram forloved ones– US is editingparticipantmanual and facilitatorguidefor FamilyFriendsMeetings in theUS-- 1stFamilyFriendsFace to Face Meetingdebuted inColumbia, Maryland in April.