English II 2nd 9 Weeks 2016-2017
Read and apply “The Ways of Meeting Oppression” to Civil Disobedience and Antigone
Hand out Vocab 4 / 25
Continue “The Ways…” / 26/27
Return Poetry crossover short answers
Write short answers for “The Ways…” / 28
Class Discussion: Oppression and King’s assessment. Quiz- Cross over SAR
Black-out poetry – choose an excerpt from any of our readings so far! / November 1
TEST: DBA #2 / 2/3
TEST: DBA #2, continued
Work on Vocab 4 Crossword puzzle when finished / 4
QUIZ: Vocab 4 and recent grammar
Animal Farm Background; Begin reading chapter 1
Distribute Study Guide
Distribute Vocab 5 / 8
Bridges with Counselors / 9/10
Read and DiscussAF chapter 2 & 3
Handout and begin character chart (this will help with upcoming project!) / 11 – IPR #1
Read AF chapter 4
Scene sketch activity
Read and discussAF chapter 5 / 15
Day of Service
Finish reading Ch. 5 and catch up on Study Guide / 16/17
TEST: MC AF Chapters 1-5 & SAR
“Postcards from Snowball” Activity – turn in at end of class (If Time)
Work on Vocab Crossword Puzzle 5 / 18
QUIZ: Vocab 5 and recent grammar
21 / 22 / 23/24 / 25
Read AF Ch. 6
Assign Character Resume Project (Due Dec. 6) / 29
Read AF Ch. 7
Time to work on project / 30/Dec. 1
Project Workday
Read AF chapter 8 / 2
Read AF chapter 9
Catch up on Study Guide and Discussion
Read AF chapter 10
Finish Project- TYPE resume & cover letter to turnitin.com / 6
TEST GRADE: Project DUE and presentations / 7/8
“Farewell to Manzanar” Excerpts (page 954 in Lit. book) or present Political Speech (If time) / 9 – IPR #2
Finish: Crossover Animal Farm and “Farewell”
Review Animal Farm and skills from this semester
QUIZ GRADE: Turn in Animal Farm study guide / 13
Review Animal Farm and skills from this semester / 14/15 / 16 – End 1st Semester
Understanding Grades and Assignments
English II is broken down into summatives (which account for 60% of your grade; there will always be at least 3 per grading period) and formatives (40%; about 10-15 per grading period). Summatives comprise tests, essays, and projects. They are indicated in bold throughout the calendar. Formatives are further classified as being single, double, or sometimes triple. A double formative is referred to as a QUIZ, meaning that it counts twice that of a daily grade. All quizzes are marked on this calendar, but daily grades are often not placed on the calendar and will occur on days listing “Discussion and Activities.” The reasoning here is that discussion and activities are often influenced by our pacing in the current work, current events that could suddenly be applied to the current work, revisiting certain skills that students have not yet mastered, mastery of skills that can now be skipped, etc. If you were absent, you should always inquire about daily grades you might have missed.
Students have one week to make up a missed summative that took place in class. After one week from the student’s return to class, a ‘Z’ will be entered into the gradebook. Summatives that are due with a deadline (such as essays and projects) are docked 20 points per class day until they become a ‘0’.
Students have one week to make up a missed formative that took place in class. After one week from the student’s return to class, a permanent ‘0’ will be entered into the gradebook. Formatives that are due with a deadline (such as a short answer response or a study guide) are docked 20 points per class day until they become a ‘0’.
When reviewing returned work, if a student has not yet made up the assignment, he will be asked to leave the room. Students should always expect that make-ups will not be like the original assessment.