University of Pavia

Department of Economics and Management




The undersigned: Surname ______name ______, matr./, Degrees (name of Undegraduate or Master level) ______, year of Degree;tel.______completed the Erasmus / DD mobility period at the University of ______, in (Country) ______, email ______


to have attended at the host University the following activities required by their program of study abroad / learning agreement previously approved:

  1. ______

(indicate the name of the original exam in a foreign language)

to validate for  the exam  a part of exam

of ______n. CFU ____

(indicate the corresponding exam at the University of Pavia)

corresponding to the course taught by Prof.______

(indicate the name of the professor who teaches the course at the University of Pavia)

ECTSof foreign exam______

  1. ______

(indicate the name of the original exam in a foreign language)

to validate for  the exam  a part of exam

of ______n. CFU ____

(indicate the corresponding exam at the University of Pavia)

corresponding to the course taught by Prof.______

(indicate the name of the professor who teaches the course at the University of Pavia)

ECTS of foreign exam ______

  1. ______

(indicate the name of the original exam in a foreign language)

to validate for  the exam  a part of exam

of ______n. CFU ____

(indicate the corresponding exam at the University of Pavia)

corresponding to the course taught by Prof.______

(indicate the name of the professor who teaches the course at the University of Pavia)

ECTS of foreign exam ______

  1. ______

(indicate the name of the original exam in a foreign language)

to validate for  the exam  a part of exam

of ______n. CFU ____

(indicate the corresponding exam at the University of Pavia)

corresponding to the course taught by Prof.______

(indicate the name of the professor who teaches the course at the University of Pavia)

ECTS of foreign exam ______

  1. ______

(indicate the name of the original exam in a foreign language)

to validate for  the exam  a part of exam

of ______n. CFU ____

(indicate the corresponding exam at the University of Pavia)

corresponding to the course taught by Prof.______

(indicate the name of the professor who teaches the course at the University of Pavia)

ECTS of foreign exam ______

  1. ______

(indicate the name of the original exam in a foreign language)

to validate for  the exam  a part of exam

of ______n. CFU ____

(indicate the corresponding exam at the University of Pavia)

corresponding to the course taught by Prof.______

(indicate the name of the professor who teaches the course at the University of Pavia)

ECTS of foreign exam ______

  1. ______

(indicate the name of the original exam in a foreign language)

to validate for  the exam  a part of exam

of ______n. CFU ____

(indicate the corresponding exam at the University of Pavia)

corresponding to the course taught by Prof.______

(indicate the name of the professor who teaches the course at the University of Pavia)

ECTS of foreign exam ______

  1. ______

(indicate the name of the original exam in a foreign language)

to validate for  the exam  a part of exam

of ______n. CFU ____

(indicate the corresponding exam at the University of Pavia)

corresponding to the course taught by Prof.______

(indicate the name of the professor who teaches the course at the University of Pavia)

ECTS of foreign exam ______

  1. ______

(indicate the name of the original exam in a foreign language)

to validate for  the exam  a part of exam

of ______n. CFU ____

(indicate the corresponding exam at the University of Pavia)

corresponding to the course taught by Prof.______

(indicate the name of the professor who teaches the course at the University of Pavia)

ECTS of foreign exam ______

  1. ______

(indicate the name of the original exam in a foreign language)

to validate for  the exam  a part of exam

of ______n. CFU ____

(indicate the corresponding exam at the University of Pavia)

corresponding to the course taught by Prof.______

(indicate the name of the professor who teaches the course at the University of Pavia)

ECTS of foreign exam ______

  1. ______

(indicate the name of the original exam in a foreign language)

to validate for  the exam  a part of exam

of ______n. CFU ____

(indicate the corresponding exam at the University of Pavia)

corresponding to the course taught by Prof.______

(indicate the name of the professor who teaches the course at the University of Pavia)

ECTS of foreign exam ______

  1. ______

(indicate the name of the original exam in a foreign language)

to validate for  the exam  a part of exam

of ______n. CFU ____

(indicate the corresponding exam at the University of Pavia)

corresponding to the course taught by Prof.______

(indicate the name of the professor who teaches the course at the University of Pavia)

ECTS of foreign exam ______

  1. ______

(indicate the name of the original exam in a foreign language)

to validate for  the exam  a part of exam

of ______n. CFU ____

(indicate the corresponding exam at the University of Pavia)

corresponding to the course taught by Prof.______

(indicate the name of the professor who teaches the course at the University of Pavia)

ECTS of foreign exam ______

  1. ______

(indicate the name of the original exam in a foreign language)

to validate for  the exam  a part of exam

of ______n. CFU ____

(indicate the corresponding exam at the University of Pavia)

corresponding to the course taught by Prof.______

(indicate the name of the professor who teaches the course at the University of Pavia)

ECTS of foreign exam ______

  1. ______

(indicate the name of the original exam in a foreign language)

to validate for  the exam  a part of exam

of ______n. CFU ____

(indicate the corresponding exam at the University of Pavia)

corresponding to the course taught by Prof.______

(indicate the name of the professor who teaches the course at the University of Pavia)

ECTS of foreign exam ______

  1. ______

(indicate the name of the original exam in a foreign language)

to validate for  the exam  a part of exam

of ______n. CFU ____

(indicate the corresponding exam at the University of Pavia)

corresponding to the course taught by Prof.______

(indicate the name of the professor who teaches the course at the University of Pavia)

ECTS of foreign exam ______

A) Any additional information required to complete the exams in Pavia (only to fill if any information exists):

1)…………………………………………………………………………………………………… ECTS …….….

2)…………………………………………………………………………………………………… ECTS …….….

3)…………………………………………………………………………………………………… ECTS …….….

4)…………………………………………………………………………………………………… ECTS …….….

5)…………………………………………………………………………………………………… ECTS …….….

6)…………………………………………………………………………………………………… ECTS …….….

B) OTHER ACTIVITIES(1) TAKEN ABROAD (report any ECT’s credits obtained and evaluation):


C) OTHER ACTIVITIES(1) TO VALIDATE in Pavia (indicate any credits and recognized valuation):



(1) to "other assets" means all those other exams: frequency courses (only allowed for the preparation of the thesis), bibliographic research, laboratory work, participation in seminars, internship, etc.. Among the "other assets to be validated in Pavia" indicate any awards as of the Erasmus internship / training or suitability for supporting language exams in foreign languages, etc..

______, // ______

Country date signature of the student applicant