21 December 2009
Military Geography Specialty Group
Association of American Geographers
Annual Report
1. Mission Statement: Promote research and the exchange of information pertaining to military geography and advance scholarship that contributes to a deeper understanding of the sub-discipline. This sub-discipline is defined as the application of geographic information, tools, and techniques to solve military problems in peacetime or war. The sub-discipline is broadly defined to include those interested in physical, cultural, political, historical, environmental, remote sensing, GISci, and other application as they relate to military or security issues,
2. Dues Information: Individual dues are $5.00 and $3.00 for students.
3. Officers of the Specialty Group:
President: Dr. L Jean. Palmer-Moloney,
7701 Telegraph Rd., Bldg #2592
Alexandria, VA 22315
Office Phone: 703-428-1023
Secretary-Treasurer& Newsletter Editor: LTC Wiley Thompson (Ph.D.)
United States Military Academy
Dept of Geog and Env Engineering
West Point, NY 10996
Phone: 845-938-4035
4. Accomplishments:
Activities Scheduled: The specialty group will sponsor or co-sponsor four sessions at the annual meeting in Washington, D.C.
A new book is currently going to press which includes chapters written by numerous members of the specialty group: Galgano, F.A., and Palka, E.J. (eds.), 2009. Modern Military Geography, New York, New York: Routledge .
The specialty group has started a new communication tool at: http://aagmgsg.wordpress.com/
Future Plans and Directions: Continue to support the national AAG while developing a diverse and engaged specialty group.
Las Vegas Business Meeting: The MGSG meeting was during the annual conference in Las Vegas. A new president and secretary were elected at that time. The meeting included a reading of the minutes from the previous business meeting and a review of accomplishments.
Newsletter information: Current issue available from the specialty group website. http://aagmgsg.wordpress.com/
2010 Annual Meeting Plans: The specialty group will host dedicated sessions and continue its outreach efforts by co-hosting sessions with other specialty groups. Special effort will be made to outreach in local military geography topics as the conference is in an area with an old and unique geographical setting.
5. Membership and Participation: The current membership is 189 of which 83 are student members.
6. Financial Report: As provided by AAG, through August 2009.
Balance (August 09) $332
7. Suggestions for Council: None at this time.
Prepared by: W. Thompson.