

What is MAP?

MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) is a program provided by the Northwest Evaluation Association. (NWEA is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to help education “adapt to the child and not vice versa.”) The purpose of the MAP program is to provide information essential to the improvement of teaching and learning. MAP will supply BCPS with:

·  assessments

·  professional development

·  classroom resources

The computerized adaptive tests that MAP utilizes provide growth and achievement data that school districts can use to develop “targeted instructional strategies and plan school improvement.” Assessments are available in:

·  reading, language usage, mathematics

·  reading and mathematics for primary grades

·  science concepts, processes, and general science

How Does MAP Work?

When a student takes a MAP test, the computer will select a question appropriate for the grade level. Subsequent questions will be displayed according to how the student answers previous questions, with the level going up or down as necessary. Test results are immediately available as necessary. Some features of MAP include:

·  Tests are aligned to state and national curricula.

·  Tests are based on a continuum from low to high skills.

·  Tests are meant to be challenging—students aren’t expected to get everything right.

·  Tests are untimed—students have as much time as they need as long as they make progress.

·  Students can be tested up to four times a year in math, language usage, and reading. Science is designed to be tested up to three times a year.

·  Testing is designed to measure individual student growth.

·  Testing is for internal use so that teachers can target exactly where each student needs additional instruction.

How Does MAP Correlate to Standards—State and National?

MAP is already aligned to Kentucky standards, and NWEA provides a good deal of information about Kentucky-specific connections. To learn more, check out their Kentucky page at:

http://www.nwea.org/our-research/state-information?state=KY .

NWEA has already made initial correlations to Common Core State Standards for Math, Reading and Language Usage. They are continuing to integrate CCSS and will add enhanced items in the 2012-13 academic year. To learn more about MAP and CCCS, check out the resources at:


How Will I Be Trained in Using This Program?

NWEA will provide a one-hour webinar for all users of MAP. In addition, district personnel will be trained to provide assistance in the use of this program. Other sources of information/assistance include:

·  Knowledge Academy. These online courses will include:

o  MAP Basics (overview of basics of MAP)

o  What Every Teacher Needs to Know about MAP (how to use data to transform instruction)

o  Reports Basics for the Teacher (how to access and use NWEA Reports Site)

o  MAP For All Seasons (prepare for testing)

·  Resource Library. This set of links provides you with information you need to understand and implement this program. Those can be found at: http://www.nwea.org/helpful-information/resources

·  SPARK Community. SPARK is an online community that provides users with a forum for exchanging ideas. To learn more about SPARK and to join go to: http://www.nwea.org/spark-community


The first steps needed in preparing to utilize MAP are to:

1)  Read the introductory information in Issue 28 of Technology Talk.

2)  Attend a one-hour webinar.

Then, you need to get your equipment ready for administering and utilizing MAP.

What Do I Need To Do To My Computers?

Note: The Test Administration Application must be run on a Windows-based computer with Microsoft

Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher, the ability to run ActiveX, and local network access.

You need to make sure that your Internet browser is configured correctly in order to use the various features of the MAP Test Administration Application (MAP TAA). To make sure that yours are set proper, you should follow these steps:

1. From the IE Tools menu, select Internet Options.

2. Set the temporary Internet file settings:

3. On the General tab, click the Settings button.

4. Under "Check for newer versions of the stored pages,"

·  select "Every visit to the page" (in IE 6), or

·  "Every time I visit the web page" (in IE 7).

·  Click the OK button.

5. Set the IE cookie settings:

·  Click the Privacy tab, and then click the Advanced button.

·  Put a check mark in the "Override automatic cookie handling" check box.

·  Put a check mark in the "Always allow session cookies" check box.

·  Click the OK button twice to close the Internet Options dialog box.

Is Any Special Equipment Necessary?

Primary. Yes, all computers will need a sound card, and headphones will be required.

How Do I Login to the MAP TAA?

To access the website you should:

1.  Go to the following URL: https://map.nwea.org/taa.hta. A dialog box appears.

2.  Clicking Save will place a shortcut to MAP TAA in your default save location.

3.  Clicking Run will allow you to log in to MAP TAA.