Winter Solstice
- Shortest day of the year
- Marks the beginning of winter, not the middle
- Not the coldest day, however, because the oceans take a long time to cool down
- Light-year- distance light travels in a year
- Works well for interstellar distances
- Parsec- 3.26 light-years
- Makes parallax calculations easier
- If operating a spacecraft, it is useful to use light-seconds and light-minutes
- 1 radian = 206,265 arcsec
- s = rθ
- r = s/θ, where s always = 1 AU
- 1 parsec = 206,265 AU
- Suppose parallax is 0.25 arcsec
- r = (1 AU/ 0.25 arcsec) x (206,265 arcsec/ 1 rad)
r= 206,265(4 AU) = 4 parsecs
- If s = 1 AU and θ is in arcseconds, r = 1/θ
- Closest star to Earth (other than the Sun) is 2-3 light-years away
- Astrometry- measuring where stars are
- Atmospheric effects can blur images, making astrometry difficult
- Calculations were good to 10 milliarcseconds for a long time
- We’re 10,000 parsecs from the center of the galaxy
- 25,000 parsecs from the far end of the galaxy
- The Andromeda galaxy is over 3 million light-years away
- We’ve gotten better at measuring parallax
- Better satellites can measure parallax down to the microarcsec
- Cepheid variables is a class of variable stars
- Yellow supergiants are big and bright
- Eg. Polaris and Eta Carinae, which flared up to become the brightest star for a while in the 19th century
- Period of oscillation for a Cepheid:
- Speed of fluctuation in apparent magnitude correlates with size
- Cepheids are very bright- 1,000-10,000x brighter than the Sun (in absolute terms)
- Sirius had the brightest apparent magnitude among stars (other than the Sun)
- Standard candle- any astronomical object that has a known brightness
- Apparent magnitude (m)- measure of brightness of an object as seen by an observer on Earth
- Absolute magnitude (M)- apparent magnitude an object would have if it were 10 parsecs out
- Sun’s apparent magnitude is -7; absolute magnitude is 7 or 8
- Red dwarfs- tiny little stars you can’t see naked eye (too dim)
- Most common type of star
- 10x farther away, light goes down by a factor of 100, magnitude of 5
- m – M = 5(logd-1), where d=distance
- Andromeda is the closest galaxy
- We don’t know what our own galaxy looks like because there’s lots of dust in our plane
- 2-3º in the sky (4-6x bigger than the moon), but it is very dim
- Galaxies were first viewed as nuisances- called spiral nebulae for a long time
- Hubble figured out what galaxies were, and that they were millions of light-years away
- People came to the realization: oh shit, they’re big, and oh shit, they’re bright
- Andromeda has 300 billions stars, and is 100 light-years across
- Turned astronomy on its head: universe is bigger than we had thought
Hubble’s Law
- Hubble deep field- image of a small region in the constellationUrsa Major, constructed from a series of observations by the Hubble Space Telescope
- It covers an area 2.5 arcminutes across
- One of the most fundamental findings was the discovery of large numbers of galaxies with high redshift values
- Redshift- idea more prominent in sound when an object approaches, it has a high pitch wave, and if moving away, it has a low pitch wave
- Only Andromeda is not moving away from us
- Hubble’s Law- the redshift in light coming from distant galaxies is proportional to their distance; the farther they are from us, the faster they are moving away
- Stuff that’s twice as far away moves away twice as fast
- Something that is infinitely large can expand; easily demonstrated through a number line
- Einstein found that the rate of the universe’s expansion is speeding up
- Universe if mainly helium and hydrogen
- Hubble’s Constant- rate at which universe is expanding; 72 (km/s)/Mpc
- Age = distance because light-years mean light travels a year
- Isotropy- a property of a system that is direction independent
- Most of the universe is isotropic
- Our sun will never go supernova
- 1 supernova is as bright as a galaxy for days to weeks
- Just look for a star that appears out of nowhere and then fades
- We don’t know the absolute magnitude of supernovae
- Type IA Supernovae: start with a binary star system: white dwarf and conventional star
- A white dwarf is what conventional stars end up as when they run out of stuff to burn (hydrogen)
- Very dense
- Sun is about 300,000x Earth’s mass (which is 6g/cm3)
- 1 cm3 of white dwarf = 1800 kg or 4000 lbs
- In the binary star system, a white dwarf can gain mass from its regular star neighbor
- Chandrasekhar Limit: max possible size for a white dwarf; about 1.4x mass of our Sun
- Why doesn’t normal matter collapse? Because atoms don’t like overlapping each other; electrons push each other apart
- Once something starts collapsing, there’s nothing to stop it
- When things falls towards a center, it heats up
- Eventually, everything fuses into iron when a white dwarf collapses, blasting itself into nothing and turning mass into energy; the same amount of energy that is given off by the Sun in 10 billion years is given off in a fraction of a second)
- Type IA Supernovae make good Standard Candles (for determining distance of stuff that far away)
Eyes vs Binoculars
- Pupils let in light
- 7 mm in diameter when dilated
- Everything looks better with binoculars, which collect more light, letting you see dimmer things
- 7x50 means 50 mm diameter lens, which lets in 50x more light than eyes (72)
Clusters and Nebulae
- Globular cluster- spherically shaped cluster of stars that holds together through own gravity
- Contains hundreds of thousands of stars
- Open cluster- don’t have obvious boundaries
- Not as large as globular clusters
- 10s of thousands of stars
- Not cohesive over billions of years
- Dissipate over time
- Represent regions where stars recently formed
- Ring nebula- planetary nebula; nothing to do with planet, but look like them
- Orion nebula is in the process of becoming an open cluster
- Planetary nebulae are in arcsecond range
- Expand when they grow older
- Look like planets, but don’t move in relation to the sky
- Eg. Cat’s Eye Nebula
- Emission nebulae- take gas and heat it up, giving off light
- Reflection nebulae- dust reflects light from nearby things
- Absorption nebulae- block out light
- Great Rift Nebula in the middle of the Milky Way
- Moon-viewing sucks when the moon is full since you can’t see typography without shadows
- Most interesting moon is at day-night divider (terminator)
- Problem with daytime viewing is seeing (stability of the atmosphere
- Air is turbulent, blurring image
- Better seeing when it’s cold and there’s little sunlight
- Solar viewing is possible with an almost opaque filter
- Narrowband filters are opaque except to one particular color, allowing you to see past the exterior layers of the Sun
- Solar telescopes sold by Coronado
- Cheapest: Coronado PST Solar Telescope ($499 at
- Most Expensive: Coronado SolarMax 90 Telescope ($6999 at
EM Radiation Telescopes
- Gamma rays- not possible through air since atmosphere is not transparent to gamma
- X-rays-not possible through air
- Ultraviolet- marginally possible through air
- Visible- majority of astro since the atmosphere is pretty transparent to visible light
- Infrared- tough through air because warm stuff gives off IR: space telescope better
- Microwave-
- Radio- dying science since everyone uses radio; radio telescopes look like giant dishes; easier to make because you don’t have to be as precise
- Space telescopes are really expensive
- Ground telescopes have 8-12 m diameter mirrors, compared to Hubble’s 2-3 m mirror
- Ground telescopes superseding HST with crisper images
- There’s talk about building a radio telescope on the far side of the moon (side that’s always facing away from Earth)