Employment Agency Name : Employment Care Consultancy Pte Ltd

License No. : 11C4019

Reference No. : ______

This employment contract is made between (a) The Employment and (b) The Foreign Domestic Worker (FDW) in Section A, based on the terms contained in Section B.

A copy of the Contract (with all blanks filled in and options selected)and Job Scope Sheet (Annex A) translated into the FDW’s language should be given to the FDW in her home country before she signs the contract.

The Schedules of Salary Payment and Loan (including loan for placement fee) Repayment (Annex B) shall be filled up at the same time the contract is signed.

Section A : Particulars of Parties in Contract______

(a) The Employer

Full Name : ______

NRIC/Passport No. : ______

Address : ______


(b) The Foreign Domestic Worker (FDW)

Full Name : ______

Work Permit No. : ______

Passport No. : ______

Section B: Terms of Contract______

Part I: Employment Period and Workplace

1.The FDW shall be employed by the Employer as a domestic worker for a period specified in the FDW’s work permit.

2.The FDW shall work and reside only in the Employer’s residence as specified in the FDW’s work permit.

Part II: Responsibilities of the FDW

3.The FDW shall undertake to perform her work diligently and honestly at all time.

4.The FDW shall not take up, or be required by the Employer to take up, any employment with any other person(s).

Part III: Remuneration and Benefits

5.The Employer shall pay the FDW wages of SGD ______per month.

6.The salary shall be paid on the ______day of every month.

7.The FDW shall acknowledge the amount received under her signature in the attached Schedule of Salary Payment (Annex B) as proof of payment. Where applicable, the FDW shall make a monthly loan (including loan for placement fee) repayment with the Employment Agency, through monthly payments to the employer in accordance with the Schedule of Loan (including loan for placement fee) Repayment in Annex B.

8.The salary will be paid by *cash/crediting into the FDW’s bank account (delete where applicable).

9.The Employer shall provide the FDW with suitable accommodation in accordance with MOM’s guidelines, with reasonable amount of privacy. Please tick where applicable:

Share a room with ______child/children

Separate room

Others (please specify):


10.The Employer shall provide at least three adequate meals a day to the FDW, over and above the salary paid.

11.The Employer shall provide the FDW with eight hours (recommended 8 hours) of continuous rest daily (except for occasional special-care cases), with reasonable rest periods during working hours.

12.The FDW shall be entitled to *one/two/three/four rest day(s) a month, on a day mutually agreed (*delete where applicable). If the rest day was not taken, the FDW shall be compensated in cash as agreed in writing between the employer and the FDW. If there is no such existing agreement, the accreditation body’s prevailing compensation guideline shall apply.

13.Should both parties (Employer and FDW) agree to extend this contract, she (the FDW) shall be entitled to 15 days (recommended 15 days) of paid home leave (inclusive of a return ticket to her City of Origin).

14.If the FDW does not wish to utilize her leave as stated in clause 13, the Employer shall pay the FDW *a lump sum of equivalent to the return ticket to her City of origin/a lump sum of S$ ______(delete where applicable).

15.In the event that the FDW falls ill or suffers personal injury during the period of employment, except for the period the FDW leaves Singapore of her own violation and for her own personal purposes, the Employer shall bear all the necessary treatment costs, including medical consultation, medicine, hospitalization and others.

16.External communications shall be made available for the FDW and the employer must allow the FDW seek the advice/help of the relevant bodies/authorities such as the Employment Agency, Ministry of Manpower etc at all times.

17.The employer shall provide safe working conditions for the FDW at all times.

Part IV: Termination

18.Either party may terminate this Contract by giving one week notice (recommended at least one week).

19.Either party may terminate the Contract without notice is either party is in breach of the work permit condition(s).

20.In cases where the employer decides to terminate the contract under any circumstances, the employer should ensure the FDW’s proper upkeep until she is repatriated or transferred to another employer, whichever is applicable.

21.The employer shall be responsible to bear the cost of repatriation of the FDW at all times.

22.Upon termination or expiry of the contract, the Employer shall bear the cost of repatriating FDW back to ______(her town/city of origin) in ______(country).

23.Should both parties agree to renew this employment relationship, a new employment contract shall be signed by both the employer and the FDW.

Part V: Others

24.Any substantial variation or addition to the terms of this Contract shall be deemed void unless made with the consent of both parties to the Contract and a witness through signatories.

25.Any dispute arising from this Contract shall be referred to the Employment Agency for mediation. If it cannot be settled, the dispute can be referred at the election of either party to an alternative dispute resolution mechanism.

26.In the case whereby any term of the contract contradicts the existing Work Permit conditions or any Singapore government regulations, the latter two shall supersede.

Section C: Employer’s Declaration______

I have read and understood the contents of this Contract, and hereby agree to abide by it.

The Employer’s Signature : ______

Witness by (Name & Signature) : ______

Date : ______

Section D: Foreign Domestic Worker’s Declaration______

I have read and understood the contents of this Contract, and hereby agree to abide by it.

The Foreign Domestic Worker’s Signature: ______

Witnessed by (Name & Signature) : ______

Date : ______

Job Scope Sheet for Foreign Domestic Worker Annex A

Employment Agency Name : Employment Care Consultancy Pte Ltd

License No. : 11C4019 Reference No. : ______

This job scope sheet pertains to the job offer made by the Employer to the FDW. It shall be translated into the FDW’s language and given to her before she signs the employment contract.

Particulars of Parties

The Employer

Full Name : ______NRIC/Passport No. : ______

The Foreign Domestic Worker (FDW)

Full Name : ______Passport No. : ______

Job Scope

27.Persons in household of Employer’s family:


______Youngadults aged 13 to 18

______Children aged 5 to 12

______Children aged from 3 to 5

______infants/babies below 3

______Person(s) requiring constant care and attention (excluding babies)

28.The FDW shall be required to perform domestic duties as follows (to tick where applicable):

Household chores


Looking after aged person(s) in the household (constant attention is *required/not required)



Others (please specify):



29. Place of Work (to tick where applicable):

a) House Type:

Landed Property

Condominium/Private Apartment

HDB 5-room or larger

HDB_____-Room Flat (specify no. of rooms)

Others ______(specify)

b) Number of Bedrooms in the house: ______


Employer FDW



Employment Agency License No. : 11C4019

Parties of this agreement would retain a copy of this signed agreement each.


This contract is dated ______(add/mm/yyyy) and make between.

(1) Full Name of Employment Agency ("Agency"):Employment Care Consultancy Pte Ltd

Registered Business Address : 291 Joo Chiat Road #02-09 JK Centre

Singapore 427543

(2) Full Name of Employer ("Employer") : ______

NRIC/Passport Number : ______

Address : ______


* Delete where appropriate in the contract.

It is hereby agreed between the parties that:

1. Appointment of Services

1.1 The Employer hereby appoints the Agency to secure the services of a Foreign Domestic Worker (FDW) (set out in the Services & Fees Schedule) for a contract for service on the terms and conditions that appear below.

1.2The period of this Service Agreement shall be from the date of signing this contract, to the last day of employment of the last FDW provided by the Agency for the Employer, subject to the validity of the work permit as well as the clauses under Section 3 on Replacement and Guarantee.

1.3The Agency shall hand over the FDW to the employer within 90 days after obtaining the Letter of Notification to bring FDW into Singapore “by Minister of Manpower, subject to the conditions under Clause 3.2 Table 1.

2. Fees Payment

2.1 In consideration of the services to be provided by the agency, the Employer shall pay the following fees as set out in the Services & Fees Schedule:

i Service Fees charge on Employer

Total package fee of S$ ______shall be paid to the Agency for the services rendered in the following manner:

a.A deposit of S$______(if any), shall be paid in full before the Agency submits the Employer's application to the Ministry of Manpower.

b.The balance of S$______when the FDW reports for work/duty.

ii) Placement Fee

The placement fee of S$ ______which comprises (a) of the service fees charged on the FDW by the Agency and (b) personal loan incurred by the FDW whilst employment in her native hometown overseas and or whilst she is on local transfer after failing to satisfy her current Employer needs.

  1. Local Placement Fee charged on the FDW by the Agency amount to S$ ______
  2. Personal loan know as Overseas Placement Fee incurred by the FDW whilst she is seeking Employment in her native home town this amount to S$ ______as agreed by the FDW through the salary deduction table which is duly signed by the FDW through in the presence of the Employer on the day of deployment.
  3. The Employer agrees to pay the total placement fees of S$ ______on behalf of the FDW which the Employer is authorized to recover from the FDW through salary deduction as agreed upon whose quantum is determined in the Employment contract.

2.2Apart from the Service Fee, the Agency confirms that there are no hidden or other costs or expense that the Employer shall be liable except those, if any under the Agreement.

2.3All payments shall exclude the prevailing Goods and Services Tax (GST). (We are non-registered GST Company).

3Replacement and Guarantee

3.1According to the Services & Fees Schedule, the Employer is entitle to one free replacement of FDW from the Agency. This is subject to the conditions below and those stated in clause 4.

3.1.1The replacement(s) shall be subjected to the following:

(i)A new fees schedule for replacement (Form B) contained within this Agreement shall be signed.

(ii)The replacement FDW shall be of the same nationality and selection criteria as the previous FDW unless both parties explicitly agree to the contrary. In the event that an Employer selects a replacement (FDW) whose nationality is different from that of the FDW to be replaced, the Employer shall have to pay the difference in the prescribed package and replacement fee, if applicable.

(iii)The replacement shall take effect within ______months after which time, if the Agency fails to provide a replacement, subject to the clauses under Section 5 on Refund Policy.

3.2Under the circumstances depicted in Table 1, the Agency shall provide the employer with a replacement FDW at no additional cost. Such replacement(s) would not be counted towards the employer's entitlement in clause 3.1.

Table 1: Circumstances where employers are entitled to replacements at no additional cost to employer and not counting towards entitlement in clause

a) FDW is found to have breached any Work Permit Conditions and/or failed any entry requirements stipulated by the Ministry of Manpower.
b) FDW fails, refuses or is otherwise unable to come to Singapore for whatever reasons(s) to take up the intended employment within 90 days of the Employer's selection of the FDW :-

3.3In the event that the FDW needs to be repatriated as a result of the circumstances stated in clause 3.2 (a) or (b), the Agency shall be responsible for and bear the cost of repatriation of the FDW to her country of origin.

3.4Under the circumstances depicted in Table 2, the Employer shall not be entitled to areplacement as provided in Clause 3.1:

Table 2: Circumstances where employers are not entitled to replacements as provided in Clause 3.1

a) The employer is found to have breached any Work Permit Conditions
b) The employer terminates and repatriates the FDW without the Agency's prior knowledge.
c) If the FDW dies from any mishap or accident as a result of the employer's actions.

3.5Pursuant to clause 3.4, the Employer shall bear all the costs, incurred including medical expenses, for the duration of the relevant authorities' investigation in any event or despite any official finding or outcome.


1. Under the EA license conditions, the licensee is required to bear the cost of repatriation of any non-citizen brought into Singapore by the licensee if the work permit is not issued, or if the non-citizen is not placed in employment, or if the work permit is revoked under scenarios such as 3.2a or b.

3.6In the event that the Employer opts not to have a replacement (FDW) as stated in clauses 3.1 and 3.2 when FDW(s) which matches the Employer's selection criteria is available, the Employer shall not be entitled to the refund of any part of the service fees so paid to the Agency.

4Conditions for replacement/transfer

4.1The Employer may request for a replacement after the FDW has worked for the Employer at least _4__ weeks but before the expiry of the replacement period which was agreed (set out in the Services & Fees Schedule). The grant of replacement is subject to thefollowing:

4.1.1 The Employer agrees to transfer the FDW to a new employer specified by the Agency and will not in any way prevent or jeopardize the FDW's transfer or opportunity to seek re-employment with other employer, unless the employer can show to the satisfaction of the Agency that the FDW is medically unfit to work as a domestic worker or has committed a criminal offence in Singapore.

4.1.2For request of transfer, the Employer must sign the Consent to Transfer Form from the Work Permit Office to allow the FDW to seek employment with the new Employer.

4.1.3The Employer must release the FDW to the Agency for ____days for her to be interviewed and re-deployed. During this period, the employer shall bear the cost of providing the FDW with food and accommodation (at a rate of $____ per day, (if applicable), in addition to the levy payable. Thereafter, the Agency shall bear the costs, until it finds a new employer for the FDW.

4.2In the event of any fines or penalties imposed by the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) and/or the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) if the FDW overstays due to any delay resulting from either the Employer's or the Agency's failure to complete the transfer of the FDW to the new Employer, the party at fault shall bear the costs.

4.3The Agency will bring the replacement (FDW) into Singapore only when the existing FDW is successfully approved by the Work Pass Division for transfer to the new Employer.

4.4In the event that the FDW seeks the protection of the Embassy of her home country, the Agency shall not be held responsible for the FDW'action.

4.5The Agency reserves the right to arrange for a replacement subject to the selection of a new FDW by the Employer, in the event of delay or non arrival of the FDW due to death, injury, sickness, civil unrest, war or any acts of God or other circumstances beyond the agency' control.

4.6The Employer reserves the right to reject the intended replacement and terminate this Agreement if the replacement does not fulfil Employer's selection criteria (based on the original selection criteria).

5.Refund Policy

5.1The Employer shall be entitled to the following refunds of the service fee less the administrative charge from the Agency within __2__weeks if the Employer terminates the agreement orally, in writing or by conduct with the Agency in accordance to the following circumstances:

Event / Administrative
I / FDW Work Permit Application is rejected by the Ministry of Manpower due to no fault of the Agency / S$100.00
ii / Before the submission of the Employers application to the Ministry of Manpower / S$ 50.00
iii / After the submission of the application to the Ministry of Manpower / S$ 70.00
iv / After the in-principle approval by MO but before FDW arrives Singapore / S$200.00
v / After the in-principle approval by MOM and after FDW arrives Singapore / N/A

* Deletewhere appropriate.

5.2If the FDW withdraws from her application for whatever reason, the Employer shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement or re-select a substitute FDW at no additional cost.

5.3Should the Employer decides to terminate the contract of the FDW prematurely and returns the FDW to the Agency, the Agency shall refund to the Employer any advance payment made in the form of placement fee within the period stated under Clause 5.1, on a pro-rated basis, based on ____months of the FDW' salary.

5.4The Employer shall inform the EA __2__ weeks before the FDW's services is terminated and repatriated.

5.5If the Employer terminates and repatriates the FDW without the Agency's prior knowledge, the Employer will be liable for the Placement Fee of the FDW set out in Clause 2.1 (ii) if this is still outstanding.

6Special Provision

6.1The Agency should exercise due diligence in ensuring the accuracy of all personal information given in the bio-data of the FDW, within the Agency's reasonable control to check and verify.

6.2The Agency shall ensure that the FDW arrives on time as scheduled, but should there be any delay not caused by the Agent, the Agent will not be liable for any claims made by the Employer for consequential loss of delay.

6.3The Employer shall permit the Agency or such authorized persons as the agency may appoint to visit the work location to determine the welfare of the FDW and to observe and adjudge the performance of her obligations to the Employer or Agent.