PTO Donations in Workday
Employee Donating to Another Employee
Employee A donates 8 hours of his PTO to Employee B. Employee A's rate of pay is $20/hr but Employee B's rate of pay is $10. Employee B would receive 16 hours of PTO ($20 * 8 = 160 / $10 = 16). A Time Off Partner would make the following adjustments for the employees.
Step 1: Employee A(donator) adjustment for PTO to decrement bank:
- From Related Actions > Time and Leave > Maintain Accrual and Time Off Adjustments/Overrides
- Add a row by clicking on the " + "
- Find your PTO/vacation plan that has the " … Donate Time Off" so that it will decrement the bank but not pay out money to the employee
- In Units, enter the number of hours they are donating
- In Period, identify the period the hours were donated
- In Comments, identify who the hours were donated to and any other pertinent information
- Click OK; click Done
Step 2: Employee B(receiver) adjustment for PTO to add to their bank of time:
Due to limitations on accruals by period or annual maximums to accrue, this method can be used to update donated hours to the bank without having an impact on the employee's accrual amounts.
- From Related Actions > Time and Leave > Maintain Accrual and Time Off Adjustments/Overrides
- Add a row by clicking on the " + "
- Find your PTO/vacation plan that has the " … Donate Time Off" – we will be using a negative (-) number so that it will add to the bank but not affect any accruals for the period or year.
- In Units, enter the number of hours they are receiving from the donation (i.e. -8.00)
- In Period, identify the period the hours were donated
- In Comments, identify who donated the hours (by empl id) and any other pertinent information
- Click OK; click Done
Employee Donating to a Charity
Employee has elected to donate 8 hours of PTO to a charitable donation. These donations are taxable and Trinity has determined that they should be processed quarterly, via off cycle checks and the donations are at the NET amount (after taxes).
Step 1:
- The Payroll Partner would use earnings code 4082_PTO Donation to Charity on the Off Cycle check to enter the PTO hours.
- Calculate the check
- Take the net amount and update the specific Foundation/Charity Deduction code. The amount for the deduction is what the employee would identify on their tax return as their charitable contribution
- Recalculate the check
- Validate the net amount is $0.00
- Complete the check
Step 2: A Time Off Partner would then adjust the hours for the donating employee to decrement the bank.
- From Related Actions > Time and Leave > Maintain Accrual and Time Off Adjustments/Overrides
- Add a row by clicking on the " + "
- Find your PTO/vacation plan that has the " … Donate Time Off" so that it will decrement the bank but not pay out money to the employee
- Click OK; click Done
Created April 2017