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Sample Press Release- Prevention

Self Care for Life – Thrive and Survive

To mark Self Care Week 2015 (16 – 22 November) [your organisation name] want to raise awareness about how you can Self Care for Life, and is organising [insert details of local events].

What is the purpose of life if it isn’t to thrive and survive? Living well and being healthy will help us to do that. This means practicing Self Care for Life which most of us already do on a daily basis. Choosing to brush our teeth, to eat healthily, to self-treat common ailments and to be active are all positive self care actions.

[Local GP or public health director]“We can also do more to stave off conditions that can be prevented such as type2 diabetes, heart disease and COPD (chronic pulmonary obstructive disease) which are on the increase.

“Here are some simple steps to Self Care for Life and help to prevent avoidable conditions:

  • “Move more! You don’t even have to join a gym, just walk the dog, leave the car at home, ignore the bus, take the stairs, dance around the kitchen table, go for a walk!
  • “Stop smoking! One of the best things you can do for your health is to stop smoking. Ask your local pharmacist about stop smoking services.
  • “Sleep. A good night’s sleep is essential to good physical and mental health so don’t burn the candle at both ends, make sure you get at least 7 hours sleep a night!
  • “Eat well. It is vitally important that we get the nutrients we need and avoid excessive amounts of salt, fat and sugar. Information is available from the NHS Choices website or ask your pharmacist for advice on managing your weight.
  • “Relax. We have such busy lives that we sometimes forget to take time out to relax, but it is essential for our physical and mental wellbeing. Find time in the day to be still and quieten your mind, holistic exercise such as yoga can also be helpful. “

During Self Care Week, and always, make time to think about the positive steps you can take to Self Care for Life. Thrive to survive. For more information on how to Self Care for Life why not join us [add information here about your Self Care Week programme of activities].

Notes to editors:

  1. Self Care Week takes place 16-22 November 2015 and has the theme “Self care for life.”
  2. Self Care Week is a yearly campaign to raise awareness about the benefits of self care and what people can do to take better care of their own health and their family’s health. The point of the campaign is to promote and encourage more self care across communities, families and generations.
  3. Information Resources:

(Self Care Forum fact sheets)

(Treat Yourself Better website)

NHS Choices)

(Antibiotics Guardian)

(Antibiotics Awareness)

(Stay Well this Winter campaign)

4. Internal contact details for journalists