Meeting called to order by Scott Goeddel at 7:03 p.m.
Meeting Minutes: October minutes approved by Karen Schultheis and Paige Brown.
Treasurer Report: Approved by Karen Matzenbacher and RusselGregson.
Uniforms: They are all being picked up after meeting to be washed and put back in the closet.
Truck/Trailer: We haven’t done much yet with looking in to a truck, but will do more now that marching season is over. Still tossing ideas around, if anyone has any ideas please bring them up at the next meeting.
Chili Supper: We did really well considering the weather; we will know a final figure when we get all the bills in. We still have about 8 gallons of chili left if anyone is interested in purchasing some. Please contact Elise Finnerty for more information.
Cheesecake Fundraiser: We did really well on this fundraiser, plan on doing it again.
Mrs. Claus Kitchen: Elise Finnerty has sent out the email to sign up on doodle.com for making cookies/breads/candies and also to work the event. We usually do really well on this fundraiser.
Candlelight House Tour: We are in need of 2-3 more houses in order to be able to move forward with this fundraiser. If you or anyone you know is interested in putting their house on the tour, please contact Karen Schultheis.
Mouse Races: The date for this event is Saturday, January 24th, at the VFW. We will have some extra fundraisers at this event to go toward the truck. We are tossing ideas around, more to follow when the event gets closer.
Mr. Mullins: The schedule for the rest of the year has been sent home with your child, if you did not receive it go to the marchingbulldogs.org website where it is posted.
The Variety Show will be held March 28th in the WHS Auditorium. Mr. Mullins is in need of a Chairperson for the dessert part of the event. If you are interested, please contact Mr. Mullins.
The Marching Bulldogs Banquet will be held on Tuesday, November 18th, at 6:30 p.m. in the High School Cafeteria. Papa Vito’s will be providing the food for the banquet. Reservation forms for the banquet need to be turned into Mr. Mullins by Tuesday, November 11th, checks can be made out to WBPO.
Next Meeting will be Monday, January 12, at 7 p.m. in the band room. There will not be a meeting in December.
Motion to adjourn meeting by: Jason Griffin and DebbieScace.